Page 13 - AHATA
P. 13

                                                                                                                           Monday 28 May 2018

            SBMF18: This night was on fire

            ORANJESTAD – The 18  an-
            nual  Soul  Beach  Music…
            stop  right  there.  It  used  to
            be just a beach music fes-
            tival  now  it’s  just  the  Soul
            Beach    Experience.   The
            concert  is  more  like  icing
            on  a  cake.    This  has  be-
            come a weeklong celebra-
            tion  of  beach,  beach  par-
            ties,  its  own  comedy  jam
            and then the concerts, but
            not  necessarily  in  that  or-
            der. And let’s not forget, the

            Comedy  Night  has  always
            set  the  tone  for  SBMF  by
            bringing  some  of  the  best
            talent  out  there.  And  this
            year was no different.  Syd-
            ney  Castillo  and  Buddy    Photo by:  Niisha Butler
            Lewis  got  the  night  going.   took over the music festival.  ing  through  their  hip  hop-  ed  with  a  reunion  album  this  girl  was  on  fire.  Alicia
            The  headliner  of  the  show   In  the  late  80’s  and  early  soul playbook.        “Guy  III.”  During  the  show  Keys made a packed Har-
            was  the  multi-talented  ac-  90’s  no  party  or  radio  sta-    “Groove  Me,”  “She’s  Just  all three acts were interwo-  bor  Arena  feel  like  a  small
            tor, writer, director and star   tion were without the guys.   a  Fantasy”  and  “Teddy’s  ven throughout the set.    intimate club setting.  Also
            of  his  own  Netflix  special   Guy was the guys to dance  Jam,”  “Do me Right” and  The  group  closed  with  a  present was the 2018 Voice
            “Woke-ish,”  Marlon  Way-    to.                          “Let’s Chill.”               club favorite, and cover of  winner Chris Blue  to sing  a
            ans.                         Although  they  are  now,  All three men had success-     the  Gap  Band’s  “Yearnin’  duet.  To close out a fantas-
                                         men of a certain age, the  ful  solo  careers  during  the  For Your Love”             tic first night, Keys sang “No
            SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE          trio  danced  freely  across  greater part of the 90’s with  With very little space left to  One,” and “New York: Em-
            Esha, Guy, and Alicia Keys
                                         the stage, seamlessly jump-  reunion tours that culminat-  get hotter, needless to say  pire State of Mind.”q
            Alicia Keys held sway over
            the crowd. With everything
            so  good,  it  makes  it  hard
            to  have  a  favorite  songs
            playlist of Keys’ songs.  She
            bought a Caribbean flair to
            the festival by singing ‘You
            Don’t Know My Name’ with
            a reggae beat and a great
            cover  of  Bob  Marley’s
            `Could You Be Loved.’
            After  almost  two  decades
            in  the  industry,  Keys,  has
            been a vocal coach on the
            hit  TV  show,  “The  Voice,”
            since 2016.
            But before Keys graced the
            stage  Aruba’s  pop  prin-
            cess, Esha, started the eve-
            ning off with strong set. She
            appeared  to  be  element
            on the stage and surprised
            a lot of the early crowd with
            her stage presence.
            Barely 16 and talent-laden
            many  can  look  forward  to
            a  bright  future  for  this  tal-
            ent-laden artist.
            King  of  New  Jack  Swing,
            Teddy  Riley  and  Guy  with
            Aaron  and  Damien  Hall
                                         Photo by:  Niisha Butler
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