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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Tuesday 24 sepTember 2024
            U.S. is sending more troops to the Middle East as violence rises

            between Israel and Hezbollah

            By TARA COPP and                                                                                                    Lebanon while commercial
            LOLITA C. BALDOR                                                                                                    options  still  remain  avail-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    able,” the State Department
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  The                                                                                            cautioned Saturday. Ryder
            U.S. is sending a small num-                                                                                        would  not  say  if  those  ad-
            ber of additional troops to                                                                                         ditional forces might support
            the Middle East in response                                                                                         the evacuation of those citi-
            to a sharp spike in violence                                                                                        zens if needed.
            between Israel and Hezbol-                                                                                          There  is  already  a  Marine
            lah forces in Lebanon that                                                                                          amphibious ready group in
            has raised the risk of a great-                                                                                     the eastern Mediterranean
            er regional war, the Penta-                                                                                         Sea,  with  the  26th  Marine
            gon said Monday.                                                                                                    Expeditionary  Unit  aboard,
            Pentagon  press  secretary                                                                                          which  is  expected  to  be
            Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder would                                                                                           able to assist in an evacua-
            provide  no  details  on  how                                                                                       tion if needed.
            many  additional  forces  or                                                                                        Defense  Secretary  Lloyd
            what they would be tasked                                                                                           Austin  held  back-to-back
            to do. The U.S. currently has                                                                                       calls  with  Israeli  Defense
            about  40,000  troops  in  the                                                                                      Minister  Yoav  Gallant  over
            region.                                                                                                             the weekend as he pressed
            On  Monday,  the  aircraft                                                                                          for a cease-fire and a reduc-
            carrier USS Harry S. Truman,                                                                                        tion of tensions in the region,
            two Navy destroyers and a    Pentagon spokesman Air Force Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder speaks during a press briefing at the Pentagon   Ryder said.
            cruiser set sail from Norfolk,   on Tuesday, Sept. 17, 2024 in Washington.                         Associated Press  “Given  the  tensions,  given
            Virginia, headed to the Sixth                                                                                       the  escalation,  as  I  high-
            Fleet  area  in  Europe  on  a  tional  security  reasons,  I’m  ern and eastern Lebanon.  sions.                   lighted, there is the potential
            regularly scheduled deploy-  not  going  to  comment  on  U.S. officials said a decision  It will take the Truman about  for a wider regional conflict.
            ment. The ships’ departure  or provide specifics.”        is  expected  soon,  possibly  two weeks to cross the At-  I don’t think we’re there yet,
            opens up the possibility that  The new deployments come  this  week,  on  whether  the  lantic Ocean and get into  but  it’s  a  dangerous  situa-
            the U.S. could keep both the  after significant strikes by Is-  Lincoln will stay in the Middle  the Mediterranean Sea. The  tion,” Ryder said.
            Truman and the aircraft car-  raeli forces against targets  East  or  continue  on  to  the  officials spoke on condition  The U.S. presence in the Mid-
            rier  USS  Abraham  Lincoln,  inside  Lebanon  that  have  Asia-Pacific.               of  anonymity  to  discuss  dle East is designed both to
            which is in the Arabian Gulf,  killed hundreds and as Israel  Having  two  carrier  strike  troop movements.        help defend Israel and pro-
            in the region in case more  is preparing to conduct fur-  groups in the Middle East at  The  State  Department  is  tect U.S. and allied person-
            violence breaks out.         ther operations. Israeli Prime  the same time has been rel-  warning Americans to leave  nel  and  assets.  Navy  war-
            “In light of increased tension  Minister  Benjamin  Netan-  atively rare in recent years.  Lebanon as the risk of a re-  ships  are  scattered  across
            in the Middle East and out  yahu  on  Monday  warned  But as violence has spiked  gional war increases.             the region, from the eastern
            of  an  abundance  of  cau-  Lebanese civilians in a vid-  between Israel and Hamas  “Due to the unpredictable  Mediterranean  Sea  to  the
            tion, we are sending a small  eotaped message to evac-    and Hezbollah, both Iranian-  nature  of  ongoing  conflict  Gulf of Oman, and both Air
            number  of  additional  U.S.  uate their homes ahead of a  backed, the Biden adminis-  between Hezbollah and Is-    Force and Navy fighter jets
            military  personnel  forward  widening air campaign. He  tration has ordered the Navy  rael  and  recent  explosions  are  strategically  based  at
            to augment our forces that  spoke  as  Israeli  warplanes  to have the carriers and their  throughout Lebanon, includ-  several locations to be bet-
            are already in the region,”  continued to strike alleged  warships overlap for several  ing Beirut, the U.S. Embassy  ter prepared to respond to
            Ryder said. “But for opera-  Hezbollah  targets  in  south-  weeks  on  a  couple  occa-  urges U.S. citizens to depart  any attacks.q

            Department won’t provide election security after

            sheriff’s posts about Harris yard signs

            RAVENNA,  Ohio  (AP)  —  A  the  sheriff's  department  sponsored  by  the  NAACP  over  immigration.  Likening
            local Ohio elections board  from providing security dur-  of  Portage  County,  many  people  in  the  U.S.  illegally
            says the county sheriff's de-  ing in-person absentee vot-  expressing  fear  about  the  to "human locusts," he sug-
            partment  will  not  be  used  ing.                       Sept. 13 comments.           gested  recording  address-
            for election security follow-  Clites  cited  public  com-  "I believe walking into a vot-  es  of  people  with  Harris
            ing a social media post by  ments     indicating   "per-  ing location where a sheriff  yard signs so when migrants
            the  sheriff  saying  people  ceived  intimidation  by  our  deputy  can  be  seen  may  need places to live "we'll al-
            with  Kamala  Harris  yard  sheriff  against  certain  vot-  discourage   voters   from  ready  have  the  addresses  In this undated photo released
            signs should have their ad-  ers" and the need to "make  entering,"  Clites  said.  The  of their New families ... who   by   the   Portage   County
            dresses  recorded  so  that  sure every voter in Portage  board  is  looking  at  using  supported their arrival!"  Sheriff's Office, Sheriff Bruce D.
                                                                                                                               Zuchowski poses.
            immigrants can be sent to  County  feels  safe  casting  private  security  already  in  Local   Democrats   filed             Associated Press
            live with them if the Demo-  their  ballot  for  any  candi-  place at the administration  complaints  with  the  Ohio
            cratic  vice  president  wins  date they choose."         building or having Ravenna  secretary of state and oth-   lican  Gov.  Mike  DeWine
            the November election.       A Ravenna Record-Courier  police provide security, Cli-   er agencies, and the Amer-   called  the  comments  "un-
            In a statement on the Por-   story on the Akron Beacon  tes said.                      ican Civil Liberties Union of  fortunate"  and  "not  help-
            tage  County  Democrats'  Journal site reported that a  Portage      County    Sheriff  Ohio accused Zuchowski of  ful." The secretary of state's
            Facebook  page,  county  day earlier, about 150 peo-      Bruce  Zuchowski  posted  a  an unconstitutional "imper-  office  said  the  comments
            board  of  elections  chair  ple  crowded  into  a  room  screenshot  of  a  Fox  News  missible threat" against resi-  didn't violate election laws
            Randi  Clites  said  members  at the Kent United Church  segment  criticizing  Presi-  dents who want to display  and  it  didn't  plan  any  ac-
            voted 3-1 Friday to remove  of  Christ  for  a  meeting  dent  Joe  Biden  and  Harris  political yard signs. Repub-  tion. q
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