Page 7 - aruba-today-20240924
P. 7
local Tuesday 24 sepTember 2024
Snakes you may encounter on Aruba
(Oranjestad)—If you have shy and not aggressive, which the snake can be
ever or will ever go off- but their venom can be protected and monitored.
roading on the island, you dangerous to humans. In The government has also
may encounter three types fact, it’s the only venomous implemented outreach
of snakes that are domi- snake native to the island. and education initiatives
nant on the island. The Cas- It is best to leave this snake to change local percep-
cabel, Santanero and Boa alone. Do not attempt to tion of the snake and high-
differ from each other in catch or kill it, as it could light its ecological and
a couple ways, and local not only be dangerous, but economic importance – it
perspective on each one this snake is also endemic is now being promoted as
may help you understand to the island, and its preser- a national symbol. Arikok’s
what you need to do if you vation has become a legal partnership with the Toledo
ever were to encounter one mandate for all residents zoo has safeguarded the
during your touring session and visitors. rattlesnake ex-situ and led
on the island. to a number of research
Cascabels hunt by waiting projects collecting critical
Cascabel (Crotalus under bushes and fruiting data on the Cascabel’s
unicolor) trees to catch passing liz- abundance, life history
The small Cascabel or Aru- ards, mice, rats, small rab- and habitat requirement to
ba Island Rattlesnake aver- bits, and an occasional help guide future conser-
ages 70 cm in length. The bird. This is often consid- vation efforts.
body color is often uniform ered to be one of the rarest
gray or light brown. There rattlesnakes in the world. Santanero
may be a faint pattern of The range of the Cascabel The slender Santanero or
diamond shaped markings is restricted to the rugged Aruban Cat-eyed Snake is
on the back. This pattern is and mountainous areas a small fella, typically less
most noticeable on young- of the island mostly within than 50 cm long. This snake
er snakes. The most distinc- Arikok National Park. The is recognizable by the large
tive feature of this snake is Arikok National Park was scales on the top of its
the rattle at the end of its designated in the early head and by its pattern of
tail which makes a buzz- 1980s to include most of the dark brown bands alternat-
ing sound when the snake rattlesnake’s population, ing with light brown bands. lizards. You may find San- tor snakes; they kill by wrap-
is alarmed. Cascabels are providing a safe refuge in The belly is plain white or taneros near dams during ping themselves around
cream colored without any periods of rainy weather or a prey and suffocating
markings. Native as well to crossing roads at night. This them. The most distinctive
the island, this snake is shy snake is found island wide. feature of a Boa is its pat-
and not aggressive. How- A Santanero in your garden tern of dark brown and tan
ever, it has enlarged teeth will keep away the unwant- blotches which become
at the back of its mouth ed insects. If you encoun- red toward the tail. The bel-
and mild venom which is ter a Santanero around ly in white or cream colored
not dangerous to humans, your garden, please do not with numerous black spots.
but can paralyze small liz- harm this species. Boas are excellent climbers
ards and frogs. Santaneros and may be found in trees
are most active at night Boa (Boa constrictor) and cactus. Boas also hide
when they search for food. Boas are Aruba’s largest in the leaves under bushes
During the day, they hide snakes. The longest Boa waiting to catch prey that
under rocks or leaves. They found on the island was pass. Boas catch their prey
frequently climb trees and slightly less than 3 m. New- with their teeth and then
cactus. Santaneros eat born Boas average 35 cm. constrict it in their coils. The
toads, frogs, insects, and Boas are not venomous but Boa’s diet consists of birds,
are what is called constric- lizards, rats, mice, and rab-
bits. Large Boas have been
known to eat small goats
and chickens. When threat-
ened, Boas will hiss loudly.
Boas are a non-native spe-
cies and are invasive to the
island, risking the popula-
tion of native lizards and
birds. The first Boas were
reported on the island in
1999. Since that time they
have been found across
the entire island in all types
of habitats. If you ever en-
counter a Boa, please do
not approach it. Instead,
please call the Arikok Na-
tional Park, as they are
experienced in handling
Boas. q