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              Saturday 3 February 2018

            Summary of the Monthly Bulletin of November 2017

            ORANJESTAD  -  Monetary  clined  mainly  because  of
            developments:  In  Novem-    an increase in the deposits
            ber  2017,  money  supply  of  the  government  of  Afl.
            contracted  by  Afl.  23.2  1.3 million.
            million  to  Afl.  4,151.2  mil-
            lion, compared to October  The  decrease  in  the  net
            2017, resulting from an Afl.  foreign assets of the bank-
            30.9  million  decline  in  net  ing sector resulted from net
            foreign  assets  and  an  Afl.  sales  of  foreign  exchange
            7.8  million  growth  in  do-  of  Afl.  234.3  million  to  the
            mestic assets.               public,  mainly  associated
                                         with  goods,  net  transfers
            The  expansion  in  the  do-  to  foreign  accounts,  other
            mestic  component  of  the  services  and  income.  This
            money supply was caused  was  partially  offset  by  net
            by  an  Afl.  20.0  million  rise  purchases  of  foreign  ex-
            in  domestic  credit,  which  change of Afl. 203.3 million
            was partly offset by an Afl.  from the public, mainly re-
            12.2  million  contraction  in  lated to foreign exchange
            non-credit related balance  revenue from tourism activ-
            sheet  items.  The  increase  ities, transportation services
            in  domestic  credit  was  re-  and direct investments.
            lated  to  the  claims  of  the
            banking  sector  on  the  pri-  Inflation
            vate  sector  (+Afl.  21.1  mil-  The  consumer  price  in-
            lion),  while  net  claims  of  dex  (CPI)  for  November  age  inflation  rate  was  -0.5  The  increase  in  the  North  104,242 in November 2017,
            the  banking  sector  on  the  2017  noted  a  0.9  percent  percent in November 2017,  American   market    was  compared  to  November
            public  sector  contracted  decrease     year-over-year  compared  to  -0.4  percent  largely  due  to  a  rise  in  ar-  2016.  The  number  of  ship
            (-Afl. 1.1 million). The drop in  (YoY). The main contributor  in October 2017.        rivals from the United States  calls  expanded  from  38  in
            non-credit related balance  to this decline was the com-                               (+7,623 visitors or +15.4 per-  November 2016 to 51 in No-
            sheet  items  was  mostly  re-  ponent  “Housing”,  which  Tourism                     cent).  The  decline  in  the  vember 2017.
            lated  to  clearing  transac-  was mainly driven by a fall  In  November  2017,  the  Latin American market was
            tions.                       in electricity. Other compo-  number  of  stay-over  visi-  mainly because of a reduc-  Government
                                         nents also noting decreas-   tors  amounted  to  86,064,  tion in arrivals from Venezu-  In  November  2017,  to-
            The  upturn  in  the  claims  es  were  “Recreation  and  which  is  7,442  visitors  (+9.5  ela  (-1,375  visitors  or  -17.0  tal  government  revenue
            of  the  banking  sector  on  Culture”, “Household Oper-  percent) more than in No-    percent, partially mitigated  amounted  to  Afl.  90.0  mil-
            the  private  sector  was  at-  ation”  and  “Miscellaneous  vember  2016.  This  growth  by increases in visitors from  lion,  which  was  Afl.  13.2
            tributed  to  expansions  in  Goods and Services”. Con-   was  mainly  due  to  the  ex-  Brazil (+465 visitors or +43.3  million  less  than  the  same
            loans  to  enterprises  (+Afl.  versely,  the  components  pansion in the North Ameri-  percent),  Argentina  (+269  month of the previous year.
            11.3  million)  and  housing  “Transport”,   “Education”,  can market of 7,958 visitors  visitors  or  +19.2  percent)  This  resulted  from  reduc-
            mortgages  (+Afl.  11.0  mil-  and  “Restaurant  and  Ho-  (+15.1 percent), which was  and Colombia (+241 visitors  tions  in  both  tax  revenue
            lion).  Consumer  credit,  on  tels”  registered  increases.  partially  counterbalanced  or +10.8 percent).        and nontax revenue of Afl.
            the other hand, decreased  Excluding  the  effect  of  by a reduction in the Latin                                  8.1  million  and  Afl.  5.0  mil-
            by  Afl.  1.2  million.  The  net  food and energy, the core  American  market  of  879  The  number  of  cruise  visi-  lion, respectively.
            claims of the banking sec-   CPI  rose  by  0.1  percent  visitors (-5.7 percent).     tors  surged  by  26,416  pas-
            tor on the public sector de-  (YoY).  The  12-month  aver-                             sengers  or  33.9  percent  to  The contraction in tax rev-
                                                                                                                                enue was mainly related to
                                                                                                                                declines  in  profit  tax  (-Afl.
                                                                                                                                20.1  million)  and  transfer
                                                                                                                                tax  (-Afl.  2.8  million).  These
                                                                                                                                decreases  were  partially
                                                                                                                                offset  by  increases  in  ex-
                                                                                                                                cises  on  gasoline  (+Afl.  5.3
                                                                                                                                million), wage tax (+Afl. 4.9
                                                                                                                                million), turnover tax (B.B.O)
                                                                                                                                (+Afl.  1.8  million),  import
                                                                                                                                duties  (+Afl.  1.5  million)
                                                                                                                                and  income  tax  (+Afl,  1.2
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