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                                                                                                                           Saturday 3 February 2018

            Carry your cup aboard Jolly Pirates Schooners

            Sailing success with Green initiatives

            Boca  Catalina  –  For  more  Jolly  Pirates  also  carried  ship’s  capable  Captains
            than twenty years, Jolly Pi-  out some really great eco-  Julio, Ron and Edwin are al-
            rates  has  graced  the  tour-  friendly initiatives.     ways entertaining.
            ism  landscape,  with  the                                Guests  look  forward  to  re-
            billowing  sails  of  its  twin  “We  worked  to  ensure  connecting with their crew
            schooners  decorating  the  both  our  schooners  were  favorites  each  year.    Be-
            seascape,  offering  excel-  not only great looking and  tween first-time visitors and
            lent sailing excursions dur-  comfortable for our guests,  numerous  return  guests,
            ing  memorable  Aruba  va-   but also that they operated  Jolly  Pirates  continues  to
            cations.  Over  the  years,  it  cleanly. In order to reduce  ride high, driven by a long
            has held to the winning for-  our  carbon  footprint,  we  history  of  positive  word-of-
            mula  of  majestic  wooden  installed  wind  generators  mouth  and  a  lengthy  list
            ship,  onboard  merriment,  and  solar  panels  to  help  of  rave  reviews  that  often
            and  expert  guidance  for  power  lights  and  stereo  relate personal tales of out-
            snorkeling     adventures,  as  well  as  ensure  we  used  standing,  onboard  experi-
            while also seeking respon-   less diesel fuel,” comments  ences.
            sible,  ‘Green’  ways  to  en-  co-owner  Harald,  who  is
            hance  community  efforts.  originally from Holland, and  ‘We  are  grateful  for  the
            While  visitors  can  still  look  maintains  the  eco-con-  support of our guests’ com-
            forward  to  perfecting  their  scious attitudes with which  ments   Team   Supervisor
            cannonball  off  the  rope  he was raised.                Anacarina  Matos,  who,
            swing,  they  can  also  now                              together  with  Carla,  leads
            toast  to  another  20  years  Co-owner,   and    native  Jolly  Pirates’  green  initia-
            with  recyclable  cups  in  Bostonian,  Carla  Caval-     tives.  “We  reserve  a  spe-
            support  of  Aruba’s  Marine  laro  also  seeks  to  support  cial  thank  you  to  guests
            Park and marine protection  a  healthy  environment.  who help Aruba by choos-
            goals.                       “Giving  back  to  Aruba  is  ing to bring their own cups
                                         easy  when  you  consider  aboard  or  chose  to  pur-
            Jolly  Pirates  launched  its  all that the island has given  chase one of our re-usable
            first  schooner  in  1997.  The  me,”  remarks  Carla,  who  cups.
            beautiful  wooden  schoo-    watched her son Tyler grow
            ner was soon complement-     up  with  a  love  of  the  sea.   Dedication  to  good  fun
            ed by a teak-decked twin,  Blessed to find home, hap-     and  sustainable  tourism
            both skillfully captained by  piness and business success  efforts are what keeps the
            a  long-time  staff  dedicat-  in Aruba, she is clearly pas-  Jolly Pirates, a must-do ac-
            ed to entertaining growing  sionate  about  doing  her  tivity.
            fans  of  the  island’s  most  part to protect the island’s  Join the celebration by en-
            popular  sail  and  snorkel  treasured  marine  environ-  joying  a  Jolly  Pirates  snor-
            cruises.  Jolly  Pirates  later  ment  for  the  next  genera-  keling cruise, raising a toast
            sought to further serve visi-  tion.                      in  a  recyclable  cup,  and
            tors  by  adding  a  souvenir                             making  an  indelible  mem-
            shop.  Through  the  years,  Adding to the attraction of  ory  of  a  fantastic  Aruba
            and  with  all  its  endeavors,  a  Jolly  Pirates’  cruise,  the  stay.q
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