Page 23 - Solo Di Pueblo
P. 23

Diaranzon 20 Januari 2016                                                                                                         Pagina 23

           Aruba International Airport inaugurates

            extension of Aruba Happy Flow

     Passengers are already clearing immigration through the newly expanded
Automated Border Control solution with more state-of-the-art eGates serving both

                                         Arrivals and Departures

Passengers traveling

through Queen Beatrix

International  Airport

(Aruba Airport) have surely

noticed great changes

in the last months. It has

been almost a year since

Aruba Happy Flow pilot

project, the first 100%

self-service passenger

flow ever, has been

operational at the Airport,

with extremely positive

results: passengers from

28 different countries

have already testified

this unique contactless

experience, responsible

for a fast and convenient

passenger processing,

decreased      waiting

times and certainly a

more relaxed journey

for passengers. To take

further advantage of

the potential of the ABC

technology     available

today and get even better

results in the scope

of this modernization

program, the Aruba

Airport Authority (AAA),

manager and operator                    Self-service check-in Kiosks and ABC eGates at Aruba Airport

of the Aruba Airport, has

decided to expand the        passengers who see          monitoring all passenger     digital   Embarkation          & Sales of Vision-Box,

solution at both Arrivals    Aruba as an attractive      operations. Integrated       and Disembarkation             remarks: “Aruba is riding

and Departures with          touristic  destination.     with IASA’s system, a        card (ED-card), a new          the crest of the wave of

new Automated Border         These new eGates are        full-fledged management      convenient and green           passenger experience!

Control eGates. The goal     already offering them a     platform allows operating    alternative to the existing    Having given stage

is to streamline even more   seamless immigration        officers to monitor all      paper version, which           to the first ever 100%

the flow of all passengers,  process, with no queues     Automated     Border         can be easily completed        self-service passenger

especially during the        and no hassle – since       Control eGates through a     by the passengers with         journey, Queen Beatrix

peak tourist seasons.        the inauguration, more      smartphone, supervising      the required information       International Airport is

The ABC eGates in            than 20,000 passengers      all operations and           before embarking on their      having the privilege to feel

operation      alongside     have already been           passenger processing         journey. This means that,      what Aruba Happy Flow

the Aruba Happy Flow         processed! For the Aruba    status, biometric captures,  as soon as this digital        is about: happy, returning

eGates at Arrivals have      Immigration Services        identification document      document  becomes              passengers.  Adding

already processed to         (IASA), this upgrade        security features and        mandatory, the ABC             the recent expansion of

date more than 130,000       means a significant         authentication response,     eGates will only clear         eGates is just a natural

passengers from 33           enhancement of security     results of background        passengers upon Arrival        step towards increased

different countries. Also    levels as they are relying  checks, VISA status,         that have successfully         efficiency, safety and a

in December, a dedicated     on secure and robust        among other possibilities.   submitted their ED-card,       welcoming passenger-

Automated Border Control     common-use biometric                                     in addition to all the checks  friendly airport. At Vision-

area was inaugurated         passenger touch points      Furthermore,  this           already being performed.       Box we are really proud

for USA Departures, to       and a powerful software     innovative    inspector      Jean-François Lennon,          to have embarked on this

address the increasing       suite integrating the       software integrates data     Vice-President for Global      life-changing journey!”

flow of American             entire infrastructure and   related to the announced     Business Development

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