Page 24 - Solo Di Pueblo
P. 24

Pagina 24                                                                                                                                         Diaranzon 20 Januari 2016

                              Freewinds Grand Opening

A grand opening of an         police agencies to show      Tilma, who welcomed
international public affairs  their appreciation for the   the attendees to Aruba
convention took place on      assistance the Freewinds     wishing them a successful
board the Freewinds in        has provided their           week of training and
Aruba.                        countries with the Way       seminars, and to enjoy the
                              to Happiness program         beautiful island of Aruba.
Participants from over 20     and Truth About Drugs
                              program.                     The Freewinds has been
different countries are                                    assisting Aruba for over
                              The Quality Brass Band       27 years raising funds
on board for this week        kicked off the start of      for institutions, clubs and
                              the convention followed      charitable organizations.
long convention including     by a welcoming speech        Aruba is one of the favorite
                              from the Corporate           ports of her passengers
representatives  from         Communications               and crew.
                              Specialist from the Aruba
the police of Colombia,       Tourism Authority, Jonnie

Ecuador, Mexico and


Awards were presented to
the Freewinds from these

US-Cuba agree commercial flights deal                                                                 Venezuela suspended
                                                                                                      opposition legislators
                                                                             and the US continue to
                                                                             negotiate over a number          stand down
                                                                             of issues which could
                                                                             ultimately see the US
                                                                             trade embargo lifted.

                                                           The news comes as travel
                                                           between the US and Cuba
                                                           surged by over 70% this
                                                           year, according to Reuters.

Commercial flights, in a      will take off.               Thousands of Americans
                                                           are already visiting the
deal that could jumpstart     The pact - the most          island and hotels and
                                                           hostels are booked
economic         relations    significant      business    for months. But those                      Three opposition politicians   the deadlock. Without
                                                           travelling have to do so                   in Venezuela have agreed       the seats, the opposition
between the two countries.    development since the        using difficult-to-book                    to give up their seats in the  loses a critical two-thirds
                                                           charter flights or via third               National Assembly while        majority. The so-called
The agreement paves           presidents' announcement     countries, and are forced                  the electoral authorities      "super-majority" would
the way for thousands of                                   to navigate an intricate                   investigate allegations of     allow the opposition to put
visitors to the island on a   one year ago - allows US     web of laws in order for                   voting irregularities. On      a more effective challenge
daily basis. The deal was                                  their travel to be legal.                  Monday the Supreme             to the government of
announced on Thursday,        airlines to negotiate with   The State Department                       Court declared that all        Nicolas Maduro. They
exactly one year since                                     reminded US citizens on                    decisions taken by the         would be able to change
President Barack Obama        the Cuban government         Thursday that a ban on                     assembly would be              the constitution and
and President Raul Castro                                  touristic travel to Cuba                   null and void until they       appoint new Supreme
announced a historic          over commercial flight       remains in place.                          stood down. The three          Court judges.
detente.                                                                                              legislators say they agreed
                              routes and schedules. It                                                to step aside to break

                              could mean more than a

                              dozen flights arriving into

                              Cuba from the US a day,

                              officials said.

It is not known when the      The understanding is a
first Cuba-bound flights      key development as Cuba
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