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              Wednesday 5 February 2020

                                                                                                   Venezuelan  President  Nicolas  Maduro  stands  inside  the  Su-
                                                                                                   preme Court in Caracas, Venezuela, Friday, Jan. 31, 2020. Mad-
                                                                                                   uro is at the court to give his annual presidential address.
                                                                                                                                            Associated Press
                                                                                                   Venezuela blocks

            Supporters  of  presidential  candidate  Carlos  Mesa  rally  outside  the  Supreme  Electoral  Tribunal   entry of human
            after he was registered as a candida in La Paz, Bolivia, Monday, Feb. 3, 2020.
                                                                                  Associated Press
            Ex-leader's party faces                                                                rights investigators

            divided challengers in Bolivia                                                         CARACAS, Venezuela (AP)  of  American  States,  the
                                                                                                   — An international human  Washington-based
                                                                                                                                representing  more  than
                                                                                                   cized  the  government  of  30  nations  in  the  Western
            LA PAZ, Bolivia (AP) — The  divided following the often-  ished  second  in  the  Octo-  President  Nicolás  Maduro  Hemisphere,  whose  lead-
            party  of  ousted  President  violent tumult that erupted  ber  vote,  though  many  of   on  Tuesday  for  blocking  ers have been among the
            Evo Morales faced a frac-    before  and  after  Morales  his  former  supporters  have   its  members  from  board-  fiercest critics of Maduro.
            tured  opposition  as  Bolivia  was pushed to resign. Jean  shifted  to  more  conserva-  ing a plane for Venezuela,  Maduro's  Foreign  Minister
            began  campaigns  Tues-      Arnault,  envoy  of  the  U.N.  tive candidates.          where  they  planned  to  in-  Jorge  Arreaza  tweeted
            day for May 3 elections to  secretary-general,  warned  Those include interim Presi-   vestigate alleged abuses.    Friday  that  they  would  be
            replace  the  leftist  leader,  against  "exacerbated  po-  dent Jeanine Áñez, whose   Paulo  Abrão,  executive  blocked.  "Venezuela  has
            but  early  polls  indicate  it  larization" and called on all  government has worked to   secretary  of  the  Inter-  not invited or accepted a
            may not have enough sup-     sides  to  work  for  an  elec-  overturn  many  of  Morales'   American  Commission  on  delegation  visit  from  the
            port  to  win  outright  and  tion "without abuses, intimi-  policies  and  prosecute  his   Human Rights, said the del-  IACHR," Arreaza said, add-
            avoid a runoff.              dation or discrimination."   allies,  as  well  as  regional   egation  will  press  ahead  ing that the visit "is not au-
            Eight   parties   registered  Morales's  Movement  To-    civic  leader  Luis  Fernando   with its work, instead meet-  thorized."  Maduro's  gov-
            for  the  upcoming  special  ward     Socialism   party,  Camacho, a major leader      ing  victims  and  civil  rights  ernment  in  2017  started  a
            general  election  by  the  which currently holds a ma-   of  protests  in  the  eastern   groups  on  the  Colombian  two-year  process  to  leave
            midnight  Monday  dead-      jority  in  congress,  is  stron-  economic center of Santa   border with Venezuela.   the OAS, saying that it is a
            line,  most  of  them  hoping  gest  among  indigenous,  Cruz.                         "This attitude demonstrates  pawn of the United States,
            to  capitalize  on  the  pro-  rural  and  working  class  ur-  Both  have  appealed  to  a   the  government's  fear  of  which is also a member.
            test movement that forced  ban  regions. But  in  an  ap-  growing  conservative  reli-  exposing  itself  to  interna-  The  OAS  itself  has  joined
            the nation's first indigenous  parent  move  to  broaden  gious bloc of votes, as has   tional  scrutiny  and  an  at-  the U.S. and more than 50
            president  to  resign  in  No-  its  appeal,  it  nominated  a  Korean-born   evangelical   tempt  to  hide  abuses,"  other  nations  in  withdraw-
            vember.    That   followed  London-educated techno-       pastor  and  physician  Chi   Abrão told The Associated  ing  recognition  of  Maduro
            massive     demonstrations  crat, Luis Arce, as its presi-  Hyung  Chung,  who  is  run-  Press  by  telephone  from  on  grounds  his  reelection
            over  alleged  vote-rigging  dential candidate.           ning  again  after  receiv-  Panama  City.    The  rejec-  in  2018  was  illegitimate.  It
            in last year's balloting.    "Morales  is  reaching  out  ing about 9 percent of the   tion  had  been  expected  recognized  congressional
            The  Electoral  Tribunal  still  to  the  middle  class  from  vote in October.        in  large  part  because  the  leader  Juan  Guaidó  as
            must  certify  whether  the  which    he   had   grown  Áñez had been a second-        commission  had  been  in-   acting president.
            candidates  meet  require-   apart,"  said  analyst  Carlos  tier political figure as a sen-  vited by the country's con-  Maduro,  however,  con-
            ments — with the big ques-   Borth,  a  former  congress-  ator before the resignation   gress.  The  legislature  and  trols all the mechanisms of
            tion  being  whether  Mo-    man. "That explains having  of  several  Morales  allies   Maduro  mutually  consider  government,  including  the
            rales.  barred  by  law  from  picked Arce and not an in-  who outranked her put her   one another illegitimate.    military and courts, and he
            seeking the presidency, will  digenous person."           in  line  to  claim  the  presi-  The  three  members  of  the  recognizes  an  alternative
            be allowed to run for Sen-   The  middle  classes  and  dency.                         group posted a picture on  version of the National As-
            ate.                         conservative        sectors  A  mid-January  poll  by  the   Twitter holding their board-  sembly led by a minority of
            Candidates  are  supposed  played a central role in the  Mercados y Encuestas con-     ing  passes  at  the  airport  lawmakers allied with him.
            to  be  residents  of  Bolivia,  protests that led police and  sulting  firm  showed  Arce   gate in Panama. They said  The   delegation   had
            but  Morales  is  living  in  ex-  military leaders to urge Mo-  supported  by  26%,  Mesa   Maduro's government told  planned  to  make  a  five-
            ile in Argentina and facing  rales to resign after 14 years  and  Camacho  with  17%   the  Panama-based  Copa  day  visit  inside  Venezuela.
            charges connected to last  in  power,  during  which  he  and Áñez with 12%. The poll,   Airlines  not  to  allow  them  Abrão  said  that  instead,
            October's  allegedly  fraud-  was accused of increasing-  which reported a margin of   on the flight to Caracas.    the  investigators  will  talk
            ulent  election,  which  he  ly authoritarian behavior.   error of about 3.5 percent-  Venezuela's  opposition-led  with  anyone  who  wants
            claimed had reelected him  The  other  contenders  in-    age points, was carried out   National  Assembly  had  in-  to  meet  them  in  the  Co-
            to a fourth term in office.  clude  centrist  former  Presi-  before Áñez confirmed she   vited the group, which is a  lombian  border  town  of
            The country remains bitterly  dent Carlos Mesa, who fin-  was running.q                branch of the Organization  Cucuta.q
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