Page 11 - AHATA
P. 11

              Wednesday 5 February 2020
            Impress for success

            By Cdr. Bud Slabbaert                                                                                               ing person only says ‘good
            ST. MAARTEN — Customers                                                                                             morning’ with a smile when
            are opinion multipliers, both                                                                                       the customer walks by.
            in a positive and a negative
            sense. They pass on positive                                                                                        All  providers  in  a  chain  of
            and  negative  perceptions                                                                                          services  at  a  tourism  des-
            to others by word of mouth.                                                                                         tination  from  arrival  to  de-
            When  negative,  it  can  be                                                                                        parture  contribute  to  the
            destructive. When positive,                                                                                         total image of the destina-
            it  is  preciously  construc-                                                                                       tion: airport, taxi, hotel, res-
            tive  and  the  lowest-cost                                                                                         taurant, merchants and yes
            manner of promoting a ser-                                                                                          even the security officer at
            vice  or  business.  Custom-                                                                                        entrance  of  the  bank.  The
            ers  want  to  be  impressed.                                                                                       airport at the beginning or
            After  all,  that  is  what  they                                                                                   the  end  of  a  flight  is  part
            are  paying  for.  Acquiring                                                                                        of  the  image  of  an  airline
            new customers is more dif-                                                                                          or  the  tour  operator  who
            ficult and costly than keep-                                                                                        made  the  arrangements.
            ing existing ones. Losing an                                                                                        You may say: “Why are you
            existing  customer  is  twice   Customer  friendliness  says,  want  to  call  your  business  station  of  the  city  Perpig-  telling  us  that?  We  know
            as  expensive:  for  one,  it   “We  are  happy  that  you  ‘Center-of-the-Universe’ ei-  nan  in  France  an  entry  in   that already”.
            is  a  loss  for  the  business,   are  a  customer!”  Keep  an  ther. But, how about plac-  the  history  of  art  when  he
            and  secondly,  a  replace-  ideal customer experience  ing a sign at the entrance  named  it  the  ‘Center  of     Aunt  Emma  already  knew
            ment customer needs to be    in mind and then try to of-  to remind your customers:    the  Universe’  after  having   it  a  century  ago.  She  did
            found which may take a lot   fer  that  ideal  experience.                             experienced  there,  in  his   not have any education or
            of marketing effort.         Exceed your customers’ ex-   ‘Caution!  By  entering  this  words,  “a  sort  of  cosmic   training for it. Aunt Emma?
                                         pectations and make them  facility,  you  are  becoming  ecstasy,  stronger  than  all   ‘Tante Emma Laden’ is the
            Customer  orientation  re-   feel great.                  the center of our attention’  those  I  had  before.  I  ex-  German  equivalent  of  the
            quires  acting  the  way  the                                                          perienced  a  precise  vision   mom-and-pop  store.  Can
            customer likes it and wants   If  scientists  ever  find  out  Salvador  Domingo  Felipe  of  the  construction  of  the   you  imagine  Aunt  Emma
            it! It is not only the offered   where  the  center  of  the  Jacinto  Dalí  i  Domènech,  universe.”  Quick question:   running  the  little  general
            service  that  determines    universe  is,  some  people  Marquis  of  Dalí  de  Púbol  what title are you granting   store  in  her  village,  years
            success;  equally  important   will  be  disappointed  that  was a Spanish Surrealist art-  your airport, hotel or restau-  ago?  Pure  nostalgia!  She
            is  the  way  that  customers   they’re not it. You may not  ist. He granted the railway  rant?                     knew  all  her  customers  by
            are treated.                                                                                                        name.  She  could  carry  on
                                                                                                   There is nothing wrong with   pleasant  chit-chat.  She
                                                                                                   giving  customers  the  feel-  gave the little kids a piece
                                                                                                   ing  that  they  are  the  cen-  of candy. She knew exactly
                                                                                                   ter  of  the  universe,  with-  about the shopping habits
                                                                                                   out  going  as  far  as  Dali’s   of her customers and tried
                                                                                                   cosmic  ecstasy.  Anyway,    to  offer  the  right  range  of
                                                                                                   I  will  just  have  to  give  you   products.  She  could  even
                                                                                                   two  quotes  of  this  world   give  a  cooking  recipe  or
                                                                                                   famous    eccentric   artist   advice on how to remove
                                                                                                   who claimed that he is not   fat stains from a shirt. Shop-
                                                                                                   strange,  but  that  he  is  just   ping at Tante Emma’s store
                                                                                                   not  normal.  Quote  one:    always  gave  shoppers  a
                                                                                                   “The  thermometer  of  suc-  good  feeling,  even  if  the
                                                                                                   cess  is  merely  the  jealousy   prices  were  higher  than
                                                                                                   of the malcontents,” which   at  the  supermarket.  Tante
                                                                                                   fits nicely in this article. The   Emma  exercised  custom-
                                                                                                   second one is something to   er  relations  management
                                                                                                   think about: “Every morning   without having software or
                                                                                                   when  I  wake  up,  I  experi-  a computer for it.
                                                                                                   ence an exquisite joy —the
                                                                                                   joy of being Salvador Dalí—   Human contact on offer is
                                                                                                   and I ask myself in rapture:   special;  time  to  listen,  the
                                                                                                   What  wonderful  things  is   exchange  of  whole  sen-
                                                                                                   this  Salvador  Dalí  going  to   tences.  The  persons  who
                                                                                                   accomplish today?”           represent  a  business  or
                                                                                                                                operation  can  sell  a  bit  of
                                                                                                   The  personal  performance   their own personality along
                                                                                                   of  any  individual  involved   with  the  product  and  ser-
                                                                                                   in  a  business,  from  the   vice. It often helps to make
                                                                                                   owner  or  manager  to  the   the  customer  experience
              About the author.                                                                    person who cleans the toi-   unique.  It  could  add  a  bit
                                                                                                                                of  authenticity  of  the  cul-
              Cdr.  Bud  Slabbaert  is  the  Chairman  and  Coordinator  of  the  Caribbean  Aviation   let, contributes to the com-  ture  of  a  destination.  Isn’t
              Meetup, an annual results and solution oriented conference for stakeholders of ‘airlift’   bined image of the estab-  that  what  is  sometimes
              in the Caribbean which will be June 16-18 on St.Maarten. Mr. Slabbaert’s background   lishment.  Anyone  who  has   missing from customer rela-
              is accentuated by aviation business development, strategic communication, and        the  slightest  contact  with   tions that only follow a for-
              journalism.                                                                          a  customer  is  part  of  the
                                                                                                   image,  even  if  the  clean-  mal training protocol?q
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