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A30    world news
              Diaranson 22 December 2021

                          American ex-priest in East Timor found guilty of sex abuse

                                                                                                   lap, surrounded by a ring of
                                                                                                   children  and  staff  members  In a statement Tuesday, JU,S
                                                                                                   praying  and  singing  hymns  Jurídico  Social,  a  group  of
                                                                                                   before bed.                  human  rights  lawyers  rep-
                                                                                                                                resenting  the  accusers,  ap-
                                                                                                   They said the girl on his lap  plauded  the  verdict  but  said
                                                                                                   would  then  sleep  with  him  it would appeal, arguing that
                                                                                                   that  night  and  that  various  the sentence should be harsh-
                                                                                                   types  of  abuse  -–  from  oral  er. Under the law, Daschbach
                                                                                                   sex  to  rape  -–  would  occur,  faced  more  than  twice  the
                                                                                                   sometimes  involving  other  prison time he received.
                                                                                                   children  too.  The  accusers
                                                                                                   have not been identified be-  “The history written today is
                                                                                                   cause of fears of retribution.  a bitter history for the entire
                                                                                                                                nation,” the group said. “Our
                                                                                                   Daschbach’s  lawyer,  Julio  children  were  subjected  to
                                                                                                   Farma,  said  they  are  disap-  horrendous crimes for such a
                                                                                                   pointed with the court’s ver-  long time because we, as a so-
                                                                                                   dict  and  plan  to  appeal  the  ciety, were blinded by the be-
                                                                                                   decision  issued  by  the  three  lief that a figure as the defen-
                                                                                                   judges.                      dant  in  this  case  would  not
                                                                                                                                commit  such  crimes  against
                                                                                                   “Evidence  provided  by  the  children.”
                                                                                                   shelter  matron  and  former
            (AP)  —  A  defrocked  tacks.  Daschbach  maintains  ety of the Divine Word at its  students who lived in the or-   Separately,  a  U.S.  federal
            American  priest  accused  strong  backing  from  some,  headquarters outside of Chi-  phanage were ignored by the  grand  jury  in  Washington,
            of  sexually  abusing  or-   including  former  President  cago. He arrived in the coun-  court,” Farma told reporters,  D.C.,  indicted  Daschbach
            phaned  and  disadvan-       Xanana  Gusmao,  who  went  try now known as East Timor  alleging  that  some  accus-  in  August.  He  faces  seven
            taged  young  girls  under  to the court on Tuesday. East  several years later, setting up  ers changed their statements  counts  of  engaging  in  illicit
            his care in East Timor was  Timor  is  the  most  Catholic  a shelter in the 1990s named  made earlier to authorities in  sexual  conduct  at  the  shel-
            found guilty Tuesday and  place outside the Vatican and  Topu  Honis,  which  means  Oecusse after being taken to  ter. If convicted in the U.S.,
            sentenced  to  12  years  in  Daschbach is revered for his  “Guide to Life.”           the capital, Dili, and the new  Daschbach  could  receive  up
            prison, in the first case of  role  during  the  tiny  South-                          statements  became  the  sole  to 30 years in prison for each
            its  kind  in  the  staunchly  east  Asian  nation’s  fight  for  Hundreds of children passed  basis for the judges’ decision.  count, but the Department of
            Catholic nation.             independence.                through  the  shelter  under                              Justice has not said whether
                                                                      Daschbach’s care. More than  “We  cannot  accept  this  and  it plans to try to extradite the
            Richard Daschbach, 84, who  The church and foreign do-    a  dozen  females  came  for-  will appeal,” Farma said.  ex-priest.
            spent  decades  as  a  mission-  nors  who  once  supported  ward with abuse claims, but
            ary  in  the  country’s  remote  Daschbach’s  shelter  said  he  only nine were registered in  Dozens of Daschbach’s sup-  Daschbach also is wanted in
            enclave  of  Oecusse,  faced  confessed  to  the  abuse,  but  the case due to legal techni-  porters,  including  several  the  U.S.  on  three  counts  of
            charges of child sexual abuse  the former priest and his law-  calities. The Associated Press  children brought by Gusmao  wire  fraud  linked  to  one  of
            as well as child pornography  yers have at various times re-  spoke with five of the accus-  from  Dili,  wept  and  some  his  California-based  donors,
            and domestic violence.       fused to comment. They did  ers.                          were screaming as it became  which accused him in a court
                                         not make their legal strategy                             clear  the  court  would  sen-  case  of  violating  an  agree-
            The  trial  began  in  February  public and court proceedings  They  recalled  their  experi-  tence the former priest to jail.  ment to protect those under
            but  was  postponed  several  were closed.                ences  in  vivid  detail,  say-  Some  in  the  impoverished  his  care.  An  Interpol  “Red
            times  before  concluding  last                           ing Daschbach kept a list of  enclave revere Daschbach so  Notice”  has  been  issued  in-
            month. During the proceed-   Daschbach,  the  son  of  a  young  girls  on  his  bedroom  highly,  they  believe  he  pos-  ternationally for Daschbach’s
            ings,  victims  complained  Pittsburgh  steelworker,  was  door and that every night one  sesses  special  powers  and  is  arrest.
            about  threats  and  online  at-  ordained in 1964 by the Soci-  of those girls would sit on his  the victim of a conspiracy.

                              Ex-South African leader Zuma can appeal return to jail

            (AP)  —  Former  South  ment.                             underwent surgery in August  scended into chaotic violence  people died in the country’s
            African  President  Jacob                                 this year.                   in which trucks were burned,  worst violence since the end
            Zuma  will  be  allowed  to  Zuma  was  convicted  and                                 shops and warehouses looted  of apartheid in 1994.
            appeal a court ruling that  sentenced for defying a court  Zuma’s lawyer, Dali Mpofu,  and  burned.  More  than  300
            ordered  him  back  to  jail  order ordering that he appear  had  argued  that  returning
            to serve the remainder of  before a government-backed  him to jail “is equivalent to a
            his sentence, a judge ruled  commission  probing  allega-  death sentence.”
            Tuesday.                     tions  of  corruption  during
                                         his tenure as president from  “You are saying he must re-
            Zuma, 80, had been released  2009 to 2018.                turn to that place where the
            on medical parole earlier this                            medical  doctors  and  prison
            year,  but  the  Gauteng  High  Zuma’s  release  on  medical  authorities  say  they  cannot
            Court in the capital, Pretoria,  parole  had  been  granted  by  cater  for  him,”  Mpofu  said.
            ruled last week that his parole  former  correctional  services  “Then  what  else  is  going  to
            had been illegal. On Tuesday,  commissioner  Arthur  Fraser  happen  except  that  he  must
            Judge Elias Matojane said the  against  the  recommendation  die there.”
            ex-president can now appeal  of the parole board.
            that finding.                                             Zuma’s  imprisonment  in
                                         He served nearly two months  July sparked protests by sup-
            “Because  of  his  illness  and  of  his  15-month  sentence,  porters  who  demanded  his
            advanced age, he needs com-  but  this  was  mainly  in  the  immediate  pardon  and  re-
            passion,  empathy  and  hu-  hospital wing of the Estcourt  lease from jail.
            manness,”  Matojane  said  of  Correctional  Center  and  a
            Zuma in delivering the judg-  hospital in Pretoria, where he  The  protests  quickly  de-
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