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Tuesday 21 November 2017
AAA: 50 million Americans to travel over Thanksgiving
By The Associated Press The auto club credits a About 4 million will fly, a 5 within the U.S. will be the find the cheapest gasoline.
If you’re traveling over growing economy and percent increase. AAA and lowest in five years, the — If you’re flying, take
Thanksgiving, you’ll have low unemployment for put- research firm IHS Markit group says. Here are some early flights. Lines at secu-
even more company than ting people in the traveling base their forecast on re- tips from experts on how to rity checkpoints tend to be
last year. mood. cent and predicted growth handle the stress of travel- shorter in the early morn-
AAA predicts that 50.9 mil- More than 45 million will in the economy, consum- ing over the Thanksgiving ing, and flight delays build
lion Americans will travel travel by car between er spending, household and Christmas holidays: during the day, which can
over the holiday, a 3.3 per- Wednesday and the Sun- wealth and other mea- — Apps like those from AAA lead to missed connect-
cent increase over 2016 day after Thanksgiving, the sures. But average airfares and GasBuddy can help ing flights in afternoon and
and the most since 2005. auto club said Thursday. on the most popular routes you avoid traffic snarls and evening hours.q
Showbird turkeys seeking Trump pardon must first strut stuff
By STEVE KARNOWSKI bird, though Wittenburg’s weeks old.
Associated Press 19-year-old son, Wyatt, will
MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — What lift it up onto the table. THE RISKS
makes a good presidential Pardons have not always
turkey? Showmanship. A THE STARS gone smoothly and grati-
readiness to strut his stuff The team selected the two tude is not guaranteed.
and gobble on command, best birds from a flock of In 2001, a turkey named
yet enough restraint to stay about 20, They looked for Liberty pecked President
on a table for the big photo showmanship and charac- George W. Bush in the mid-
op. ter with an absence of any section — some reports
So say a Minnesota turkey stage fright, Wittenburg say his crotch — drawing
farmer and 4-H kids who said. They wanted turkeys laughs from the crowd and
raised the turkey that will that would strut and gob- an awkward expression
go to the White House for ble for the cameras and from the president’s face.
an official pardon from the president yet remain Another memorable photo
President Donald Trump on calm on the table, he said. shows a grimacing Presi-
Tuesday. It’s the 70th an- The birds got officially dent Ronald Reagan get-
niversary of the National named Drumstick and ting a face full of feath-
Thanksgiving Turkey tradi- Wishbone on Monday, and ers when the 1984 turkey
tion. Here’s a little deeper the White House opened a started flapping its wings. A
look at the event and what Twitter poll on which one turkey also flapped around
goes into it: In this photo released by The White House, Monday, Nov. 20, Trump should pardon. They on Reagan before jumping
2017, two turkeys set to be pardoned by President Donald stayed at a hotel near the off the table and strutting
THE TRADITION Trump are shown in a Washington hotel, Sunday Nov. 19, 2017. White House for the run-up around the White House
White House archives show President Trump will pardon them on Tuesday. to the big show. A flock- lawn in 1981.
that Americans have sent (White House Photo by Hannah MacInnis via AP) mate was pardoned by
presidents holiday turkeys to President Abraham Lin- Wittenburg, from the Min- Minnesota Gov. Mark Day- THE CHALLENGES
at least since 1873 under coln. President John F. Ken- nesota town of Alexandria. ton on Friday. The goal is getting the
President Ulysses S. Grant. nedy sent his 1963 turkey Wittenburg recruited five The presidential birds will turkeys used to people.
But the National Thanksgiv- back to its farm. Sometime Douglas County 4-H mem- finish out their lives in leisure Teaching them to stay on
ing Turkey dates from 1947, around the Nixon era the bers to help. They’re the at Virginia Tech, joining the the table and behave is
when the National Turkey White House began send- same teens he and his wife, 2016 winners, Tater and Tot, the key, said Katie Kent, 18.
Federation became the of- ing them to petting zoos af- Sharlene, mentored to a at Gobbler’s Rest in Blacks- The birds are hand-fed grub
ficial supplier and present- ter the ceremonies, though second-place finish in the burg. With luck, they might worms as bribes. “We’re
ed a 47-pound gobbler to without formal pardons. statewide 4-H Science of live another year or more. getting them used to being
President Harry Truman. In Agriculture Challenge this A few of their predeces- on that table and getting
those days the turkeys were MINNESOTA’S GOBBLERS summer with a project on sors have hit the ripe old them to gobble and strut on
destined for dinner. The perk of taking presiden- turkey bedding. None of age of 2. Very few domes- command,” said Kodi Bun-
Formal pardons began with tial turkeys to Washington the girls had worked with tic turkeys live that long. dermann, 17.Strutting for a
President George H.W. Bush goes to the chairman of turkeys before. Now they’re The vast majority get sent turkey means fanning out
in 1989, though stories of the National Turkey Fed- all going to the White to processing plants when his tail feathers and puffing
spared turkeys date back eration. This year that’s Carl House to help oversee the they’re between 14 to 20 out his body feathers.q
Workers who depict Pilgrims seek better pay, job security
By MARK PRATT at Plimoth Plantation , in- museum’s busiest day of day, they plan to unveil a tenance staff, and Native
Associated Press cluding some of the educa- the year, when 2,300 visitors petition from supporters at Americans who dress in his-
BOSTON (AP) — Workers at tors and historical interpret- come for a traditional holi- Plymouth Rock. torically accurate clothing
a Massachusetts living his- ers who dress in period cos- day feast. The union and manage- at the museum’s 17th cen-
tory museum that depicts tume, have been involved The members of the Society ment have been negotiat- tury Wampanoag village.
17th century life at the time in a yearlong labor impasse of Allied Museum Profes- ing a contract since De- The sides have been meet-
of the Pilgrims are asking to with management. They sionals union held informa- cember, when the union ing twice a month and
be treated by 21st century are bringing their issues to tional pickets outside the was certified. The union also have a negotiating ses-
standards. the attention of the public nonprofit’s entrance over represents some artisans, sion scheduled for later this
About 70 unionized workers in time for Thanksgiving, the the weekend. On Tues- behind-the-scenes main- month.q