Page 11 - RIU HOTEL
P. 11
Tuesday 21 November 2017
First Muralist, combines roller technique with spray paint:
The Famous Blue Lizard Captivated by the Spectacular Art of WD Street Art
though he never stopped rusarubensis), known local
working in his studio for Cododo (whiptail ). The
species is endemic of the
He has carried out solo ex- island, this lizard is beauti-
hibitions, and participated ful therefore it all has blue
in numerous festivals, in In- spots clear for the body,
donesia, Greece, France, that is of blue a dark one,
Germany, England, Italy, what it of the one impres-
Malta, Switzerland, Den- sive luminosity when to the
mark, Sweden. sun. WD loves street art, it is
As the first participant for the freedom of expression,
the Aruba Art Fair, he flew a special way to share his
almost 34 hours to get to thoughts with many people
the friendly Island of Aru- passing by – accidentally or
ba, after completing an deliberately – in front of his
incredible mural in Athens, works. San Nicolas will be
Greece, and after 5 days transformed one more time
of extreme efforts on a gi- November 24, 25, 26, start-
gantic mural, off he goes ing at 6 p.m., when more
again, this time to Bali. than 150 local artists exhibit
WD, always tries to interact their fine work, combining
with the spot where he is music, dance, paintings,
working, by utilizing vari- performances and more.
ous elements that existing Different buildings will
around, so to create har- come alive, transformed
mony between the work by great artists from all over
and the place. His style the world, Chemis from Ka-
consists of highly detailed zakhstan, Juandres from
photo realistic technique, Mexico, Dopie from Hol-
social phenomena, life land, Odeith from Portugal,
style, art or nature. He is Lina Arias from Colombia,
focused on mural projects Graph Mapping for the
and as a medium he com- Canary islands, Marchena
bines roller technique with from Curacao and Zedz
-At the Aruba Art Fair in San in Bali, Indonesia, Wild ist started off as street artist spray paint. from Amsterdam.
Nicolas. Drawing WD, has various in 2000 and from that time For Aruba he concentrated Tickets are available and
degrees in Fine Arts and in he spends most of his time on the famous blue lizard will be delivered on re-
ARUBA ART FAIR 2017: Born Applied Arts. This fine art- working in the streets, even of Aruba (Cnemidopho- quest. Call 730-5616q
Loyal Guest Honored at
the Hilton Aruba Resort
PALM BEACH - Recently 35-or-more consecutive
the Aruba Tourism Author- years.
ity had the great pleasure The honoree was Mrs. Ar-
of honoring a very special lene Campeau, celebrat-
guest who is a loyal and ing 35 consecutive annual
friendly visitor of Aruba at visits to Aruba!
the Hilton Aruba Resort as Arlene is a regular guest at
an Emerald Ambassador. the Hilton Aruba Resort and
she and her family love
The symbolic honorary title Aruba very much because
is presented in the name of the safety, the people,
of the Minister of Tourism as the beautiful beaches, and
a token of appreciation to also because it’s a totally
guests who visit Aruba for relaxing island. She loves
our local artist Claudius ba’s famous Carnival songs by Ms. Emely Ridderstaat of
Phillips, and for years she and Arlene loved dancing the Aruba Tourism Author-
is known on Aruba as the to that song. The certificate ity, together with friends,
“saca bo bum bum wom- and commemorative Em- family and associates from
an” as that was one of Aru- erald Coin were presented the Hilton Aruba Resort.q