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                Saturday 9 November 2019
            Doctors try CRISPR gene editing for cancer, a 1st in the U.S.

            By MARILYNN MARCHIONE                                                                                               a  sarcoma,  cancer  that
            AP Chief Medical Writer                                                                                             forms in connective or soft
            The first attempt in the Unit-                                                                                      tissue.  All  had  failed  mul-
            ed  States  to  use  a  gene                                                                                        tiple  standard  treatments
            editing  tool  called  CRISPR                                                                                       and were out of good op-
            against cancer seems safe                                                                                           tions.
            in  the  three  patients  who                                                                                       Their  blood  was  filtered  to
            have  had  it  so  far,  but  it's                                                                                  remove  immune  system
            too  soon  to  know  if  it  will                                                                                   soldiers called T cells, which
            improve  survival,  doctors                                                                                         were  modified  in  the  lab
            reported Wednesday.                                                                                                 and  then  returned  to  the
            The  doctors  were  able  to                                                                                        patients  through  an  IV.  It's
            take  immune  system  cells                                                                                         intended  as  a  one-time
            from  the  patients'  blood                                                                                         treatment. The cells should
            and alter them genetically                                                                                          multiply into an army within
            to  help  them  recognize                                                                                           the body and act as a liv-
            and fight cancer, with mini-                                                                                        ing drug.
            mal and manageable side                                                                                             So  far,  the  cells  have  sur-
            effects.                                                                                                            vived and have been mul-
            The    treatment    deletes                                                                                         tiplying as intended, Stadt-
            three  genes  that  might    In this January 2019 image made from video provided by Penn Medicine, IV bags of CRISPR-  mauer said.
                                         edited  T  cells  are  prepared  for  administering  to  a  patient  at  the  Abramson  Cancer  Center  in
            have been hindering these    Philadelphia.                                                                          "This is a brand new thera-
            cells'  ability  to  attack  the                                                                   Associated Press   py" so not it's not clear how
            disease,  and  adds  a  new,   Gene  editing  is  a  way  to   tech  company,  Tmunity  benefit  from  patents  and   soon  any  anti-cancer  ef-
            fourth feature to help them   permanently  change  DNA    Therapeutics. Several study  licenses on the technology.  fects will be seen. Following
            do the job.                  to  attack  the  root  causes   leaders  and  the  university  Two  of  the  patients  have   these  patients  longer,  and
            "It's  the  most  complicated   of  a  disease.  CRISPR  is  a   have  a  financial  stake  in  multiple myeloma, a blood   testing  more  of  them,  will
            genetic,  cellular  engineer-  tool  to  cut  DNA  at  a  spe-  the  company  and  may  cancer,  and  the  third  has   tell, he said.q
            ing that's been attempted    cific spot.
            so far," said the study lead-  It's  long  been  used  in  the   Mercury putting on rare show
            er, Dr. Edward Stadtmauer    lab  and  is  being  tried  for
            of the University of Pennsyl-  other diseases.               Monday, parading across the sun
            vania  in  Philadelphia.  "This   This  study  is  not  aimed  at
            is proof that we can safely   changing DNA within a per-
            do  gene  editing  of  these   son's body. Instead it seeks   By MARCIA DUNN            transits a century.        Monday, entering around
            cells."                      to  remove,  alter  and  give   AP Aerospace Writer        You'll  need  proper  eye  the  8  o'clock  mark  and
            After two to three months,   back  to  the  patient  cells   CAPE  CANAVERAL,  Fla.  protection  for  Monday's  exiting  around  the  2
            one  patient's  cancer  con-  that are super-powered to      (AP) — Mercury is putting  spectacle:    Telescopes  o'clock point.
            tinued  to  worsen  and  an-  fight their cancer — a form    on  a  rare  celestial  show  or  binoculars  with  solar  Although  the  trek  will
            other was stable. The third   of immunotherapy.              next   week,   parading  filters are recommended.  appear  slow,  Mercury
            patient  was  treated  too   Chinese  scientists  report-    across the sun in view of  There's no harm in pulling  will  zoom  across  the  sun
            recently to know how she'll   edly have tried this for can-  most of the world.         out  the  eclipse  glasses  at  roughly  150,000  mph
            fare.  The  plan  is  to  treat   cer patients, but this is the   The   solar   system's  from   the   total   solar  (241,000 kph).
            15  more  patients  and  as-  first such study outside that   smallest, innermost planet  eclipse  across  the  U.S.  NASA  will  broadcast  the
            sess safety and how well it   country. It's so novel that it   will resemble a tiny black  two  years  ago,  but  it  transit  as  seen  from  the
            works.                       took  more  than  two  years    dot  Monday  as  it  passes  would  take  "exceptional  orbiting  Solar  Dynamics
            "It's  very  early,  but  I'm  in-  to  get  approval  from  U.S.   directly  between  Earth  vision"  to  spot  minuscule  Observatory,  with  only
            credibly  encouraged  by     government  regulators  to      and the sun. It begins at  Mercury, said NASA solar  a  brief  lag.  Scientists
            this," said one independent   try it.                        7:35 a.m. EST.             astrophysicist Alex Young.  will  use  the  transit  to
            expert, Dr. Aaron Gerds, a   The  early  results  were  re-  The entire 5 ½-hour event  Mercury  is  3,000  miles  fine-tune     telescopes,
            Cleveland  Clinic  cancer    leased  by  the  American       will  be  visible,  weather  (4,800   kilometers)   in  especially those in space
            specialist.                  Society  of  Hematology;        permitting, in the eastern  diameter, compared with  that cannot be adjusted
            Other  cell  therapies  for   details  will  be  given  at  its   U.S.  and  Canada,  and  the sun's 864,000 miles (1.4  by  hand,  according  to
            some blood cancers "have     annual  conference  in  De-     all  Central  and  South  million kilometers.)        Young.
            been a huge hit, taking dis-  cember.                        America.  The  rest  of  During  its  2012  transit  It's  this  kind  of  transit
            eases  that  are  uncurable   The  study  is  sponsored  by   North  America,  Europe  of  the  sun,  larger  and  that  allows  scientists  to
            and curing them," and the    the University of Pennsylva-    and Africa will catch part  closer  Venus  was  barely  discover   alien   worlds.
            gene  editing  may  give  a   nia,  the  Parker  Institute  for   of  the  action.  Asia  and  detectable  by  Young  Periodic,   fleeting   dips
            way  to  improve  on  those,   Cancer  Immunotherapy  in     Australia will miss out.   with   his   solar-viewing  of  starlight  indicate  an
            he said.                     San  Francisco,  and  a  bio-   Unlike  its  2016  transit,  glasses.                 orbiting planet.
                                                                         Mercury  will  score  a  "That's really  close  to the  "Transits  are  a  visible
                                                                         near  bull's-eye  this  time,  limit of what you can see,"  demonstration  of  how
                                                                         passing  practically  dead  he  said  earlier  this  week.  the planets move around
                                                                         center in front of our star.  "So  Mercury's  going  to  the  sun,  and  everyone
                                                                         Mercury's   next   transit  probably be too small."   with  access  to  the  right
                                                                         isn't   until   2032,   and  Venus  transits  are  much  equipment  should  take
                                                                         North   America    won't  rarer.  The  next  one  isn't  a  look,"  Mike  Cruise,
                                                                         get   another    viewing  until 2117.                 president  of  the  Royal
                                                                         opportunity  until  2049.  Mercury    will   cut   a  Astronomical     Society,
                                                                         Earthlings  get  treated  diagonal  path  left  to  said  in  a  statement  from
                                                                         to  just  13  or  14  Mercury  right  across  the  sun  on  England.q
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