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A28     u.s. news
                     Dialuna 29 Maart 2021

                               Record rains cause flash flooding in Tennessee; 4 dead

                                                                      To  the  south  in  Williamson  floodwaters.              lots surrounding Bristol Mo-
                                                                      County,  over  34  swift  water  Many rivers and creeks were  tor Speedway.
                                                                      rescues were carried out, ac-  at or near their highest level  In  Brentwood,  eight  people
                                                                      cording to county Emergency  since  2010,  according  to  the  and  a  dog  stayed  overnight
                                                                      Management  Agency  Direc-   National  Weather  Service.  at  City  Hall  after  flooding
                                                                      tor Todd Horton. As many as  Floods  in  May  2010  caused  from the Little Harpeth Riv-
                                                                      18  homes  in  one  neighbor-  21  deaths  in  Tennessee  and  er forced residents from their
                                                                      hood had to be evacuated.    an  estimated  $1.5  billion  in  homes,  City  Manager  Kirk
                                                                      A portion of Interstate 40 was  damage in Nashville.      Bednar  said.  Hotels  in  the
                                                                      temporarily  shut  down  due  While there was no longer any  area were booked up, in part
                                                                      to  high  water  that  stranded  precipitation falling, flooding  due to spring break, he said.
                                                                      a vehicle and its driver. The  remained  a  threat,  Brittney  Fifteen  people  were  rescued
                                                                      driver was able to get out of  Whitehead, a weather service  and  two  were  taken  to  the
                                                                      the vehicle and to safety, the  meteorologist  in  Nashville,  hospital  at  the  City  View
                                                                      Tennessee  Highway  Patrol  said Sunday afternoon.        Apartments  in  south  Nash-
                                                                      in  Nashville  tweeted.  First  “Over  the  next  couple  of  ville,  where  the  lower  level
            (AP)  –Torrential  rains  sent chairs through a hallway.  responders  also  told  drivers  days,  we’ll  see  some  of  our  of  the  building  was  flooded
            across  Tennessee  flooded  “I am smiling but our hearts   to avoid part of I-24 south of  rivers  continue  to  rise.  And  in  waist-deep  water.  The
            homes  and  at  least  one  are  devastated,”  Pastor  Jarod   Nashville.              we’ve got several flood warn-  fire  department  responded
            church and left roads im-    Smith said at the start of an                             ings out for those areas that  to reports of a collapse at the
            passable,  prompting  doz-   online service. “We are stand-  Metropolitan  Nashville  Po-  we expect to remain high, at  building  following  a  mud-
            ens  of  people  to  be  res-  ing  in  our  worship  center   lice  Chief  John  Drake  said  least into Monday,” she said.   slide,  news  outlets  reported.
            cued in the Nashville area.  and  there’s  just  not  enough   three bodies were found after  Major  flooding  was  forecast  The two hospitalized patients
            Authorities said four bod-   words to describe what it ac-  Seven  Mile  Creek  flooded.  on  two  rivers.  The  weather  had  injuries  not  considered
            ies were found Sunday in  tually looks like.”             The  body  of  a  70-year-old  service predicted the Harpeth  to be life-threatening.
            the flood’s aftermath.       Nashville Fire Chief William   man  whose  car  was  sub-  River near Kingston Springs,  Drake,  the  Nashville  police
                                         Swann said swift-water teams   merged  in  the  creek  was  west  of  Nashville,  would  chief, also said an officer on
            Nashville received more than  were  placed  on  standby  in   found behind a store, and the  crest about 20 feet (about 6.1  his  way  home  was  hospital-
            7 inches of rain, the second-  anticipation of the storms. At   bodies of a 46-year-old wom-  meters) above flood stage on  ized  after  his  vehicle  was
            highest two-day rainfall total  least 130 people were rescued   an  and  a  64-year-old  man  Sunday night, while the Duck  caught  in  floodwaters.  The
            ever  recorded,  Mayor  John  from  cars,  apartments  and   were found in a wooded area  River  at  Centerville  would  officer got out of the car and
            Cooper said at a news confer-  homes, while about 40 dogs   near a homeless camp.      crest  about  17  feet  (about  was found clinging to a tree
            ence Sunday.                 were moved from a Nashville   Drake  said  a  65-year-old  5.2 meters) above flood stage  when he was rescued.
            At least one church canceled  boarding kennel, Camp Bow   man’s  body  was  found  on  Monday morning.              March  historically  is  a  tur-
            in-person  Palm  Sunday  ser-  Wow, to another location.   a  golf  course.  Police  later  In Bristol, along the Virgin-  bulent month for weather in
            vices. The New Tribe Church  Cooper  said  first  respond-  identified him on Twitter as  ia  border,  a  NASCAR  race  Tennessee.  Last  March,  tor-
            in Mt. Juliet said on Facebook  ers  walked  along  creek  beds   Douglas  Hammond,  who  on  a  dirt  track  Sunday  was  nadoes killed  more than 20
            that knee-deep water flooded  Sunday and worked with the   lived  nearby  and  was  swept  postponed  until  Monday  af-  people  and  destroyed  more
            the building, busted out  the  Red Cross to canvass affected   away as he got out of his car  ter  torrential  rains  flooded  than 140 buildings in Middle
            glass of its front entrance and  neighborhoods.           that  had  become  stuck  in  campgrounds  and  parking  Tennessee.

                            Body camera video shows officers berating 5-year-old boy

              (AP) — A police depart-                                  adults  to  ever  speak  to  or  disciplined. “All that is con-  Montgomery   County
              ment in Maryland has re-                                 threaten a child in this way,”  fidential  personnel  records  Council member Will Jawa-
              leased body camera video                                 the  school  system  said.  “As  under  (Maryland)  law,”  he  ndo said the video “made me
              that  captured  two  of  its                             parents  and  grandparents,  wrote  in  a  text  message  to  sick.”
              officers berating a 5-year-                              we  know  that  when  fami-  The Associated Press on Sat-  “We  all  saw  a  little  boy  be
              old  boy  who  had  walked                               lies  send  their  children  to  urday.                 mocked, degraded, put in the
              away  from  his  elemen-                                 school, they expect that the  The  officers  found  the  boy  seat of a police car, screamed
              tary school, calling him a                               staff will care for them, keep  about  one  block  from  East  at  from  the  top  of  an  adult
              “little  beast”  and  threat-                            them safe and use appropri-  Silver  Spring  Elementary  police officer’s lungs, inches
              ening him with a beating.                                ate  intervention  processes  School and drove him back  from  his  face.  This  is  vio-
                                                                       when needed.”               to  the  school,  where  they  lence,” Jawando said.
              The  video  released  Friday                             A police department spokes-  were met by a school admin-  Montgomery  County  Ex-
              by the Montgomery County                                 woman  told  the  newspaper  istrator.  The  video  shows  ecutive  Marc  Elrich  said  in
              Police  Department  shows                                that  the  two  officers  in  the  an  officer  forcing  the  cry-  a  statement  Friday  that  he
              one  of  the  officers  repeat-  the trauma he endured.”  video  remain  employed  by  ing child onto a chair in the  directed the county’s police
              edly screaming at the crying  “She also hopes that the in-  the  department  after  an  in-  principal’s office.  chief  to  revisit  training  for
              child,  with  her  face  inches  cident  will  lead  to  changes  ternal investigation.  “Shut  that  noise  up  now!”  how officers are expected to
              from his.                   in policy and training, both  “A  thorough  investigation  the  other  officer  shouted  interact with children.
              “Oh, my God, I’d beat him  with the school and the po-   was conducted of the entire  near the boy’s face. “I hope  “Our  police  officers  are
              so  bad,”  the  officer  said  in  lice,” the attorneys, Matthew  event,” the department said  your  momma  let  me  beat  not  social  workers,  psy-
              the  child’s  presence  before  Bennett  and  James  Papir-  in a statement.         you.”                       chologists, or therapists and
              telling  him,  “You  do  not  meister, said in a statement.  The  boy’s  mother  sued  One  of  the  officers  pulled  should not be giving advice
              embarrass  me  like  this  at  The  Washington  Post  re-  Montgomery  County,  the  out his handcuffs and closed  or  direction  on  parenting.
              school.”                    ports that the police depart-  county’s  education  board  one  of  loops  around  the  Police  duties  should  end  as
              The  boy’s  mother  has  filed  ment and the county’s pub-  and  the  two  officers.  Her  child’s right wrist.  soon as school personnel are
              a  lawsuit  over  the  Janu-  lic  school  system  declined  complaint  names  the  of-  “You  know  what  these  are  present to take over care of a
              ary  2020  interaction.  Law-  to  address  the  incident  in  ficers,  but  the  department  for?”  he  asked  the  boy.  child,” he said.
              yers  for  the  child’s  mother,  detail,  citing  the  mother’s  hasn’t released their names.  “These  people  that  don’t  Elrich also said he is “limit-
              Shanta Grant, said the video  pending  lawsuit.  But  the  Police  department  spokes-  want  to  listen  and  don’t  ed” in what he can say about
              shows  the  officers  treat-  school system issued a state-  man  Rick  Goodale  said  know how to act.”         the matter while the moth-
              ing her son “as if he were a  ment  describing  the  video  he  can’t  comment  beyond  Both of the officers involved  er’s  lawsuit  is  pending  and
              hardened  criminal.”  They  as  “extremely  difficult”  to  the  department’s  written  in  the  incident  are  Black,  can’t  discuss  “disciplinary
              said Grant is seeking “justice  watch.                   statement  on  Friday  or  say  and so is the 5-year-old boy,  outcomes  which  have  been
              and  fair  compensation  for  “There  is  no  excuse  for  whether  the  officers  were  according to Goodale.   taken.”
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