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                                                                                          world news Dialuna 29 Maart 2021

                          North Korea snaps back at Biden over criticism of launches

            (AP)  —  North  Korea  on                                                              Workers’  Party’s  Central  respond  to  the  U.S.  policy
            Saturday  snapped  back                                                                Committee  and  vice  chair-  review with more tests,” said
            at  President  Joe  Biden’s                                                            man  of  the  party’s  Central  Leif-Eric  Easley,  a  professor
            criticism  of  its  ballistic                                                          Military  Commission,  is  a  of  international  studies  at
            missile  tests,  calling  his                                                          former air force commander  Seoul’s Ewha Womans Uni-
            comments  a  provocation                                                               who  has  been  seen  as  a  key  versity.
            and  encroachment  on                                                                  figure in the development of  “Pyongyang  is  implement-
            the  North’s  right  to  self-                                                         the North’s missile program.  ing a premeditated strategy of
            defense  and  vowing  to                                                               Thursday’s  launches  fol-   advancing  military  capabili-
            continuously  expand  its                                                              lowed a statement by North  ties  and  raising  tensions.  Ri
            “most thoroughgoing and                                                                Korean  leader  Kim’s  power-  Pyong  Chol  has  larger  tests
            overwhelming       military                                                            ful sister last week, who be-  in  the  works  and  is  trying
            power.”                                                                                rated  the  latest  U.S.-South  to  maximize  political  bang
                                                                                                   Korean military exercises that  for  his  missile  development
            The statement issued by se-                                                            ended earlier this month and  buck.”
            nior  official  Ri  Pyong  Chol                                                        warned  Washington  to  “re-
            came  after  the  North  on                                                            frain  from  causing  a  stink”  The United States has down-
            Thursday  tested-fired  two  the  launches,  which  were  a  logic”  for  the  United  States  if it wants to “sleep in peace”  sized  its  drills  with  South
            short-range  missiles  off  its  violation  of  U.N.  sanctions  to  criticize  the  North’s  tac-  for the next four years.  Korea  and  stopped  sending
            eastern coast in the first bal-  against the North.       tical weapons tests when the                              nuclear-capable bombers and
            listic  launches  since  Biden                            Americans  are  freely  test-  The North has so far ignored  aircraft  carriers  since  Presi-
            took office.                 “We’re  consulting  with  our  ing  intercontinental  ballistic  the  Biden  administration’s  dent  Donald  Trump’s  first
            Experts say the flight data re-  allies  and  partners,”  Biden  missiles and could send their  efforts to reach out, saying it  summit  with  Kim  in  2018,
            leased by South Korea’s mili-  said  at  the  first  news  con-  strategic military assets to the  won’t  engage  in  meaningful  where  they  issued  vague
            tary and North Korea’s own  ference of his presidency on  region  surrounding  the  Ko-  talks  while  Washington  per-  statements on a nuclear-free
            description  of  the  tests  in-  Thursday. “And there will be  rean Peninsula at any time.   sists with “hostile” policies.   Korean  Peninsula  without
            dicted that the North tested  responses  if  they  choose  to  He  said  the  North  doesn’t  While  Pyongyang  has  a  his-  describing  when  and  how  it
            a new solid-fuel weapon that  escalate. We will respond ac-  have  options  other  than  tory of testing new U.S. ad-  would occur.
            is  designed  to  evade  missile  cordingly.  But  I’m  also  pre-  building “invincible physical  ministrations  with  weapons
            defense systems and is poten-  pared  for  some  form  of  di-  power”  to  defend  itself  be-  demonstrations  aimed  at  But the talks stalled after the
            tially nuclear capable.      plomacy, but it has to be con-  cause  the  United  States  and  forcing  Washington  back  to  second  Kim-Trump  meeting
            The  launches  showed  how  ditioned upon the end result  South Korea “constantly pose  negotiations, Ri said that the  in  February  2019  collapsed
            the  North  continues  to  ex-  of denuclearization.”     military  threats”  and  con-  North  Koreans  are  “by  no  over  disagreements  in  ex-
            pand  its  military  capabilities  In  comments  carried  by  tinue  with  their  combined  means  developing  weapons  changing  the  relief  of  crip-
            while  nuclear  negotiations  Pyongyang’s  official  Ko-  military exercises, which the  to draw someone’s attention  pling  U.S.  sanctions  for  the
            with  the  United  States  re-  rean  Central  News  Agency,  North claims are an invasion  or influence his policy.”  North’s disarmament steps.
            main  stalled.  They  also  un-  Ri  said  the  North  expresses  rehearsal.           It’s  unclear  how  the  Biden  Some  experts  say  the  allies
            derscored the growing threat  “deep  apprehension”  over  “I think that the new U.S. ad-  administration  will  respond  should  restore  the  normal
            such  short-range  weapons  Biden’s  remarks  that  were  ministration  obviously  took  before it completes its policy  scale and scope of their exer-
            pose to U.S. allies South Ko-  “openly  revealing  his  deep-  its first step wrong,” Ri said.  review  on  North  Korea  in  cises to develop a response to
            rea  and  Japan,  which  host  a  seated  hostility  toward  the  “If  the  U.S.  continues  with  coming weeks.    the growing threat of North
            combined 80,000 U.S. troops  DPRK.”  DPRK  refers  to  its thoughtless remarks with-   “For Kim Jong Un’s missiles  Korea’s short-range weapons,
            as the core of America’s mili-  North Korea’s official name,  out  thinking  of  the  conse-  man,  Ri  Pyong  Chol,  to  la-  which  it  continued  to  test
            tary presence in the region.   the Democratic People’s Re-  quences, it may be faced with  bel Biden’s press conference  even as it suspended nuclear
            Biden  was  restrained  as  he  public of Korea.          something that is not good.”   a provocation is essentially a  and  intercontinental  ballistic
            admonished North Korea for  Ri  said  it  was  “gangster-like  Ri,  secretary  of  the  ruling  threat that North Korea will  missile tests.

                                China sanctions US, Canadian officials over Xinjiang

            (AP) — China announced  accusations  of  human  rights  sites over their opposition to  U.S.  Secretary  of State  Ant-  Justin  Trudeau  said  China’s
            new sanctions against U.S.  abuses  in  Xinjiang  and  has  buying cotton from Xinjiang.  ony Blinken called the sanc-  decision to sanction an oppo-
            and  Canadian  officials  in  launched  calls  for  boycotts  The ruling Communist Par-  tions “baseless” retaliation for  sition Conservative lawmak-
            a  growing  political  and  and     other   punishments  ty’s  Youth  League  launched  U.S.  measures  against  Chi-  er as well as a parliamentary
            economic  feud  over  its  against foreign firms includ-  attacks  on  H&M  following  nese officials.              subcommittee is an attack on
            policies  in  the  tradition-  ing retailer H&M and Nike,  the  European  Union’s  deci-  “Beijing’s attempts to intimi-  freedom of speech regarding
            ally Muslim region of Xin-   along  with  sanctions  against  sion to join the United States,  date and silence those speak-  human rights abuses in Xin-
            jiang.                       foreign  government  officials  Britain and Canada in impos-  ing out for human rights and  jiang.
                                         and activists whom it says are  ing sanctions on Chinese of-  fundamental  freedoms  only  “China’s sanctions are an at-
            A statement from the Foreign  spreading  false  information  ficials  blamed  for  abuses  in  contribute  to  the  growing  tack  on  transparency  and
            Ministry on Saturday said the  about its policies toward Uy-  Xinjiang.                international  scrutiny  of  the  freedom  of  expression  —
            head  of  the  U.S.  Commis-  ghurs and members of other  More  than  1  million  mem-  ongoing genocide and crimes  values at the heart of our de-
            sion  on  International  Reli-  Muslim  minority  groups  in  bers  of  the  Uyghur  and  against  humanity  in  Xinji-  mocracy,”  Trudeau  said  on
            gious Freedom, Gayle Man-    Xinjiang.                    other  predominantly  Mus-   ang,” he said.               Twitter.
            chin, will be barred from vis-  “They  must  stop  political  lim  ethnic  minorities  have  “We  stand  in  solidarity  with
            iting mainland China, Hong  manipulation  on  Xinjiang-   been  confined  to  detention  Canada,  the  U.K.,  the  EU,  Michael  Chong,  the  oppo-
            Kong  or  Macao,  and  having  related  issues,  stop  interfer-  camps  in  Xinjiang,  accord-  and other partners and allies  sition  Conservative  foreign
            any dealings with Chinese fi-  ing  in  China’s  internal  af-  ing  to  foreign  governments  around  the  world  in  calling  affairs  critic  who  has  been
            nancial entities.            fairs in any form and refrain  and  researchers.  Authorities  on  the  PRC  to  end  the  hu-  sanctioned, said he has a duty
            The commission’s vice chair,  from going further down the  there  are  accused  of  impos-  man  rights  violations  and  to  call  out  China’s  “geno-
            Tony  Perkins,  was  also  in-  wrong path. Otherwise, they  ing forced labor and coercive  abuses against predominantly  cide” of Uyghur Muslims.
            cluded  on  the  sanctions  list,  will get their fingers burnt,”  birth control measures.  Muslim Uyghurs and mem-  “We  who  live  freely  in  de-
            along  with  Canadian  Mem-  the  Foreign  Ministry  state-  The  Chinese  government  bers  of  other  ethnic  and  re-  mocracies  under  the  rule  of
            ber  of  Parliament  Michael  ment said.                  rejects  complaints  of  abuses  ligious  minority  groups  in  law must speak for the voice-
            Chong  and  the  body’s  Sub-  China  announced  sanctions  and says the camps are for job  Xinjiang and to release those  less,”  Chong  said  on  Twit-
            committee  on  International  Friday against British officials  training to support economic  arbitrarily detained,” Blinken  ter.  “If  that  means  China
            Human Rights.                and  H&M  products  were  development and combat Is-      said in a statement.         sanctions me, I’ll wear it as a
            China  has  strongly  rejected  dropped from Chinese web-  lamic radicalism.           Canadian  Prime  Minister  badge of honor.”
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