Page 16 - AHATA
P. 16

                   Monday 27 January 2020
            Aboard Jolly Pirates Cruises:
            Aruba’s tourists make a difference with Reef Safe Suntan Lotion

            and the “Carry Your Cup’ pledge

            PALM  BEACH  —  You  may  ronment for sea critters.       Pirates  on  top  as  a  favor-
            have  heard  that  your  sun-  The  #carryyourcup  chal-  ite,  must-do  activity.  Join
            screen     might   contain  lenge  is  simple.    Reduce  the  celebration  by  enjoy-
            chemicals  that  can  dam-   waste  by  bringing  your  ing a Jolly Pirates snorkeling
            age  corals  and  other  ma-  own  cup  or  purchase  a  cruise,  raising  a  toast  in  a
            rine  life.  Protect  both  your  Jolly  Pirate  reusable  BPA-  recyclable  cup,  and  mak-
            skin  and  Aruba’s  delicate  free  option.  Jolly  Pirates  ing an indelible memory of
            reefs  by  using  Reef  Safe  guests  are  encouraged  to  a fantastic Aruba stay.
            Suntan  lotion,  complimen-  join the movement and its
            tary  to  Jolly  Pirates  guests  tourists  have  considerably  Purchase your souvenir Re-
            aboard  their  twin  Schoo-  reduced plastic cup waste  usable  cup  at  the  Jolly  Pi-
            ners.                        from  Aruba’s  landfill  and  rates gift shop at MooMba
                                         limited  cups  which  can  Beach  and  you  will  feel
            Feel  good  about  support-  inadvertently  pollute  the  good  knowing  that  you
            ing  Aruba  Marine  Park’s  Sea.  The Jolly Pirates team  support a greener Aruba.
            goals  and  safeguard  the  also  encourages  its  guests
            health  of  our  coral  reefs,  to use Reef Safe Suntan lo-  Make your paperless reser-
            when  you  participate  in  tion,  dispensed  aboard  at  vations online and save up
            the  Jolly  Pirates  “Carry  no additional cost.          to  25%  on  your  tickets  on
            Your  Cup”  pledge.  Raise                                the  company’s  new  web-
            awareness  by  raising  your  Dedication  to  both  good  site
            reusable cups to a cleaner  fun  as  well  as  sustainable  Call Jolly Pirates at +297 586
            Aruba and a healthier envi-  tourism  efforts  keeps  Jolly  8107. q
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