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                   Monday 27 January 2020
            Too soon to tell if new virus as dangerous as SARS cousin

            By  LAURAN  NEERGAARD                                                                                               not so much really numbers
            and MARIA CHENG                                                                                                     that we know will go up."
            Associated Press                                                                                                    IT'S  FLU  SEASON  IN  THE
            The  new  virus  from  China                                                                                        NORTHERN  HEMISPHERE  --
            has the world on edge be-                                                                                           HOW  WILL  PEOPLE  KNOW
            cause it's a close cousin to                                                                                        THE DIFFERENCE?
            viruses that killed hundreds                                                                                        Since  symptoms  are  simi-
            in   separate    outbreaks.                                                                                         lar  —  fever,  cough  and  in
            While it's too early to tell if                                                                                     more  severe  cases  short-
            this  latest  threat  will  prove                                                                                   ness of breath or pneumo-
            as  deadly,  health  authori-                                                                                       nia  —  it'll  take  a  medical
            ties are drawing on lessons                                                                                         test to tell. There is one, but
            from that grim past.                                                                                                health authorities in China,
            WHAT'S THE LINK                                                                                                     the U.S. and elsewhere are
            The  new  virus  comes  from                                                                                        working  to  make  it  more
            a large family of coronavi-                                                                                         widely available.
            ruses,  some  causing  noth-                                                                                        Given  that  it  is  flu  season
            ing worse than a cold. But                                                                                          in  China,  too,  it's  "all  the
            in  late  2002,  a  coronavirus                                                                                     more  impressive  that  they
            named  SARS  erupted  in                                                                                            were able to recognize this
            southern  China,  causing                                                                                           outbreak quickly," Dr. Brian
            a  severe  pneumonia  that                                                                                          Garibaldi of Johns Hopkins
            rapidly  spread  to  other                                                                                          University said.
            countries.  It  infected  more                                                                                      Precautions  that  hospitals
            than  8,000  people  and                                                                                            often  use  for  flu  season
            killed 774 -- and then it dis-                                                                                      and  for  other  infectious
            appeared, thanks to public                                                                                          diseases  should  help  for
            health measures.                                                                                                    this,  too,  Garibaldi  added.
            In  2012,  another  corona-                                                                                         For  example,  in  many  U.S.
            virus  dubbed  MERS  be-                                                                                            hospitals people are given
            gan  sickening  people  in                                                                                          masks  if  they  arrive  with  a
            Saudi Arabia. It's still hang-                                                                                      fever and cough during flu
            ing  around,  causing  small                                                                                        season.  And  a  legacy  of
            numbers of infections each                                                                                          the 2014 West Africa Ebola
            year: The World Health Or-                                                                                          outbreak  --  which  also  re-
            ganization  has  counted                                                                                            sulted  in  infected  travelers
            nearly 2,500 cases of MERS    In this Wednesday, Jan. 22, 2020, file photo, a staff member moves bio-waste containers past the   --  is  that  doctors  and  hos-
            in the Middle East and be-   entrance of the Wuhan Medical Treatment Center in Wuhan, China, where some people infected   pitals  are  supposed  to  ask
            yond,  and  more  than  850   with a new virus are being treated.                                                   about recent foreign trips.
            deaths.                                                                                            Associated Press   HUNTING VACCINES
            So far, deaths from the new                                                                                         While there is no vaccine —
            virus  have  been  a  small  can  catch  MERS  from  in-  Experts can't yet tell wheth-  probably transmits through  or specific treatment — for
            fraction of the roughly 1,300  fected  camels,  although  er  the  new  virus  called  close contact," said Dr. Da-  SARS or MERS, Fauci said it is
            confirmed  infections,  most  again, bats likely first spread  2019-nCoV  --  it  stands  for  vid  Heymann,  who  head-  technically possible to cre-
            of those cases in China.     that coronavirus to camels.  "novel  coronavirus"  —  is  ed  WHO's  global  response  ate  a  vaccine  against  this
            WHERE  DO  THESE  VIRUSES  That        animal-to-human  more like SARS or MERS.        to  SARS.  And  while  it's  too  new virus. NIH did develop
            COME FROM?                   jump is a huge concern for  Genetically,    they're   all  soon to be sure, Heymann  a  potential  vaccine  can-
            SARS and MERS came from  all kinds of viruses. Every so  closely  related  but  "they  said the new virus appears  didate  for  SARS.  It  proved
            animals,  and  this  newest  often, new strains of bird flu  really are different viruses,"  most  dangerous  to  older  safe  in  a  small  first-step
            virus  almost  certainly  did,  make the jump from Asian  said  Dr.  Anthony  Fauci,  in-  adults  who  have  other  study  in  people  but  never
            too. The first people infect-  live poultry markets to peo-  fectious  diseases  chief  at  health problems. .      was tested further because
            ed  visited  or  worked  at  a  ple, for example.         the  U.S.  National  Institutes  Complicating  matters,  if  by then, the outbreak was
            seafood market in the Chi-   "These  wildlife  markets  are  of Health.                this  new  virus  is  fairly  mild,  ending.
            nese city of Wuhan.          a  risk,"  said  Dr.  Ian  Lipkin  One  indication  of  a  vi-  it  may  be  harder  to  stem  This  time  around,  scientists
            SARS  initially  was  traced  of   Columbia   University,  rus'  danger  is  how  easily  it  the spread. That's because  have more of a head start.
            to  civet  cats  sold  in  a  live  who assisted the WHO and  spreads from person to per-  people  who  aren't  sick  Just  weeks  after  the  first
            animal  market,  but  later  China during the SARS out-   son.                         enough  to  see  a  doctor  unusual  pneumonias  were
            scientists  decided  it  prob-  break  and  advises  Saudi  Unlike  SARS,  "it  looks  like  it  and  thus  don't  learn  they  reported, Chinese scientists
            ably originated in bats that  Arabia about MERS.          doesn't  transmit  through  should  be  isolated  could  mapped  the  genes  of  the
            infected the civets. People  HOW SIMILAR ARE THEY?        the  air  very  easily  and  keep  spreading  it,  noted  viral  suspect  and  shared
                                                                                                   Neil  Ferguson  of  Imperial  them with world health au-
                                                                                                   College  London,  who  has  thorities. Now, NIH is among
                                                                                                   consulted  for  WHO.  Nor  is  several  groups  working  to
                                                                                                   there any way to know yet  create  a  vaccine  for  the
                                                                                                   how often people become  new virus, using newer and
                                                                                                   infected but show no obvi-   faster technology than was
                                                                                                   ous symptoms.                available during SARS. Fau-
                                                                                                   "We  may  see  more  mild  ci hopes to begin first-step
                                                                                                   cases as the surveillance in-  safety  tests  in  about  three
                                                                                                   tensifies,"  WHO  spokesman  months,   but   something
                                                                                                   Tarik  Jasarevic  said  Friday  ready  for  real-world  use
                                                                                                   in  Geneva.  "So  the  issue  is  would take far longer.q
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