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The taste of New England
Friday with Caribbean flair
May 13, 2022
T: 582-7800
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A r u b a ’ s O N L Y E n g l i s h n e w s p a p e r
Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper
Biden marks COVID 'tragic milestone' in U.S. at global summit
By ZEKE MILLER and MARIA more than 999,000 peo-
CHENG ple in the U.S. and at least
WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi- 6.2 million people globally
dent Joe Biden appealed since it emerged in late
to world leaders at a COV- 2019, according to figures
ID-19 summit Thursday to compiled by Johns Hopkins
reenergize a lagging in- University. Other counts, in-
ternational commitment cluding by the American
to attacking the virus as Hospital Association, Amer-
he led the U.S. in marking ican Medical Association
the "tragic milestone" of 1 and American Nurses As-
million deaths in America. sociation, have the toll at 1
He ordered flags lowered million.
to half-staff and warned “Today, we mark a tragic
against complacency milestone here in the Unit-
around the globe. ed States, 1 million COVID
"This pandemic isn't over," deaths,” he said.
Biden declared at the sec- The president called on
ond global pandemic sum- Congress to urgently pro-
mit. He spoke solemnly of vide billions of dollars more
the once-unthinkable U.S. for testing, vaccines and
toll: "1 million empty chairs treatments, something law-
around the family dinner makers have been unwill- The American flag flies at half-staff at the White House in Washington, Thursday, May 12, 2022, as
table." ing to deliver so far. the Biden administration commemorates 1 million American lives lost due to COVID-19.
Associated Press
The coronavirus has killed Continued on next page