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Friday 13 May 2022 LOCAL
Amidst a new strategy and adjusted organization:
Aruba Airport Authority N.V. sees growth in 2021
ORANJESTAD - On April pervisory Directors and presence of management auditor, have approved
the 29th the Board of Su- Shareholder (Aruba), in and the external financial and adopted Aruba Airport Joost Meijs, CEO of AAA:
Authority’s Annual Report “Our redefined vision and
2021, including the finan- strategy will give us guid-
cial statements. ance in the times to come
and maximizes our add-
The recovery of air traffic ed value to a sustainable
and consequently pas- economy and community
sengers handled at Aero- in Aruba. I like to extend
puerto Internacional Reina my heartfelt gratitude to
Beatrix (AUA Airport) was our own AAA employees
stronger than initially fore- and the entire airport com-
casted for the year 2021. munity who contributed to
The 1st quarter marked a the results achieved during
very slow recovery com- the challenging last years:
ing out of the year 2020 but the airlines, the passengers,
suddenly emerged as be- our business partners, rep-
ing a strong recovery year resentatives of authorities,
for the remainder of 2021. the board of supervisory
directors, our shareholder,
Compared to 2020 the and most importantly our
number of passengers employees.”
grew with 103% to a total
of 1,842,864 passengers For a summary of the AAA
which was a recovery of Annual Report 2021 please
69% versus pre-pandemic visit https://www.airporta-
year 2019. The recovery
resulted in 28 destinations
scheduled across 25 airlines
in 2021.
Can I have a …, please?
ORANJESTAD — Want to cals. Try a pastechi, a Ca-
taste something differ- ribbean pastry filled with
ent for a change?? How cheese or meat and fried
about a different breakfast up deliciously. Or perhaps
from what you are used to you might want to try a cro-
at your hotel. Hop in your quette, a crusty little meat
car, drive around and any- ball. A dedito is also a good
where around the island option, it’s a stick made out
you will come across a lo- of cheese or hotdog. If you
cal snack shop. want to try something more
familiar go for a home-
Here you will find all types made hamburger or a
of snacks loved by the lo- ham and cheese toast, but
with a local touch. All these
snacks are ridiculously ad-
Freshen up with a delicious
fruit shake (batido) made
out of watermelon, straw-
berry, banana, papaya or
just mix any fruit together.
What makes these little
snack shops more attrac-
tive is the warmth of its peo-
ple and with the smile you
are being served.q