Page 47 - MIN.SJA 31 AUG,2015
P. 47
Monday 31 August 2015
Sanders says would be prepared
to use military force: interview
KEVIN FREKING focused on the economy
Associated Press and gained momentum,
WASHINGTON (AP) — In- drawing the largest crowds
ternational rivals would of any candidate to his ral-
be mistaken to assume lies. Clinton served as sec-
he wouldn’t be prepared retary of state for about
to use military force if that’s four years. Sanders, who
what circumstances re- describes himself as a dem-
quired, Democratic presi- ocratic socialist, was asked
dential candidate Bernie why national security and
Sanders said in an interview foreign policy are missing
that aired on Sunday. from his campaign’s web-
The Vermont senator who site. “In all fairness, we’ve
is the leading challenger only been in this race for
to front-runner Hillary Rod- three-and-a-half months.
ham Clinton says the Unit- And we’ve been focusing,
ed States should have the quite correctly as you’ve
strongest military in the indicated, on the econo-
world. The U.S. should be my, on the collapse of the
prepared to act when it or American middle class,
its allies are threatened or on massive income and
in response to genocide. wealth inequality,” Sanders
“Yes, there are times when said. Sanders cited the war
you have to use force. No in Iraq as one of the “worst
question about it,” Sanders foreign policy blunders we
said. “But that should be a have ever seen” because
last resort.” it led to an enormous de-
During his nearly 25 years stabilization of that region.
in Congress, Sanders’ re- He also said he believes his
cord on authorizing military vote against the first Gulf
force is mixed. He voted War was correct.
to send troops to Afghani- “I think we could’ve got-
stan after the Sept. 11 ter- ten Saddam Hussein out
rorist attacks. But he voted of Kuwait in a way that did
against going to war with not require a war,” Sanders
Iraq in 1991 and again in said. “... Do we need to go
2003. to war in every instance or
Sanders comments came can we bring pressure of
during an interview that sanctions and international
aired on ABC’s “This pressure to resolve these
Week.” His campaign has conflicts?”q
Walker says wall along Canadian border worth reviewing
KEVIN FREKING Walker said some people Republican presidential candidate, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, poses for a group photo with Cit-
Associated Press in New Hampshire have adel cadets after giving a foreign policy speech on the campus of The Citadel, in Charleston, S.C.
WASHINGTON (AP) — Wis- asked the campaign
consin Gov. Scott Walker is about the topic. (AP Photo/Mic Smith)
putting a new twist on the “They raised some very le-
topic of securing the bor- gitimate concerns, includ- citizenship for those born Amendment to the Con- to freed slaves and their
der, a staple among the ing some law enforcement in the United States, a right stitution that was originally descendants after the Civil
Republican candidates folks that brought that up to guaranteed by the 14th added to grant citizenship War. q
running for president, by me at one of our town hall
pointing north. meetings about a week
Walker said in an interview and a half ago. So that is
that aired Sunday that a legitimate issue for us to
building a wall along the look at,” Walker said.
country’s northern border The U.S.-Canada bound-
with Canada is a legiti- ary is the longest interna-
mate issue that merits fur- tional border in the world
ther review. at 5,525 miles (8.891 kilo-
Republican candidates for meters) long.
president have often taken Billionaire Donald Trump is
a get-tough approach on riding the issue of illegal im-
deterring illegal immigra- migration to the top of the
tion, but they usually focus Republican presidential
on the border with Mexico. primary polls.
Walker was asked Sunday He has said he would make
morning on NBC’s “Meet Mexico pay for completing
the Press” whether he a permanent wall along
wanted to build a wall on the border. He also says he
the northern border, too. would also end automatic