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A28    u.s. news
                       Diahuebs 9 Juni 2022

                      Mexican megachurch leader faces more than 16 years in prison

            By BRIAN MELLEY              also  conducted  nude  photo
            Associated Press             shoots  for  García  in  which
            LOS  ANGELES  (AP)  —  the girls touched each other,
            The  leader  of  a  Mexican  according to the charges.
            megachurch  faces  more  Ocampo told girls that if they
            than 16 years in a Califor-  rebuffed  the  wishes  and  de-
            nia prison when sentenced  sires  of  “the  apostle,”  they
            Wednesday  for  sexually  were  going  against  God,  ac-
            abusing  three  girls  who  cording to the charges.
            were followers.              García  told  the  girls  after
                                         they  danced  for  him  that  a
            Naasón  Joaquín  García,  53,  king  could  have  mistresses
            who is considered the “apos-  and  that  “an  apostle  of  God
            tle” of Jesus Christ by his 5  can  never  be  judged  for  his
            million  worldwide  follow-  actions,”  according  to  the
            ers,  had  vigorously  fought  charges against him.
            charges  that  included  child  Ocampo was prepared to tes-
            rape, until abruptly accepting  tify against him, her attorney
            a plea deal on the eve of trial.  Fred Thiagarajah said.
            The  La  Luz  del  Mundo  “She  actively  recruited  and
            church leader pleaded guilty  groomed  girls  for  him,”
            Friday  in  Los  Angeles  Su-  Thiagarajah said. “She would
            perior  Court  to  two  counts  target  girls  and  bring  them
            of  forcible  oral  copulation  into  his  inner  fold.  She  was
            involving  minors  and  one  tasked with sexualizing these   aca, 27, pleaded guilty Friday  the  insular  church  commu-  Flores  was  also  the  subject
            count  of  a  lewd  act  upon  a  girls  and  facilitating  their   to assault likely to cause great  nity if they didn’t submit to  of child sex abuse allegations
            child who was 15.            abuse.”                      bodily injury, a misdemeanor.  his desires. In denying a de-  in  1997,  but  authorities  in
            Prosecutors said he used his  García  had  been  scheduled   Defense  lawyers  had  said  fense  motion  to  dismiss  the  Mexico  never  filed  criminal
            spiritual influence to have sex  to go on trial Monday on 19   prosecutors  were  operating  case, a judge said García used  charges.
            with several female followers  counts that also included alle-  under a far-fetched legal the-  religion  as  “invisible  hand-  The church has tried to cul-
            and  was  aided  by  others  in  gations of human trafficking   ory that García used spiritual  cuffs” to exploit his victims.  tivate  a  law-abiding,  hard-
            the  church  who  facilitated  to  produce  child  pornogra-  coercion for sexual pleasure.  García’s  grandfather  found-  working  image  in  Mexico
            the abuse.                   phy. A judge had thrown out   “It is a fantasy seemingly in-  ed  the  Guadalajara-based  — where it counts about 1.8
            Church  youth  group  leader  four counts of extortion and   vented  out  of  whole  cloth,”  fundamentalist   Christian  million  followers.  Its  male
            Alondra Ocampo, who previ-   sentencing enhancements for   defense  attorney  Alan  Jack-  church — known by its Eng-  members  favor  suits  and
            ously pleaded guilty to abus-  great bodily injury for lack of   son wrote in a court filing.  lish  name,  The  Light  of  the  short hair, and female mem-
            ing  the  girls,  was  charged  evidence.                 But prosecutors said the vic-  World — in 1926.           bers  wear  veils  that  cover
            with  directing  teenage  girls  Another female co-defendant   tims  were  essentially  brain-  García  took  over  as  “apos-  their hair and modest dress-
            in skimpy outfits to perform  who  was  a  member  of  the   washed  by  García  and  felt  tle”  after  his  father,  Samuel  es. There are about 1 million
            “flirty” dances for García. She  church, Susana Medina Oax-  they would be ostracized by  Joaquín Flores, died in 2014.  U.S. members.

                         Happy together: Orphaned turtles and kids who set them free

            By WAYNE PARRY               had  been  raised  from  eggs  from  the  eggs  of  their  dead  Salvatore Volpe drove into the  turtles is determined by their
            Associated Press             retrieved  from  the  smashed  mothers or were  themselves  Institute’s parking lot with a  temperature  as  eggs,  Fergu-
            STONE  HARBOR,  N.J.  bodies  of  mothers  killed  on  rescued  from  roads,  storm  bleeding turtle on the floor of  son said).
            (AP)  —  The  circle  of  roads were released back into  drains  or  other  dangerous  his car. He had been driving  Stockton also incubates eggs
            life  was  on  vivid  display  the wild by a class of kinder-  places over the years.  on the road that passes the fa-  and cares for the turtles in the
            Wednesday  at  the  Jersey  gartners.                     “It’s a great community con-  cility when he saw a car strike  first year of their lives. When
            Shore  in  a  way  that  even  It was part of a program that  nection,”  said  Lisa  Fergu-  a turtle that was crossing the  they  have  grown  enough
            the    youngest   children  has  saved  thousands  of  tur-  son, director of research and  road,  clipping  the  edge  of  it  in  their  first  year,  they  are
            could understand.            tles and returned them to the  conservation at the Wetlands  and sending it flying.    deemed ready to be released
                                         wild  over  the  past  25  years.  Institute,  which  runs  the  The  turtle  was  injured,  but  into  the  wetlands  surround-
            Seventeen young turtles that  The turtles were either raised  program along with Stockton  not mortally, and Volpe took  ing the institute.
                                                                      University and Stone Harbor  it  to  the  Wetlands  Institute  That’s  where  the  kids  come
                                                                      schools.  “It  showcases  how  for treatment.             in.   Kindergartners   from
                                                                      conservation works, and that  Volpe said he has been fasci-  Stone  Harbor  schools  get
                                                                      everyone  has  a  part  to  play,  nated with diamondback ter-  to  know  the  turtles  as  they
                                                                      from adults down to kinder-  rapins since moving to near-  grow. They give them names,
                                                                      garten students.”            by Wildwood Crest in 2009.   draw  posters  of  them,  and
                                                                      The turtle release took place  “It’s  a  real  slaughter  at  this  even bake and sell cookies to
                                                                      during a frenzied day of tur-  time of year,” he said. “They  raise  money  for  turtle  con-
                                                                      tle activity. This is egg-laying  just  have  no  chance.  I  do  servation.
                                                                      season,  and  turtles  come  up  what I can.”             Wednesday  morning,  it  was
                                                                      out of the wetlands onto dry  Then he was off to shoo an-  time to set them free. Some
                                                                      land to lay eggs, thus expos-  other turtle off the road be-  eagerly  grasped  the  turtles
                                                                      ing  themselves  not  only  to  fore  it  could  be  struck  by  a  from  behind;  others  were
                                                                      natural predators, but also to  car.                      more reticent to get up close
                                                                      the far more deadly threat of  Aside from caring for injured  and personal with squirming
                                                                      motor vehicles.              live turtles, the Wetlands In-  turtles and squishy mud, but
                                                                      “We  lose  550  adult  females  stitute  harvests  eggs  from  each student seemed excited
                                                                      each year to road kills,” Fer-  females  killed  on  the  road  to see the turtles paddle away
                                                                      guson said of her area in the  and incubates them at 30 de-  into the shallow water.
                                                                      southern New Jersey marsh-   grees Celsius, a  temperature  The program releases 150 to
                                                                      lands near the ocean.        that will ensure they develop  200 turtles into the wild each
                                                                      Moments  after  she  spoke,  as  females  (the  sex  of  these  year.
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