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                                                                                         world news Diahuebs 9 Juni 2022

                              Irish leader sees no UK will to end Brexit trade standoff

            BRUSSELS  (AP)  —  The                                                                                              single  market,  there  are
            British  government  ap-                                                                                            checks on some goods, such
            pears to have no political                                                                                          as  meat  and  eggs,  entering
            will  to  resolve  its  fester-                                                                                     Northern  Ireland  from  the
            ing trade dispute with the                                                                                          rest of the U.K. The British
            European Union and risks                                                                                            unionists say the new checks
            endangering  the  hard-                                                                                             have  put  a  burden  on  busi-
            won  peace  in  Northern                                                                                            nesses  and  frayed  the  bonds
            Ireland, Irish Prime Min-                                                                                           between  Northern  Ireland
            ister  Micheal  Martin  said                                                                                        and the rest of the U.K.
            Wednesday.                                                                                                          Britain’s  Conservative  gov-
                                                                                                                                ernment  insists  the  rules
            Prime  Minister  Boris  John-                                                                                       also  are  undermining  peace
            son’s  government  said  last                                                                                       in  Northern  Ireland,  where
            month  that  it  it  would  pass                                                                                    they  have  caused  a  politi-
            a law to scrap parts of a trade                                                                                     cal crisis. The main unionist
            treaty  with  the  EU  signed                                                                                       party  is  blocking  the  forma-
            less than two years ago. The                                                                                        tion of a power-sharing gov-
            EU has threatened to retali-                                                                                        ernment in Belfast, saying it
            ate,  raising  the  specter  of  a                                                                                  won’t take part until the trade
            trade  war  between  the  two                                                                                       rules are scrapped.
            major economic partners.                                                                                            Ireland’s prime minister told
            “I just simply do not detect a                                                                                      the European Parliament on
            sustained political will on be-                                                                                     Wednesday  that  the  British
            half of the U.K. government                                                                                         government’s  plans  “to  set
            to settle this, to resolve this,   are  concerns  from  legal  ex-  the  British  government  try-  Sea.            aside  a  solemn  agreement
            because  it  without  question   perts that the move is unlaw-  ing  to  help  fix  things,  “we  When  Britain  left  the  Euro-  would be deeply damaging,”
            can be resolved,” Martin told   ful, and the bill will face op-  have  actually  seen  efforts  to  pean  Union  and  its  border-  “It would mark a historic low
            EU lawmakers in Strasbourg,   position in Parliament.     block agreements and intro-  less free-trade zone, the two   point signaling a disregard for
            France.                      Britain  says  its  unilateral  duce new problems.”       sides agreed to keep the Irish   essential  principles  of  laws
            The  British  government  is   move  to  breach  the  legally  British unionists in Northern  land  border  free  of  customs   which are the foundations of
            expected  to  publish  a  draft   binding Brexit treaty is an in-  Ireland  —  the  only  part  of  posts  and  other  checks  be-  international relations,” Mar-
            law in the coming days to re-  surance policy in case it can’t  the U.K. that shares a border  cause an open border is a key   tin said. “And it would quite
            move checks on goods enter-  reach an agreement with the  with  an  EU  member  state,  pillar of the peace process that   literally be for the benefit of
            ing  Northern  Ireland  from   27-nation  bloc  to  end  their  Martin’s  Ireland  —  oppose  ended decades of violence in   absolutely no one.”q
            the rest of the U.K. But there   dispute over trade rules.  the trade rules, which created  Northern Ireland.
                                         Martin  said  that  instead  of  a customs border in the Irish  Instead,  to  protect  the  EU’s

                                    Israeli minister races to salvage flailing coalition

            By EMILY ROSE                prised of parties from across  tlements,  as  well  as  dovish  of the  settlers  than  with the  But the fissures in the coali-
            Associated Press             the  political  spectrum,  and  parties that oppose them. The  status  of  the  government.  tion will be difficult to mend
            JERUSALEM  (AP)  —  Is-      its  defeat  has  raised  ques-  alliance is the first in Israel’s  The opposition is dominated  and  its  days  could  be  num-
            rael’s justice minister says  tions about the government’s  history  to  include  an  Arab  by  allies  of  the  settlers,  yet  bered.
            he  will  give  the  govern-  long-term viability.        party,  the  Islamist  Ra’am,  voted  against  the  legislation  “The   government   now
            ment  one  final  chance  to  Israeli  media  said  that  the  whose members abstained or  and the interests of their con-  would find it very difficult to
            approve a contentious bill  renegade coalition lawmakers  opposed the bill on Monday.  stituents in hopes of speeding  manage the ongoing affairs of
            extending  legal  protec-    who  didn’t  support  the  bill  Saar, who heads a small pro-  up the collapse of the govern-  state,  let  alone  instigate  and
            tions to West Bank settlers  are being pressure to change  settler party, directed much of  ment.  Dovish  members  of  initiate  major  reforms  and
            in  a  last-ditch  effort  to  their minds or resign to make  his criticism at Ra’am. “From  the government, meanwhile,  so on,” said Yohanan Plesner,
            keep  the  fractured  coali-  way  for  those  who  would  my  perspective,  Ra’am  has  voted  in  favor  of  the  bill  to  president  of  the  Israel  De-
            tion in power.               vote in favor.               not  behaved  like  a  party  in  shore  up  the  coalition,  de-  mocracy  Institute,  an  Israeli
                                         Emergency  regulations  in  the  coalition  and  will  pay  a  spite  their  opposition  to  the  think  tank.  “In  this  respect,
            Justice Minister Gideon Saar  place  for  decades  have  cre-  price for that,” he told Chan-  settlements.         it’s a missing government, it’s
            said  in  a  series  of  TV  inter-  ated  a  separate  legal  system  nel 13 TV.      If  the  bill  fails  again  next  a  very  problematic  situation
            views  that  he  will  resubmit  for Jewish settlers in the West  There  was  no  indication  as  week, the government would  for the government.”q
            the bill next Sunday, after the  Bank. It applies parts of Israe-  to whether Ra’am’s members  not  immediately  collapse.
            legislation failed to pass ear-  li law to them — even though  would change how they vot-
            lier this week. Several mem-  they live in occupied territory  ed.  Another  coalition  mem-
            bers  of  the  coalition  joined  and not within sovereign Is-  ber  who  voted  against  the
            the  opposition  in  defeating  raeli  land  —  while  Palestin-  bill,  Ghaida  Rinawie  Zoabi,
            the bill.                    ians live under military rule,  said Wednesday she remained
            Saar called on his fellow co-  now in its sixth decade.   opposed.
            alition members to get in line  If the bill fails to pass again,  The  coalition  was  formed  a
            or to exit the government —  Jewish  settlers  living  there  year  ago,  bringing  together
            a  scenario  that  would  likely  could  see  their  legal  status  eight  parties  that  have  little
            plunge  the  country  into  a  thrown  into  question.  Crit-  in  common  beyond  their
            fifth  election  in  just  three  ics,  including  the  Palestin-  shared  animosity  to  former
            years.                       ians  and  three  prominent  Prime  Minister  Benjamin
            “As long as they don’t make  human  rights  groups,  have  Netanyahu,  who  is  now  the
            order  in  their  own  party,  as  said the situation amounts to  opposition leader. After a se-
            far as we are concerned, they  apartheid, an allegation Israel  ries  of  coalition  defections,
            aren’t  part  of  the  coalition,”  rejects as an assault on its le-  parliament  is  evenly  divided
            he  told  Israel’s  Kan  public  gitimacy.                60-60  between  the  coalition
            broadcaster late Tuesday.    The  coalition  includes  na-  and opposition.
            The bill was seen as a major  tionalistic  parties  that  are  In some ways, Monday’s vote
            test  for  the  coalition,  com-  strong supporters of the set-  had less to do with the status
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