Page 19 - HOH
P. 19
CLASSIFIED Tuesday 5 November 2019
Teacher saves HEALTH
caged puppy DOCTOR ON DUTY
from drowning ASSOCIATED REALTORS Halley Time Travel Hospital 7:00 pm / 10:00pm
For Sale Tel. 527 4000
in Illinois lake spacious House in ruby/Noord Marriott Ocean Club
3 bedrooms, 3.5 bathrooms, San Nicolas
Associated Press pool, build-up 320 m2 and for Gold season IMSAN 24 Hours
1 br ocean view $4500
CHAMPAIGN, Ill. (AP) — A $446,000 including furnitures Tel.524 8833
teacher who rescued a and appliances 2 br ocean view $7000 Women in Difficulties
1 br ocean Front $7500
caged puppy from drown- Contact mito at 593 6318 PHARMACY ON DUTY
ing in a cold central Illinois _________________________________212023 2 br ocean Front $14,000 Oranjestad:
lake over the weekend Eagle Tel. 587 9011
says the dog had been ASSOCIATED REALTORS Marriott Surf Club San Nicolas:
Gold season
"clearly abused." For Sale Aloe Tel. 584 4606
Women in Difficulties
Bryant Fritz, who teaches Gorgeous two story house on a 2 br Garden view $5000 OTHER
2 br ocean view $7000
middle school science at hill with ocean/country view in
Next Generation School in Paradera, 3 bedrooms/ 2 br ocean side $8500 Dental Clinic 587 9850
Blood Bank Aruba 587 0002
2 br ocean Front $14,000
Champaign, was prepar- 3 bathrooms with pool for Urgent Care 586 0448
ing to fish Saturday when $470,000 3 br ocean view $12,500 Walk-In Doctor’s Clinic
he found a black and Call mito at 593 6318 +297 588 0539
white puppy submerged for more details Looking to buy Women in Difficulties
Aruba Divi Phoenix
in rising water and trapped _________________________________212023 EMERGENCY
inside of a dog crate in ASSOCIATED REALTORS 1 br or studio in the old tower Police 100
or villas for week 39 to 43
Kaufman Lake. For Sale / Investment Oranjestad 527 3140
"It was pretty clear the dog Two large 2 bedrooms/ 1 For rent Noord 527 3200
1 br in the villas ground floor
had been in the cold wa- bathroom apartments at bubali/ Sta. Cruz 527 2900
San Nicolas
584 5000
ter for several hours. I im- Noord, one fully furnished, ideal 16 Nov to 30 Nov 2019 $1250 Police Tipline 11141
mediately pulled her out for short term rentals and for Ambulancia 911
of the water and dragged $298,000.00 Aruba Divi Phoenix Fire Dept. 115
the crate to the shore," he Contact mito at 593 6318 Red Cross 582 2219
said. 1 br week # 47 ground floor in
The villas with
He then realized the dog _________________________________212023 Dutch Village TAXI SERVICES
had other medical issues.q Taxi Tas 587 5900
1 br wk 46 Prof. Taxi 588 0035
Weeks remain 12/6 $6500 Taxi D.T.S. 587 2300
2 br wk 47 Taxi Serv. Aruba 583 3232
17 weeks remain $ 7000 A1 Taxi Serv. 280 2828
Women in Difficulties
Costa Linda Beach Resort TRAVEL INFO
2 br wk 43 looking towers Aruba Airport 524 2424
The light house $9000 American Airlines 582 2700
2sd floor on the beach Avianca 588 0059
Jet Blue 588 2244
Paradise Beach Villas Surinam 582 7896
1 br wk 45
3rd floor garden view $4500 Women in Difficulties
1 br wk 47 CRUISES
2sd floor garden view $4500
Eagle Resorts
2 br wk 45 and 46
Ground floor $6500 each
La Cabana Beach and casino November 6
1 br wk 47 msC meraviglia (1st call)
4th floor thursday check in ms seven seas mariner
Women in Difficulties
$4500 Freewinds
Divi Village FAVI- Visually Impaired
studio wk 47 and 48 Tel. 582 5051
1 st building to your left
From the eagle beach Alcoholics Anonymous
Tel. 736 2952
30 weeks remain $6500 each Narcotics Anonymous
Tel. 583 8989
Call: 630 1307 Women in Difficulties Tel. 583 5400 Centre for Diabetes
facebookpage:resales&realty Tel. 524 8888
Child Abuse Prevention
Tel. 582 4433
Quota Club Tel. 525 2672
Women in Difficulties
General Info
Phone Directory Tel. 118