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                                                                                         world news Diamars 2 November 2021

                      Barclays CEO steps down over Epstein report by UK regulators

            (AP)  —  The  chief  execu-  Staley characterized his rela-  Staley  said  his  last  contact
            tive  of  British  bank  Bar-  tionship with Epstein to Bar-  with Epstein was in fall 2015,
            clays stepped down Mon-      clays when he was Epstein’s  when he and his wife sailed
            day following a report by  private banker in his previous  to  Epstein’s  private  island
            United  Kingdom  regu-       job at U.S. investment bank  for lunch. That trip occurred
            lators  into  his  past  links  J.P. Morgan.              shortly  before  he  joined
            with the late financier and                               Barclays. He said he had no
            sex  offender  Jeffrey  Ep-  Details of the report have not  contact with Epstein once he
            stein.                       been released, and both regu-  joined the bank in December
                                         lators  have  refused  to  com-  2015.
            Jes Staley has previously said  ment.
            he  “deeply  regrets”  his  rela-                         C.S.  Venkatakrishnan,  head
            tionship  with  Epstein,  who  Barclays  said  in  a  statement  of  global  markets  for  the
            killed himself at a federal jail  Monday  that  the  bank  and  bank, will take over as chief
            in New York in August 2019  Staley agreed he would resign  executive.  Barclays  said  suc-
            while awaiting a sex traffick-  in light of regulators’ prelim-  cession  planning  has  been  “commitment  and  skill,”
            ing  trial.  There  is  no  sug-  inary  findings  and  Staley’s  in  place  for  some  time,  and  helping  transform  opera-  “Barclays is right to pull the
            gestion  that  the  64-year-old  decision to fight them.  he had been identified as the  tions and improve its results.  plug now,” said Neil Wilson,
            Staley  knew  anything  about                             preferred  candidate  more  It  added  that  the  regulatory  chief market analyst at Mar-
            Epstein’s alleged crimes.    The bank noted that the in-  than a year ago.             process  still  has  to  run  its “It probably could
                                         vestigation  “makes  no  find-                            course and that “it is not ap-  have done it earlier.”
            Staley  said  he  will  contest  ings” that Staley saw or knew  Shares in Barclays fell 2% fol-  propriate”  for  the  bank  to
            regulators’  preliminary  con-  about any of Epstein’s alleged  lowing the announcement, as  comment further on the pre-  The bank said Staley will get
            clusions,  which  were shared  crimes, which it said was “the  Staley had been widely cred-  liminary conclusions.  a  2.5  million  pound  ($3.5
            with  him  and  the  bank  Fri-  central  question”  behind  its  ited with doing a good job at                     million)  payout  and  receive
            day. The report by the Finan-  decision to back its chief ex-  the bank.               Analysts  said  that  Barclays  other benefits for a year. He
            cial  Conduct  Authority  and  ecutive after Epstein was ar-                           had to act because of the po-  also may be eligible to receive
            the  Prudential  Regulation  rested  in  2019.  It  wouldn’t  Barclays  credited  him  for  tential damage to its reputa-  repatriation costs to the U.S.
            Authority examined the way  comment further.              running  the  company  with  tion.                        and could receive more cash.

                          Australia, Thailand reopen borders after lengthy lockdowns

            (AP) — Sydney’s interna-     to foreign visitors, but Thai-  ones who are about to die or  VID-19  cases)  before  wel-
            tional  airport  came  alive  land  also  started  to  substan-  have  people  who  died  this  coming tourists.”   Travelers from countries not
            with  tears,  embraces  and  tially  reopen  Monday  and  week, so for them to be able                              on the preferred list or those
            laughter  on  Monday  as  many  others  have  already  to get off the plane and go see  Thailand  has  allowed  resi-  who are unvaccinated are still
            Australia  opened  its  bor-  started, or plan to follow suit.  them  straight  away  is  pretty  dents  to  travel  during  the  subject to various quarantine
            der  for  the  first  time  in                            amazing.”                    pandemic,  but  mandated  a  rules.
            20 months, with some ar-     Traveler  Carly  Boyd  seized                             strict  two-week  quarantine
            riving  travelers  removing  the  opportunity  presented  In Thailand, a country where  in specially designated hotels  Restrictions  are  also  being
            mandatory  masks  to  see  by  the  new  Australian  regu-  tourism accounted for some  for people entering the coun-  relaxed  in  the  destination
            the  faces  of  loved  ones  lations  to  jump  on  the  first  20%  of  the  economy  before  try.                 areas,  including  widespread
            they’ve  been  separated  flight  home  from  New  the pandemic, the lockdown                                       reopening  of  businesses  and
            from for so long.            York to surprise her parents,  has caused massive job losses  Foreign  arrivals  plummeted  other  facilities  such  as  de-
                                         whom  she  hadn’t  seen  in  and  hardship,  and  the  gov-  from  40  million  in  2019  to  partment  stores,  spas,  tattoo
            Australia and other countries  three years.               ernment hopes the return of  6.69  million  in  2020  —  al-  shops,  schools  and  sporting
            in  the  Asia-Pacific  have  had                          foreign visitors will provide a  most  all  in  the  first  three  events.
            some of the world’s strictest  “Just  being  able  to  come  much-needed boost.        months before the pandemic
            COVID-19  pandemic  lock-    home without having to go to                              restrictions  were  introduced  With  the  combination  of
            down  measures  and  travel  quarantine is huge,” she told  Still,  only  a  few  months  re-  — to fewer than 100,000 so  strict  screening  of  visitors
            restrictions,  but  with  vacci-  reporters at Sydney’s airport,  moved  from  a  surge  fueled  far in 2021.       and  higher  vaccination  rates
            nation  rates  rising  and  cases  where  the  country’s  unoffi-  by the delta variant of the vi-                  in Thailand, Supat Hasuwan-
            falling, many are now starting  cial anthem “I Still Call Aus-  rus that saw deaths rise dra-  Monday’s  reopening  builds  nakit, president of Thailand’s
            to cautiously reopen.        tralia Home” was playing.    matically, many Thais remain  on  a  pilot  scheme  launched  Rural Doctor Society, said he
                                                                      worried that an influx of out-  in July on the resort island of  is  not  concerned  about  for-
            Some, like China and Japan,  “There’s  a  lot  of  people  on  siders could trigger new out-  Phuket, which allowed fully  eign tourists sparking a new
            remain  essentially  sealed  off  that  flight  who  have  loved  breaks.              vaccinated  travelers  from  surge in cases.
                                                                                                   selected  countries  to  spend
                                                                      Bangkok  taxi  driver  Is-   their   quarantine   moving  But  he  said  he  does  worry
                                                                      sarapong  Paingam  lost  his  around  the  island  instead  of  about  the  planned  reopen-
                                                                      mother  to  COVID-19  dur-   in a hotel room.             ing of bars and clubs in De-
                                                                      ing the recent surge, and said                            cember,  noting  that  recent
                                                                      it would make more sense to  Starting  Monday,  if  travel-  domestic outbreaks came af-
                                                                      him  for  the  government  to  ers  are  fully  vaccinated  and  ter  the  government  allowed
                                                                      focus its attention fully on re-  from  one  of  63  countries  people to gather for activities
                                                                      opening  domestically  before  and  territories  deemed  “low  such as religious services and
                                                                      introducing foreign travelers  risk”  —  which  some  cyni-  weddings.
                                                                      into the mix.                cal Thais have noted seem to
                                                                                                   be  based  more  on  spending  “Once people start to gather,
                                                                      “The  government  has  not  power  than  coronavirus  in-  eat  and  drink,  it  has  a  high
                                                                      yet told the public what they  fections  —  they  are  exempt  possibility  to  create  a  new
                                                                      would do if an outbreak takes  from quarantine. They need  outbreak,”  he  said.  “Most
                                                                      place again,” the 34-year-old  to spend one night at a des-  bars  and  nightclubs  are  in-
                                                                      said. “I don’t understand why  ignated hotel and can’t check  doors with bad airflow, so it is
                                                                      they  don’t  let  people  in  the  out until they have a negative  easy for COVID-19 to spread
                                                                      country  live  normally  as  a  COVID-19 test, but then are  once they reopen.”
                                                                      trial to see the trend (of CO-  free to travel.
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