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A32    sports
                 Diamars 2 November 2021

                          Bills seek new stadium funding deal in place by end of year

                                                                      cials  to  help  finance  a  pro-  it  is  her  intention  to  have  a  ysis in selecting the Orchard
                                                                      posed  $1.4  billion,  60,000-  deal in place in time for the  Park  site  because  it  was  the
                                                                      plus seat stadium to be built  budget.                    most cost-effective, and built
                                                                      across  the  street  from  their                          on a parking lot the team al-
                                                                      existing  48-year-old  facility  “The timeline is one that will  ready controls. A downtown
                                                                      in Orchard Park. And yet, the  accomplish  my  overall  ob-  location  is  projected  to  cost
                                                                      threat of the team relocating  jective, which is to keep the  nearly  an  extra  $1  billion  in
                                                                      remains  a  possibility  even  Buffalo Bills in Buffalo,” Ho-  part  due  to  necessary  infra-
                                                                      though it has not been raised  chul  told  reporters  in  New  structure upgrades.
                                                                      in talks.                    York City.
                                                                                                                                The  Bills  ruled  out  further
                                                                      The  time  crunch  is  becom-  “There’ll be plenty of time to  renovations  because  they
                                                                      ing an issue as the Bills seek  get the job done. The Buffalo  would prove too costly.
                                                                      clarity  on  their  long-term  Bills  know  there’s  a  com-
                                                                      future while also saying they  mitment,  a  shared  effort  to  A state-funded study in 2014
                                                                      have no interest in renewing  finance this,” she added. “So  estimated  the  next  series  of
            (AP) — Though the Buf-                                    the lease once it expires at the  it is very positive right now.”  renovations would cost $540
            falo  Bills’  lease  on  their  “We’ve  pushed  this  back  end of July 2023.                                       million,  with  a  majority  of
            current  stadium  doesn’t  from  our  initial  timeline  to                            Unresolved  is  how  much  the work dedicated to essen-
            expire    for   21   more  accommodate  Gov.  Hochul  Having a deal in place by Jan-   public  money  the  state  and  tially  rebuilding  the  entire
            months,  time  is  running  and her getting up to speed,”  uary would allow Hochul to  county will commit, with the  third deck. That cost is pro-
            short  on  the  team  reach-  he added, referring to Kathy  include  stadium  funding  in  Bills anticipating that taxpay-  jected to be much higher in
            ing a financing agreement  Hochul, who took over when  her  budget  proposal  for  ap-  ers be requested to bear more  today’s dollars.
            with public officials on its  Andrew  Cuomo  resigned  in  proval in April. With Hochul  than 50% of the cost.
            proposal  to  build  a  new  August after an investigation  up  for  election  next  fall,  it’s                    Raccuia   was   encouraged
            facility.                    concluded  he  sexually  ha-  unlikely  she  will  have  time  Negotiations  are  on  hold  from  the  feedback  the  Bills
                                         rassed 11 women. “But we’re  for  negotiations  while  cam-  until  the  state  completes  its  received  in  presenting  their
            “If  we  get  to  January  and  all in alignment that we want  paigning.               own stadium feasibility study,  stadium  plans  at  the  NFL
            there’s  no  new  deal  done,  this deal done by the end of                            which  Hochul  said  is  ex-  owners  meetings  in  New
            you  should  really  be  con-  the year.”                 The  Bills,  meanwhile,  are  pected to be released within  York City last week.
            cerned,”  Pegula  Sports  and                             concerned  they  might  have  days.  The  study  will  assess
            Entertainment     executive  What happens beyond that is  go back to square one in ne-  the  costs  of  building  a  new  He  described  negotiations
            vice  president  Ron  Raccuia  uncertain.                 gotiations  should  there  be  stadium  either  at  the  Bills’  with public officials as being
            told  The  Associated  Press                              another change in governor.  proposed  suburban  location  productive and collaborative.
            over the weekend. PSE is the  Bills  officials  have  main-                            or  downtown,  versus  reno-
            Bills’  parent  company,  with  tained they are solely focused  Hochul,  who  is  from  Buf-  vating the existing facility.  “The parties are getting along
            Raccuia  overseeing  stadium  on  reaching  an  agreement  falo, is well aware of the time                          well,” Raccuia said. “We still
            negotiations.                with  state  and  county  offi-  constraints,  saying  last  week  The Bills did their own anal-  have a long way to go.”

                                   Bob Melvin gets 3-year contract to manage Padres

            (AP) — The San Diego Pa-                                  Bob showed our group a true  evident how he’s been able to  is the right man to take our
            dres announced the hiring  Melvin was hired away from  love  of  baseball  and  a  natu-  bring out the best in his play-  talented group and help them
            of Bob Melvin as manag-      the Oakland Athletics, where  ral presence to lead,” Preller  ers throughout his manageri-  deliver a championship to the
            er on Monday, bringing a  he  was  853-764  in  11  sea-  added.  “It  was  immediately  al career. We believe that Bob  city of San Diego.”
            veteran presence to an ex-   sons.  He  also  managed  the
            citing team that imploded  Seattle Mariners and Arizona
            down the stretch.            Diamondbacks and is 1,346-
                                         1,272 overall.
            Melvin takes his 18 years of
            big league managerial experi-  He won the AL Manager of
            ence to a team where his two  the  Year  twice  with  the  A’s
            predecessors  had  no  experi-  and once with the Diamond-
            ence as a major league skip-  backs.
            per  before  they  were  hired.
            Melvin,  60,  signed  a  three-  Melvin  has  led  his  teams  to
            year contract.               seven postseason appearances
                                         and  four  division  titles.  By
            He  inherits  a  team  that  had  comparison, the Padres have
            five  All-Stars  —  including  been  to  the  postseason  only
            Fernando  Tatis  Jr.,  Manny  six times since their inaugu-
            Machado  and  Jake  Cronen-  ral season of 1969.
            worth  —  but  underper-
            formed after the trade dead-  The Padres were set to intro-
            line and finished with a los-  duce Melvin at a late morn-
            ing record for the 10th time  ing news conference.
            in 11 seasons.
                                         “Bob is one of the top man-
            Melvin  replaces  Jayce  Tin-  agers in the game and brings
            gler, who was fired after the  a  tremendous  wealth  of
            worst  collapse  in  team  his-  knowledge  and  a  proven
            tory dropped the Padres from  track  record  to  win  at  the
            a one-game lead for the NL’s  major  league  level,”  general
            second  wild-card  spot  on  manager A.J. Preller said in a
            Sept.  9  to  elimination  with  statement.
            more than a week left in the
            season.                      “Throughout  the  process,
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