P. 5

Diaranson, 15 November 2017                                    AWEMainta                                                                     5

       Auto a dal un mucha di 2 aña na Nuñe

                                                                                                DIAMARS den oranan di atardi, un welo

                                                                                                a bay reverse cu su auto net na momento cu
                                                                                                su nieto tabata pasando patras di e auto, cu

                                                                                                consecuencia cu el a dal e mucha.

                                                                                                E mucha no tabata gravemente herida, el a

                                                                                                haya algun rasca y tabata mustra ok.

                                                                                                Pero considerando cu ta trata di practica-
                                                                                                mente un baby ainda, a opta pa bay hospital

                                                                                                cun’e pa hasi un check mas extenso.

                                                                                                Polis tambe a presenta n’e cas y a tuma da-

                                                                                                tos di e welo y di e criatura.
                                                                                                Como cu e welo ta sufri di problemanan car-

                                                                                                diaco, a pidi  pa presencia di ambulans pa

                                                                                                haci un chekeo medico cu e welo.

                                                                                                   Señora canando

                                                                                                     a sak den otro

                                                                                                  DIALUNA anochi Polis ta wordo
                                     REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL
                                                To                                                manda cu urgencia riba Golfweg, unda
           CAR RENTAL CONCESSION at AEROPUERTO INTERNACIONAL REINA BEATRIX                        un persona a bira malo riba caminda,

         Aruba Airport Authority N.V. (“AAA”) hereby invites all parties interested in a “Car Rental   Esaki a sosode casi 6’or di atardi. Tabata
         Concession at Aeropuerto Internacional Reina Beatrix” to submit a proposal here for to   trata di un señora di edad kende tabata
                                                                                                  canando y a sak den otro. Na momento
         Detailed information on the proposal requirements is provided in the Request for         cu Polis a yega na e sitio, nan a nota e
         Proposal document “Car Rental Concession at Aeropuerto Internacional Reina Beatrix”.
         This document can be requested electronically via e-mail      señora drumi den scoochi di su casa.
         as of Wednesday, November 15, 2017 until Friday, November 17, 2017 up to 16.30           E homber a declara cu e señora tabata
         hrs. local time.                                                                         canando ora cu di repente J. A cay den

         AAA reserves the  rights not to contact all entities directly who have expressed their   otro. E no tabatin pulso ni por a sinti su
         interest in this type of operation at the airport in the past. However, those entities who   curason. A pidi presencia di ambulance
         have shown interest in the past who have not been contacted directly on this Request
         for Proposal are expressly invited to obtain the RFP document and submit a proposal as   cu urgencia. E situacion a bira un poco
         requested herein.                                                                        agita na e sitio comokiera cu no tabatin
                                                                                                  ambulance disponibel pariba di brug pa
         Aruba Airport Authority N.V.
         November 2017                                                                            cual e famia mes kier a transporte den
                                                                                                  auto particula pa IMSAN.
                                                                                                  Pero Central  di  Polis a  informa  e  pa-

                                                                                                  truya cu personal di Brandweer tabata
                                                                                                  yegando na e sitio pa duna jun man.
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