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P. 7
Farmers Market at the
Thursday Ostrich Farm
October 27, 2022
T: 582-7800
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Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper
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Crioyo di Oro will be
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A sign for The New York Times hangs above the entrance to its building on May 6, 2021 in New
Associated Press
Once key, U.S. newspaper editorial
endorsements fade away Page 11
By DAVID BAUDER usefulness because of the increased po- Group Against Gas Pipe
AP Media Writer larization and the skepticism of media in
NEW YORK (AP) — Newspaper endorse- general,” said Carol Hunter, executive urges the government and
ments are fading away as prizes to be editor of the Des Moines Register. “I don’t Eagle LNG to install the LNG
nabbed by political campaigns, the prac- think that’s a healthy trend. But I think
tice a victim of both the news industry’s that’s reality.” tank in Barcadera
troubles and the era’s bitter politics. For all the effort that news organizations
Earlier this month, newspapers controlled have made in crafting compelling en-
by Alden Global Capital said they would dorsements, there have always been
no longer endorse candidates for presi- questions about whether those arguments
dent, governor and the U.S. Senate. The have much influence, particularly in high-
newspapers in the hedge fund’s portfolio profile races.
include dozens of dailies like the Chicago At no time was that more evident than
Tribune, New York Daily News, Boston Her- 2016, when 57 of the biggest newspapers
ald, Orlando Sentinel and San Jose Mer- endorsed Hillary Clinton and two picked
cury News. Donald Trump, according to the Ameri-
They’re not alone. The days when a promi- can Presidency Project at the University
nent endorsement would quickly make it of California, Santa Barbara. “None of
way into a campaign ad or voters would the above,” with five, did better than the
clip out an editorial to take into the voting eventual president.
booth seem destined for history.
“I do think you can make the argument Continued on Page 2
in many cases that they’ve outlived their Page 7