Page 106 - min.vos sept 3,2015
P. 106
PB 2 a drenta na Hadicurari cu tripu-
Cumana # 76 lantenan y huespednan di boto cu
Tel: (297) 588-6699 problema tecnico
(297) 593-0857 Thank You ORANJESTAD (AAN) --
“Si un hende muri, lo e bolbe biba? … Abo lo yama, y ami Diamars mainta mas o me-
lo contesta bo; lo bo anhela na e obra dibo mannan.” On behave of wife: Norma, children: Sidney, Mila, Laura & nos 11 or polis maritimo a
(Job 14:14, 15) Helen would like to thank all those who showed their love, wordo poni na altura di parti
Cu inmenso dolor den nos curason, pero support and kindness to our family during seguridad di marriott cu algun
hopi gradicido pa tur loke el a nifica pa the funeral of: huesped di familia Marriott
nos, nos ta anuncia fayecimento di: ta riba un boto mas o me-
Mr. Frank Arthur Wells nos 5 miya pabao di Aruba y
Margarita Maria Dirksz cu e tin problema cu motor.
(naci dia 21/11/1947; Better known as Frank the mechanic or Dos minuut despues central di
a fayece dia1/9/2015) “Daddy” alarma a informa di e mes caso
Na nomber di: y a laga sa cu e boto ta Yel-
Su rumannan: Hubert Dirksz y famia na Hulanda; Mirtha Thank you goes out to: all our friends, low Fin number A 323 y cu e
de Mey-Dirksz y famia na Hulanda; Nidia neighbours, acquaintances and family from capitan ta A Bello, ademas tin
Kelly-Dirksz y famia na Hulanda; Jozef Dirksz y famia. abroad. Perhaps you sent a lovely card or sat quietly in a chair. 6 hende riba dje, 2 miembro
Su omonan: Karel Dirksz y famia, Edwin Dirksz y Perhaps you sent a floral piece if so we saw it. Perhaps you di tripulacion y 4 huesped.
famia, Alfonso Mirep, Leo Ras y famia. spoke the kindest words as any friends could say. Perhaps Centro di Alarma a duna
Subrino- y subrinanan, na Aruba, Korsou y Hulanda. you could not be there at all but you just thought of us in tambe e lugar unda e boto por
Rumannan spiritual Testigo di Jehova di Congregacion some way. Whatever you did to console our hearts we wish ta localisa bao di Aruba y cu
Cumana, Congregacion Papilon, Congregacion Tanki to thank you, for whatever may have been your part. esaki ta pabao di e boortoren.
Leendert, Congregacion Noord, Congregacion Savaneta, The family of would like to invite family and friends to two Personal di polis Maritimo a
Congregacion Brazil, Congregacionnan Hispana, Ingles y Holy Masses: bay cu boto PB 2 di polis y
Hulandes. Friday September 04th 2015 at 7:00 pm at Saint Theresa un ora despues a bolbe pier di
Si den nos tristesa nos por a lubida cualkier famia y/of Catholic Church in San Nicolas Hadicurari cu tur seis persona.
amigo(a) di e difunto, nos ta ofrece nos sincero disculpa. SaturdaySeptember 05th2015 at 7:00 pm at Capel Emanuel Otro informe relaciona cu e
Adres pa condolencia Aurora Funeral Home, Cumana 76, Your presence would be highly appreciated. mes caso a indica cu e boto
diabierne 4 di september 2015, di 7:00-9:00 p.m. From family: Wells tabata tin problema na 5 miya
Acto di entiero lo tuma lugar diasabra, 5 di september 2015, pabao di Arashi y cu ta trata
4:00 p.m., saliendo for di Salon di Reino di Testigonan di Van Rensselaerstraat 2 di boto registra number A118
Jehova na Cumana (Cumana 21) pa Santana di Sabana 5842299/7372299 Pair A Dice cu dos miembro
Basora. Ta ricibi bishita di condolencia di 1:00-3:30 p.m. di tripulacion y cuatro turista.
na Salon di Reino Cumana, sigui pa un discurso basa riba
Bijbel. Family owned and operated Sigui lesa pag. 60
Despues di entiero no por ricibi bishita di condolencia na
f u n e r al h o m e
Cumana # 76
Tel: (297) 588-6699
(297) 593-0857
Op 1 september 2015 is vredig van ons heengegaan mijn
liefhebbende moeder, zus, schoonmoeder
en oma:
Gerry Meenhorst-Kok
Namens haar kinderen:
Marcel Meenhorst en Luz Myriam Sossa
Marlon en Ricky Croes-Meenhorst
Aurita Arends
Kleinkinderen: Dwayne Meenhorst en Reena Oedit
Andrew Meenhorst en Jelaise Bremo
Cedric en Sulienne Croes-Bareño
Mendric Croes
Achterklein Kinderen: Caiden Croes
Jay-Andrew Meenhorst
Broer en zus: Jan Kok
Miek en Wout Krispijn
Arie en Annemiek Kok
Alle overige familieleden en kennissen.
De afscheidsdienst wordt daar tevens gehouden op vrijdag
4 september 2015 van 9 tot 11 uur. Crematie zal op een
later tijdstip plaatsvinden in besloten kring.
Gelegenheid tot condoleren in Aurora Funeral Home op
donderdag 3 september 2015 van 7 tot 9 uur.
Pa avisonan di morto