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Tuesday 1 augusT 2023
10 people died at the Astroworld music festival two years ago.
What happens now?
By LEAH WILLINGHAM and In June, a Texas grand
KEN MILLER jury declined to indict six
Associated Press people in the case, includ-
Nearly two years after 10 ing Scott. Prosecutors said,
people were crushed to then, that the circumstanc-
death during the deadly es of the deaths limited
2021 Astroworld festival, no what charges they were
charges have been filed able to present, eliminating
even though some people, potential counts such as
including event workers, murder, manslaughter and
expressed safety concerns. criminally negligent homi-
Pinpointing “who exactly cide.
caused those deaths is not Thompson said the sheer
an easy question to an- number of people involved
swer,” said Sandra Guerra in putting on the event, the
Thompson, a criminal law large scale of it, and the
professor at the University high bar for proving crimi-
of Houston Law Center. nal negligence or reck-
“It’s a very difficult thing to lessness are challenges for
say, unless you have some prosecutors in cases like
kind of clear evidence The crowd watches as Travis Scott performs at Astroworld Festival at NRG park on Friday, Nov. 5, this.
that somebody in charge, 2021 in Houston. “It goes back to, who knows
whose job it was to ensure Associated Press what’s going on, is that be-
safety and who should ing communicated?” she
have known better, failed er that people could die, he did not see any signs of promoter Live Nation and said.
to take action,” she said. shortly before rapper Travis serious problems, nor did Scott. Some of those suits “Were they being told that
A nearly 1,300-page report Scott went onstage. he hear anyone tell him to have since been settled. people have died, and
on the investigation into the In the report, investigators stop the show. Those who were killed they still wanted the con-
tragedy released by Hous- wrote that Scott said he Despite no charges be- ranged in age from 9 to 27, cert to go on? Or, were
ton police Friday said con- did see one person near ing filed, more than 500 and all 10 people died due they being told that ‘Hey,
tract worker Reece Wheel- the stage getting medi- lawsuits have been filed to compression asphyxia, some people are getting
er told authorities that he cal attention, but said that over the deaths and inju- according to medical ex- hurt, which might not be
saw a crush of people and overall, the crowd seemed ries at the concert, includ- aminers. that unusual at an event
warned an event organiz- to enjoy the show. He said ing many against concert NO CHARGES BROUGHT like that?” q
Whitney Houston’s estate announces second annual Legacy of
Love Gala
By MARIA SHERMAN one now that one of them “This year is Whitney at 60 for Children in 1989 with the by Houston and became
AP Music Writer was for her,” says Pat Hous- we’re all looking forward to goal of empowering youth, one of her great, everlast-
LOS ANGELES (AP) — This ton, Whitney Houston’s sis- being a part of the power providing resources to un- ing hits. The Recording In-
year Whitney Houston ter-in-law and the executor of love in that room.” housed children, giving out dustry Association of Amer-
would have turned 60, of her estate. Houston died Houston found the Whit- college scholarships, and ica (RIAA) certified it dia-
and a special celebration in February 2012 at age 48. ney Houston Foundation raising funds for charities mond early last year, which
to raise money for a good like the Children’s Defense means the track has sold
cause is being planned for Fund and St. Jude Chil- and streamed 10 million
her birthday. dren’s Research. equivalent units in the Unit-
Houston’s estate, Sony A charity auction will raise ed States. It became her
and Primary Wave Music money for the foundation, first diamond single, and
will host the 2nd annual which is now called the made Houston the third
Whitney Houston Legacy Whitney E. Houston Legacy woman to ever achieve
of Love on Aug. 9, which Foundation. diamond-status with both
will benefit the late singer’s “We’re going to auction off a single and an album, fol-
foundation aimed at help- a beautiful lavender dress lowing Mariah Carey and
ing young people. Dolly Parton wore when Taylor Swift.
Houston’s close friends she sang ‘I Will Always Love Clive Davis will serve as hon-
BeBe Winans and Kim Burrell You’ at Country Music Tele- orary chairman. Recording
will perform at the gala at vision’s ‘100 Greatest Love Academy President Harvey
Atlanta’s St. Regis Hotel, Songs of Country Music’ Mason jr. is scheduled to
as will Whitney’s brother, special in 2004,” says Pat attend. Also expected are
Gary, who toured with her Houston. “This dress is par- Gamma’s Larry Jackson
for three decades. ticularly special because and Whitney Houston’s mu-
“When I turned 50, Whitney it’s lavender, and lavender sical director Rickey Minor.
gave me two celebrations Singer Whitney Houston performs at the pre-Grammy gala & is Whitney’s favorite color.” “I always tell people, Whit-
one in Ireland and one in salute to industry icons with Clive Davis honoring David Geffen The song, originally written ney is the star,” Pat Houston
in Beverly Hills, Calif., on Feb. 13, 2011.
London. I always tell every- Associated Press by Parton, was recorded said. q