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                    Tuesday 1 augusT 2023

                                                                      Kimberly Palmer: How to stay safe from

                                                                      financial scams

                                                                                                                                his  quick  action  and  the
                                                                                                                                bank’s help, his money was
                                                                                                                                SECURE    AND    MONITOR
                                                                                                                                YOUR ACCOUNTS
                                                                                                                                Basic  online  security  prac-
                                                                                                                                tices can also help protect
                                                                                                                                you,  Velasquez  says.  She
                                                                                                                                recommends        enabling
                                                                                                                                multifactor  authentication
                                                                                                                                on your financial accounts,
                                                                                                                                creating unique passwords
                                                                                                                                and  not  sharing  personal
                                                                                                                                details  such  as  your  birth-
                                                                      A woman types on a keyboard in New York, Oct. 8, 2019.
                                                                                                               Associated Press   date online.q

                                                                      By  KIMBERLY  PALMER  of     puts it, there are strategies
                                                                      NerdWallet                   you can employ to reduce
                                                                      One  of  the  biggest  mis-  your  risk.  Here  are  four  of
                                                                      takes   you   can    make    the most important ones:     House for sale
                                                                      when it comes to protect-    HANG UP AND ‘GO TO THE       alto Vista Noord
                                                                      ing  yourself  from  financial   SOURCE’                  3 BR 2 Bath
                                                                      scams is thinking you’re too   If  you’re  contacted  by   Lease land nice view from the
                                                                      smart to be duped by one.    anyone  claiming  to  be     islands
                                                                      “We’re  all  vulnerable    we   your bank or other familiar   Price :$500 K
                                                                      can all fall for a scam giv-  company,  end  the  con-    Call :011-297-630-1307
                                                                      en the right set of circum-  versation  and  call  the  in-
                                                                      stances,”  says  Eva  Velas-  stitution’s  verified  number
                                                                      quez,  president  and  CEO   yourself,  Velasquez  says.
                                                                      of  the  Identity  Theft  Re-  “We always say, ‘If you did   House for sale
                                                                      source Center, a nonprofit   not initiate the interaction,   Kamay Noord
                                                                      organization  that  provides   then you need to go to the   3 BR 2 Bath
                                                                      advice    and   assistance   source,’” she adds.          10 min walk to palm beach
                                                                      related  to  identity  theft.   Otherwise,  you  don’t  ac-  Price : $650 K
                                                                      Keeping yourself safe starts   tually  know  who’s  on  the   Call : 011-297-630-1307
                                                                      with  accepting  that  fact,   other  end  of  the  line,  she
                                                                      she adds.                    says,  especially  because
                                                                      “You  look  at  the  profiles   scammers  can  spoof  the
                                                                      of  victims  who  filed  com-  number  that  shows  up  on   House For sale
                                                                      plaints and it runs the gam-  your  caller  ID  so  it  might   Pos abow near
                                                                      ut  from  highly  educated,   look legitimate.            super food Pizza Hut
                                                                      high-income  people  all     In  some  cases,  you  might   10 min walk to eagle beach
                                                                      the way down to the most     want  to  pay  your  bank  a   3 BR 2 Bath with pool
                                                                      vulnerable  people  in  our   visit  in  person  to  get  clari-  Price :$ 325 K
                                                                      population,”   says   John   fication.  When  Thorn  Rob-  Call :011-297-630-1307
                                                                      Breyault,  vice  president   erts, owner of a small busi-
                                                                      of  public  policy,  telecom-  ness  in  Elizabeth,  West  Vir-
                                                                      munications  and  fraud  at   ginia, received a payment
                                                                      the  National  Consumers     request  he  didn’t  recog-  Condo For sale
                                                                      League,  a  nonprofit  ad-   nize, he went to his bank to   Noord
                                                                      vocacy group that speaks     ask about it.                15 min walk to beach
                                                                      out  about  consumer  con-   “They knew it was a scam,”   2 BR 2 Bath
                                                                      cerns.                       he  says.  As  a  result,  he   Price :$ 395 K
                                                                      While  there  isn’t  a  “fool-  immediately   canceled    Call :011-297-630-1307
                                                                      proof  solution  to  stay  safe   his  accounts  and  cre-
                                                                      from all scams,” as Breyault   ated  new  ones.  Thanks  to

                                                                                                                                House For sale
                                                                                                                                savaneta lease land
                                                                                                                                400 m2 ( 4305,564 sq feet)
                                                                                                                                1 BR , 1 Bath
                                                                                                                                Ocean Front
                                                                                                                                Price : $ 800 K
                                                                                                                                Call : 011-297-630-1307
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