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local Tuesday 1 augusT 2023
The Bushiribana Gold Mill Ruins and its history
(Oranjestad)—The Bushiri- ther search, and the assign-
bana Gold Mill Ruins is one ment was discontinued by
of the most visited places Printz himself.
by tourists on the island,
as it lies along the north- It wasn’t until 100 years lat-
ern coast line near the mini er, in 1824, when a young
pool and on the way to the boy found a lump of gold
Natural Bridge. Despite its while out herding his fa-
seemingly plain appear- ther’s sheep. His father took
ance, this ruin represents it to a local merchant who
one of the most important then sold the lump for $70.
histories of the island: The Unbeknownst to the boy
Aruban Gold Rush. and his father, they quite
literally struck gold, and
Built in 1872 by English com- as word got out, a gold
pany Aruba Island Gold fever spread among the
Mining Company Ltd, the locals who started search-
gold mill at Bushiribana ing for more gold. About 25
was constructed in the pounds worth was found.
area where most gold was
found by locals. The story At the same time, the Aru-
of gold on Aruba actually ban government took
dates back to 1725, when immediate actions, and involved grinding the rocks
a first exploration for gold informed Curacao that Over the years, conces- and letting the dust be The gold mill itself had a
on the island was commis- gold was found. At first, sion-holding had seen dif- blown away by the strong short life-span: only 10 years
sioned by the Dutch West everyone could look for ferent companies from northeast wind, leaving in service, but its structure
India Company. Under the gold, as long as they sold around the world, all of clumps of gold behind. The remained relatively solid till
leadership of Mr. Paulus it to the government. How- which used primitive meth- next step was melting the this day, and is now a his-
Printz, a three-year search ever, after some time, the ods to dig and carve out gold and letting it attach torical remnant. q
was conducted on Aruba, government decided to gold from the rocks. Aruba to quicksilver in order to
to no avail. Though they implement stricter rules and Island Gold Mining Compa- obtain pure gold. All these Sources: Etnia Nativa & gold-
found some gold, it was banned local search par- ny Ltd. was no different, but processes were done at
enough to motivate a fur- ties. used a unique method that the Bushiribana Gold Mill.
Visit the island’s hidden natural pools
(Oranjestad)—Amongst National Park, this is also Just like the Conchi, the
the countless beaches sur- possible: do bring plenty new natural pool is situated
rounding the island that are of protective clothing and on the northern coast of
well-known and frequently enough water and food—it Aruba. However, this pool is
visited, there are an addi- could take you up to three much easier to reach with
tional two “hidden” natural hours to hike there! any type of vehicle, and
pools that are situated in However, when you even- there is no hiking needed.
the northern coast of the is- tually do get there, you This spot has also become
land, two ideal stops in your will be greeted with crystal a regular stop for touring
tour itinerary. blue water surrounded by visitors.
a natural rock formation
Conchi (Natural Pool) that protects you from the When you get there, may-
For many years, Conchi wild waves on the other be you won’t be able to
was the only natural pool side. Though the pool is lo- spot the pool immediately,
that we had on the island. cated on the northern side because you will probably
Located in the Arikok Na- of the island (where the sea notice the moon-shaped
tional Park, near Boca Keto is largely rough and largely lagoon where wild northern
and the Daimari Ranch, no suitable for swimming), waves crash into each oth-
Conchi—also known “Cura the pool itself is very calm. er. Sounds scary, but if you
di Turtuga (Turtle’s Cove) or It’s also relatively deep, look down on your right,
just Natural Pool—is reach- and you can climb up the you’ll see a calm, crystal
able with any 4x4 vehicle rocks and jump in! blue little pool in the cor-
or by foot if you’re up for a ner. To get there, you have
long hike. However, since it Cave Pool to climb down some stairs.
is part of the National Park, This relatively new pool ap- Be careful when climbing
you must first get permission peared just a few years down and follow the in-
from park management to ago, when a part of the structions of your tour guide
enter. You would have to dried up coral floor broke if you have one.
purchase a day pass, and off and created a partition
receive a wristband as between the ocean and And just like Conchi, this
proof of payment. Once what is now the natural pool also has a jumping
you’ve completed that, pool that is hidden there. spot, and a rope to climb
you are set! Because it’s still so new, back up the boulder.q
there is no official name for
If you decide to hike from it, but most people just call Picture of cave pool is cred-
the entrance of the Arikok it the cave pool. ited to RockaBeach Tours