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A4   U.S. NEWS
                    Tuesday 1 augusT 2023

            Crews are battling ‘fire whirls’ in California’s Mojave Desert

            MOJAVE  NATIONAL  PRE-                                                                                              “It  will  change  the habitat
            SERVE, Calif. (AP) — Crews                                                                                          possibly permanently,” said
            battled “fire whirls” in Cali-                                                                                      Ileene  Anderson,  a  senior
            fornia’s  Mojave  National                                                                                          scientist  at  the  Center  for
            Preserve  this  weekend  as                                                                                         Biological Diversity.
            a  massive  wildfire  crossed                                                                                       Even  more,  deer  and  big-
            into Nevada amid danger-                                                                                            horn sheep could become
            ously  high  temperatures                                                                                           trapped by the flames, she
            and raging winds.                                                                                                   said. If any manage to sur-
            The York Fire was mapped                                                                                            vive the blaze, their resourc-
            at roughly 120 square miles                                                                                         es  in  the  newly  scorched
            (284  square  kilometers)  on                                                                                       landscape  would  be  se-
            Monday  with  no  contain-                                                                                          verely limited.
            ment.                                                                                                               In  2020,  the  Dome  Fire
            The  blaze  erupted  Friday                                                                                         ripped  through  the  pre-
            near the remote Caruthers                                                                                           serve, ravaging one of the
            Canyon  area  of  the  vast                                                                                         world’s largest Joshua tree
            wildland  preserve,  crossed                                                                                        forests.   Conservationists,
            the  state  line  into  Nevada                                                                                      including  Anderson,  are
            on Sunday and sent smoke                                                                                            trying to revitalize the land
            further east into the Las Ve-                                                                                       by planting new trees since
            gas Valley.                                                                                                         the  species  usually  isn’t
            A  smoky  hazy  blotted  out                                                                                        able to make a comeback
            the sun midday on the Las    Flames rise from the York Fire on Ivanpah Rd. on Sunday, July 30, 2023, in the Mojave National   naturally after a wildfire.
            Vegas  Strip,  and  obliterat-  Preserve, Calif.                                                                    The desert hasn’t adapted
            ed views of mountains sur-                                                                         Associated Press   to fires; such blazes are rare
            rounding the city and sub-   feet tall to several hundred  where the fire burned  Tues-  spots charred tens of thou-  because there are few igni-
            urbs. Because of low visibil-  feet high, with varying rota-  day’s high was 96 degrees  sands  of  acres  of  black-  tion points in the harsh ter-
            ity,  the  Harry  Reid  Interna-  tional speeds  were spotted  Fahrenheit  (35.5  Celsius),  brush scrub, pinyon-juniper   rain. Generally, most fires in
            tional  Airport  in  Las  Vegas   Sunday on the north end of  according  to  the  National  woodlands  and  the  fa-  the  desert  are  caused  by
            reported  departure  delays   the York Fire.              Weather Service.             mous  Joshua  trees  in  the   humans, Anderson said.
            of  45  minutes  or  more,  as   “While these can be fasci-  Significant  portions  of  the  New York Mountains in San   The  cause  of  the  York  Fire
            well as slight delays for ar-  nating to observe they are  U.S. population have been  Bernardino County.            remains  under  investiga-
            rivals.                      a  very  dangerous  natural  subject to extreme heat in  It could take the pinyon-ju-  tion, though authorities say
            A  fire  whirl    sometimes   phenomena  that  can  oc-   recent  weeks.  Worldwide,  niper woodlands 200 to 300    it  started  on  private  land
            called  a  fire  tornado    is  a   cur  during  wildfires,”  the  July  has  been  so  steamy  years  to  become  “a  func-  within  the  preserve.  Other
            “spinning  column  of  fire”   park service wrote.        thus  far  that  scientists  cal-  tional  community  again,”   details  were  not  available
            that  forms  when  intense   The  whirls  require  high  culate it will be the hottest  while the blackbrush scrub   Monday.
            heat  and  turbulent  winds   temperatures  to  form.  In  month  ever  recorded  and  and  Joshua  trees  are  un-  To the southwest, the Bon-
            combine, according to the    Searchlight, Nevada  an un-  likely the warmest to hit hu-  likely  to  regrow  after  this   ny  Fire  burned  about  3.6
            National Park Service.       incorporated  area  about  man civilization.              catastrophic  blaze,  which   square miles (9.3 square ki-
            The  vortexes    which  can   12  miles  (19.31  kilometers)  Wind-driven flames 20 feet  erupted without human in-  lometers) in the rugged hills
            be  anywhere  from  a  few   from  the  California  border  (6  meters)  high  in  some  tervention.                of Riverside County. q

            Two supermoons in August mean

            double the stargazing fun

             By MARCIA DUNN              (357,344 kilometers) distant.  founder of the Virtual Tele-
             AP Aerospace Writer         Because it’s the second full  scope Project.
             CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP)  moon in the same month, it  Masi will provide a live we-
             — The cosmos is offering up  will be what’s called a blue  bcast of Tuesday evening’s
             a double feature in August:  moon.                       supermoon,  as  it  rises  over
             a pair of supermoons culmi-  “Warm  summer  nights  are  the Coliseum in Rome.
             nating in a rare blue moon.  the ideal time to watch the  “My  plans  are  to  capture
             Catch  the  first  show  Tues-  full moon rise in the eastern  the beauty of this ... hope-
             day  evening  as  the  full  sky within minutes of sunset.  fully  bringing  the  emotion
             moon  rises  in  the  south-  And it happens twice in Au-  of the show to our viewers,”
             east,  appearing  slightly  gust,” said retired NASA as-  Masi said in an email.
             brighter  and  bigger  than  trophysicist  Fred  Espenak,  “The  supermoon  offers  us   A commercial airliner flies Northwest across Lake Michigan in
             normal.  That’s  because  it  dubbed  Mr.  Eclipse  for  his  a great opportunity to look   front of the “Full Buck” supermoon, the first of four supermoons
                                                                                                   in 2023, July 3, 2023, in Chicago.
             will  be  closer  than  usual,  eclipse-chasing expertise.  up  and  discover  the  sky,”                                      Associated Press
             just  222,159  miles  (357,530  The last time two full super-  he added.
             kilometers)  away,  thus  the  moons graced the sky in the  This  year’s  first  supermoon  Provided  clear  skies,  bin-  as  lunar  maria    the  dark
             supermoon label.            same month was in 2018. It  was in July. The fourth and  oculars  or  backyard  tele-  plains  formed  by  ancient
             The  moon  will  be  even  won’t  happen  again  until  last  will  be  in  September.  scopes  can  enhance  the  volcanic  lava  flows  and
             closer  the  night  of  Aug.  2037,  according  to  Italian  The  two  in  August  will  be  experience,  Espenak  said,  rays emanating from lunar
             30    a  scant  222,043  miles  astronomer Gianluca Masi,  closer than either of those.  revealing  such  features  craters.q
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