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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Tuesday 1 augusT 2023
            EU leader warn against China’s aggression in Asia

            By JIM GOMEZ                                                                                                        China  seas  and  in  the  Tai-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    wan  Strait  directly  affects
            MANILA, Philippines (AP) —                                                                                          Philippines  and  other  part-
            The leader of the European                                                                                          ners  in  the  region,”  the  EU
            Union’s  executive  commis-                                                                                         leader  said.  “But  it  could
            sion  cited  Russia’s  invasion                                                                                     also have global repercus-
            of Ukraine to warn against                                                                                          sions  because  any  weak-
            China’s  increasingly  as-                                                                                          ening of regional stability in
            sertive  actions  in  disputed                                                                                      Asia...affects  global  secu-
            Indo-Pacific  waters  and                                                                                           rity,  the  free  flow  of  trade
            against  Taiwan  and  said                                                                                          and our own interests in the
            Monday that the EU would                                                                                            region.”
            not  tolerate  aggression  in                                                                                       Beijing  has  turned  seven
            either region.                                                                                                      disputed  reefs  into  missile-
            European       Commission                                                                                           protected  island  bases  in
            President  Ursula  von  der                                                                                         the  last  decade,  further
            Leyen spoke at a joint news                                                                                         alarming  Western  govern-
            conference  with  Philippine                                                                                        ments  and  rival  claimants,
            President  Ferdinand  Mar-                                                                                          including  the  Philippines,
            cos Jr. after holding talks in                                                                                      Vietnam,  Malaysia,  Brunei
            Manila  that  aimed  to  bol-                                                                                       and Taiwan.
            ster  trade,  economic  and   Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr., second from right, claps beside European Commission   China’s  fleet  of  coast
            security relations.          President Ursula von der Leyen, second from left, after signing ceremonies at the Malacanang   guard ships and swarms of
            The leaders announced the    Presidential Palace in Manila, Philippines, Monday, July 31, 2023.                     militia  boats  have  warned
            27-nation  bloc  would  re-                                                                        Associated Press   vessels  from  rival  claimant
            sume negotiations with the  ereignty,” she said.          cause an Indo-Pacific free  Duterte over human rights.  states  and  the  U.S.  military
            Philippines on a free trade  “This  is  why  Europe  sup-  of the threats of coercion is  It’s  the  first  such  top-level  and  its  allies  not  to  stray
            agreement  that  stalled  in  ports  Ukraine’s  brave  fight  key to all our stability to our  visit  in  nearly  six  decades  into its claimed territories in
            2017  under  Marcos’s  pre-  against  the  aggressor,  be-  peace, and to the prosper-  of  Europe-Philippines  rela-  the disputed waters, which
            decessor, Rodrigo Duterte.   cause  the  illegal  use  of  ity of our people.”         tions.  The  EU  leader  later  straddle one of the world’s
            Von der Leyen also stressed  force cannot be tolerated,  Without naming China, von  spoke more bluntly against  busiest  sea  lanes  and  are
            the need for security coop-  not  in  Ukraine,  not  in  the  der  Leyen  reaffirmed  the  China at a business forum in  believed to be sitting atop
            eration, saying Russia’s full-  Indo-Pacific,” von der Ley-  EU’s recognition of a deci-  Manila, where she warned  undersea  deposits  of  oil
            scale  invasion  of  Ukraine  en said. “Security in Europe  sion by a U.N.-backed tribu-  that  Beijing’s  increasingly  and gas.
            showed  how  authoritarian  and  security  in  the  Indo-  nal that invalidated China’s  aggressive  actions  in  Asia  Von der Leyen urged Asian
            leaders  “are  willing  to  act  Pacific  is  indivisible.  Chal-  territorial  claims  in  virtually  “could also have global re-  nations  never  to  rely  on  a
            on their threats.”           lenges  to  the  rules-based  the entire South China Sea  percussions.”  She  criticized  single  supplier  for  energy
            “Russia’s war of aggression  order in our interconnected  on  historical  grounds.  Chi-  China’s stance on the war  and  raw  materials,  citing
            against Ukraine shakes the  world affect all of us.”      na  has  rejected  the  arbi-  in  Ukraine,  its  increasingly  how “Russia tried to black-
            foundation  of  the  interna-  “This  is  why  we  are  con-  tration decision as a sham  aggressive  actions  in  dis-  mail  us”  by  considerably
            tional order. It is in violation  cerned  about  the  rising  and  continues  to  defy  it.  puted Asian waters and its  cutting its natural gas sup-
            of the U.N. charter and the  tensions  in  the  Indo-Pacif-  Von der Leyen’s visit to the  provocative moves against  ply  to  European  countries
            fundamental  principles  of  ic,”  she  said,  adding  that  Philippines  is  a  sign  of  im-  Taiwan.             after the EU imposed sanc-
            international  law,  such  as  the  EU  backs  a  free  and  proving  ties  after  a  stormy  “China’s  show  of  military  tions against Moscow over
            territorial  integrity  and  sov-  open   Indo-Pacific   “be-  period between the EU and  force in the South and East  the invasion of Ukraine. q

             4 separatist Bosnian Serb leaders are sanctioned by U.S. Treasury

            SARAJEVO,  Bosnia-Herze-     tions  on  four  ranking  Bos-  agreement  that  ended  to  not  recognize  or  imple-  against each other. It end-
            govina  (AP)  — The U.S. on  nian  Serb  officials  for  un-  a  war  that  left  more  than  ment any decisions by Bos-  ed with the U.S.-sponsored
            Monday  imposed  sanc-       dermining  a  1995  peace  100,000  dead  and  millions  nia’s  multi-ethnic  Constitu-  Dayton accords that creat-
                                                                      homeless.                    tional Court.                ed two regions, the Repub-
                                                                      The  four  officials  sanc-  “This  action  threatens  the  lika Srpska and the Bosniak-
                                                                      tioned by the U.S. Treasury  stability,  sovereignty,  and  Croat Federation.
                                                                      include Zeljka Cvijanovic, a  territorial  integrity  of  Bos-  The  Bosnian  Serb  ruling
                                                                      Serb member of the tripar-   nia  and  Herzegovina  and  party,  SNSD,  said  that  the
                                                                      tite collective Bosnian presi-  the  hard-won  peace  un-  latest  U.S.  sanctions  were
                                                                      dency, as well as the prime  derpinned  by  the  Dayton  “shameful”  and  “hypocriti-
                                                                      minister of the Serb entity in  Peace  Agreement,”  said  cal”  and  would  not  “stop
                                                                      Bosnia, Radovan Viskovic.    Under  Secretary  of  the  us from doing our job.”
                                                                      The  four  are  alleged  to  Treasury  for  Terrorism  and  The  pro-Russian  Bosnian
                                                                      have taken part in drafting  Financial  Intelligence  Brian  Serb leader, Milorad Dodik,
                                                                      a law that U.S. and other in-  E.  Nelson.  “This  behavior  has openly been striving to
                                                                      ternational officials say un-  further threatens the coun-  separate Bosnian Serb terri-
                                                                      dermines the unity of Bosnia  try’s  future  trajectory  and  tories from the rest of Bosnia
                                                                      by ignoring the decisions of  successful  integration  into  and  join  them  with  neigh-
                                                                      the country’s constitutional  Euro-Atlantic institutions.”  boring Serbia.
            Zeljka  Cvijanovic,  a  Serb  member  of  the  tripartite  collective   court.         The Bosnian War started in  Because  of  that,  he  was
            Bosnian  presidency  attends  the  final  campaign  rally  in  the
            Bosnian town of Banja Luka, Friday, Sept. 30, 2022.       The  Bosnian  Serb  parlia-  1992,  pitting  mostly  Muslim  also sanctioned by the U.S.,
                                                     Associated Press   ment  has  passed  the  law  Bosniaks, Serbs, and Croats  in 2017.q
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