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U.S. NEWS Tuesday 1 augusT 2023
Biden has decided to keep Space Command in Colorado,
rejecting move to Alabama, officials tell AP
By LOLITA C. BALDOR and change triggered a num-
TARA COPP ber of reviews. Proponents
Associated Press of keeping the command
WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi- in Colorado have argued
dent Joe Biden has de- that moving it to Huntsville
cided to keep U.S. Space and creating a new head-
Command headquarters quarters would set back its
in Colorado, overturning a progress at a time it needs
last-ditch decision by the to move quickly to be po-
Trump administration to sitioned to match China’s
move it to Alabama and military space rise. And Col-
ending months of politically orado Springs is also home
fueled debate, according to the Air Force Acade-
to senior U.S. officials. my, which now graduates
The officials said Biden was Space Force guardians,
convinced by the head of and more than 24 military
Space Command, Gen. space missions, including
James Dickinson, who three Space Force bases.
argued that moving his Officials also argued that
headquarters now would any new headquarters in
jeopardize military readi- Alabama would not be
ness. Dickinson’s view, how- completed until some-
ever, was in contrast to Air time after 2030, forcing a
Force leadership, who stud- The flag of the U.S. Space Command is presented during a ceremony for the establishment of the lengthy transition.
ied the issue at length and command in the Rose Garden of the White House, Thursday, Aug. 29, 2019, in Washington. It is home to the Army’s
determined that relocating Associated Press Space and Missile Defense
to Huntsville, Alabama, was firmly believes that main- become entangled in the And they said the president Command.
the right move. taining stability will help the ongoing battle between fully expected there would According to officials,
The officials spoke on con- military be better able to Alabama Republican Sen. be different views on the Air Force Secretary Frank
dition of anonymity to dis- respond in space over the Tommy Tuberville and the matter within the Defense Kendall, who ordered his
cuss the decision ahead of next decade. Those fac- Defense Department over Department. own review of the mat-
the announcement. tors, they said, outweighed the move to provide travel Formally created in Au- ter, leaned toward Hunts-
The president, they said, what the president be- for troops seeking repro- gust 2019, the command ville, while Dickinson was
believes that keeping the lieved would be any minor ductive health care. Tuber- was temporarily based in staunchly in favor of stay-
command in Colorado benefits of moving to Ala- ville opposed the policy is Colorado, and Air Force ing put. The officials said
Springs would avoid a dis- bama. Biden’s decision is blocking hundreds of mili- and Space Force leaders Defense Secretary Lloyd
ruption in readiness that the sure to enrage Alabama tary promotions in protest. initially recommended it Austin presented both op-
move would cause, par- lawmakers and fuel accu- The U.S. officials said the stay there. In the final days tions to Biden.
ticularly as the U.S. races sations that abortion politics abortion issue had no ef- of his presidency Donald The decision was good
to compete with China in played a role in the choice. fect at all on Biden’s deci- Trump decided it should news for Colorado law-
space. And they said Biden The location debate has sion. be based in Huntsville. The makers. q
Native American tribes in Oklahoma will keep tobacco deals
By SEAN MURPHY tobacco sales can opt to tribes were in the gallery for Republican governor and Oklahoma to be turned
Associated Press extend the terms of that Monday’s vote. several Oklahoma-based into a reservation,” Stitt
OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — agreement until Dec. 31, The override is the latest tribes. Stitt, himself a citi- said. “I will fight as long as
Native American tribes in 2024. Leaders from several development in an ongo- zen of the Cherokee Na- I’m governor to make sure
Oklahoma will get to keep of the state’s most powerful ing dispute between the tion, has said he wants to that we’re one state with
their existing agreements adjust the compact lan- one set of rules.”
on how they share money guage to make sure tribes The current tobacco com-
from tobacco sales with don’t expand where they pacts, which allow the
the state. The Oklahoma sell tobacco as a result of state and tribes to evenly
House voted on Monday to a landmark 2020 U.S. Su- split the tax revenue on the
override Gov. Kevin Stitt’s preme Court decision that sale of tobacco on tribal
veto of a bill that extends determined the Muscogee land, generate tens of mil-
agreements on selling to- (Creek) Nation’s historical lions of dollars each year in
bacco for another year. In reservation still existed. revenue for both the state
a bipartisan vote during a Since that decision, lower and tribes.
special session, the Repub- courts have determined Senate President Pro Tem-
lican-controlled House met the reservations of several pore Greg Treat said last
the two-thirds vote needed other Native American week he wants to give the
to override. The Senate tribes, including the Cher- governor more time to re-
overrode the governor’s okee, Chickasaw, Choc- negotiate the terms of the
veto last week. Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt speaks during inauguration taw and Seminole, are still deal and has been openly
As a result, any tribe with ceremonies Jan. 9, 2023, in Oklahoma City. intact. “I do not believe critical of Stitt’s disputes
an existing agreement on Associated Press Oklahomans want eastern with the tribes. q