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WORLD NEWS Monday 9 July 2018
Italy wants to extend migrant rescue curbs to navy ships
Associated Press contributed from a variety
ROME (AP) — The right-wing of countries. Italy’s coast
interior minister who closed guard coordinates the res-
Italy’s ports to aid groups cues and tells Frontex ships
that rescue migrants in the where to disembark.
Mediterranean said Sun- In addition, the EU oper-
day that he wants to ex- ates a military operation,
tend the prohibition to for- Operation Sophia, focused
eign navy ships. on fighting people smug-
Matteo Salvini said he gling and arms trafficking;
would bring up Italy’s de- the Samuel Beckett was
sire to keep navy ships participating in Operation
carrying rescued migrants Sophia, officials said.
from its ports when Europe- Italian Transport Minister
an Union interior ministers Danilo Toninelli suggested
meet this week in Austria. that Italy would be taking
Salvini made the statement aim at the terms of Opera-
on Facebook after the Irish tion Sophia. Toninelli said
navy ship Samuel Beckett on Twitter that Italy was re-
arrived in the Sicilian port of quired to accept the Sam-
Messina with 106 migrants uel Becket’s passengers un-
after participating in an EU- der a “crazy” agreement
sponsored mission. negotiated by the previous
“Unfortunately, Italian gov- Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini makes a point during press conference with Vice President government that “sold out
ernments over the past five of Libyan Parliamentary Council Ahmed Maitig, Thursday, July 5, 2018. Italy’s interests.”q
years have signed agree- Associated Press
ments (in exchange for change.”
what?) so that all these The EU’s border control
ships disembark immigrants force, Frontex, operates a
in Italy,” Salvini wrote. “With search-and-rescue opera-
our government, the mu- tion in the Mediterranean
sic has changed and will using air and sea resources
Turkey: Train derailment
kills at least 10, injures 73
By ZEYNEP BILGINSOY agency. The train was
Associated Press heading to Istanbul from
ISTANBUL (AP) — At least Edirne, on the border with
10 people were killed and Greece, with 362 passen-
more than 70 injured Sun- gers and six crew members
day when a passenger on board, the transporta-
train derailed in northwest- tion ministry said.
ern Turkey, Turkish authori- The Turkish prime ministry
ties said. Five of the train’s issued a temporary me-
six cars derailed in a village dia ban Sunday night on
in Tekirdag province after reporting the aftermath
“the ground between the of the accident, citing na-
culvert and the rail col- tional security and public
lapsed” due to heavy rains, order. Before then, an un-
the Ministry of Transport named survivor told the
said. Health Ministry Un- private DHA news agency
dersecretary Eyup Gumus she had been in one of
put the number of fatalities the cars that went off the
at 10 and the number of tracks. “There were deaths
people injured at 73 based immediately, people
on initial reports from the whose legs were crushed.
scene, according to Tur- It was a horrible accident,”
key’s official Anadolu news she said.q