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u.s. news Diahuebs 15 OctOber 2020
History, mistrust spurring Black early voters in Georgia
(AP) — They came by the their votes get counted.
thousands to vote early,
descendants of slaves, Born during a pivotal year of
children of the civil rights the civil rights movement,
era and other Georgians when Black people were still
standing in line for hours fighting for the right to vote
when all could have been across the South, 56-year-
somewhere else. old Donovan Stewart put on
sweatpants and sneakers for
Yet in a year when issues in- comfort and prepared to wait
cluding prejudice, racial jus- as long as needed to vote in
tice and voter suppression the Atlanta suburb of Du-
are at the forefront, the Black luth. “Many individuals went
voters saw giving up time to through a lot, suffered a lot
cast a ballot for the next U.S. for this opportunity," Stew-
president as worth the trade art, a military retiree, said.
- even early in the voting pro- “So I could stand in line for
cess and during a pandemic four hours to do my civic
that made merely going to a duty. That’s what we’re called
polling place a risky act. to do, to vote and try to make
a change.”
Still waiting three hours af-
ter she showed up to vote Early voters have waited in
in Savannah on Wednesday, long lines in other states, in-
Khani Morgan, 75, wasn't cluding Texas, Kentucky and
taking any chances with her Tennessee. But in Georgia,
health months after suffering which is viewed as more of
a stroke: she wore a mask and a contested state than in the
a plastic shield that covered past, elections have drawn
her entire face. heightened attention in re- they look like they’re long, said. “I feel that me standing airport security check points.
But Morgan said the impor- cent years. That's been the but everyone is spaced 6 in line and actually making
tance of voting was drilled case particularly since 2018, feet out on center, and that sure my ballot it is in makes “Our country’s just a hot
into her as a girl by great- when Republican Brian just makes your lines look me feel better, makes me rest mess now, so I had to come
grandmother Sally Williams, Kemp defeated Democrat a whole lot longer,” he said better at night.” out, I’ve to make my voice
who was born a slave in 1850 Stacey Abrams in a close gu- during a news conference at Unable to find the end of the heard,” Daniels said as she
and lived to be more than bernatorial contest that was the Capitol. Many Georgia long line during her first try waited her turn in the city
100. Morgan felt compelled plagued by long waits and voters said they decided to at early voting on Monday, just northwest of Atlanta.
to vote early to register her allegations of voter suppres- vote near the beginning of Michelle Lynch tried again Back in Savannah, Crystal
support for Democrat Joe sion. early voting rather than wait on Wednesday and took a Clark arrived at the polls pre-
Biden over President Donald Long lines caused in part by until closer to Election Day selfie while displaying her “I pared for a long wait in line
Trump. equipment problems marred since long lines seem a given voted” sticker after she suc- while wearing a mask for vi-
the state’s June primary, and this year. Voting has been ceeded. No fan of Trump, rus protection and carrying
“I won’t let anything get in concerns about voter disen- heavy in both Democratic- Lynch voted for Biden and a folding stool for rest and a
the way of me and this op- franchisement have resulted leaning precincts and Repub- plans to share her story in multicolored umbrella for
portunity,” said Morgan, who in a flood of election-related lican strongholds. years to come. shade.
coordinates an adult literacy lawsuits seeking quick-fixes
program. before the November elec- Stephanie Loftin, 48, backed “I want to be able to tell my Still unsure why she was
The willingness of many tion as well as broader, long- up her desire to see change in grandchildren that I was part dropped from voting rolls
Black voters to queue up in- term changes to the voting Washington by taking about of voting in this election,” two years ago, Clark decided
stead of coming back another system, but officials have de- four hours to vote in person she said. “Our ancestors to vote early in person after
day is a measure of their de- fended Georgia's system. near Atlanta. While absentee fought so hard for the vote the mail-in ballot she re-
termination and their skepti- voting would have allowed and that was a moment then, quested in early September
cism about the system. Those While acknowledging equip- her to avoid a line and stay and I feel like this is a mo- never arrived. Clark, who
in Georgia acknowledged ment glitches, Secretary of off her creaky knees, Loftin ment now.” sells real estate, said she's
they could have voted by State Brad Raffensperger said didn't feel comfortable with In Marietta, Georgia, Alexus more protective than ever of
mail or returned to a polling pandemic-related cleaning the idea of mailing her ballot Daniels, 26, was not deterred her right to vote, and going
place at a different time; but procedures and a large turn- or dropping it into a collec- by long lines at a main polling to the precinct was worth the
with no expectation of voting out resulted in the long waits tion box. place where the fencing used risk and trouble.
becoming easier in the weeks voters encountered so far to weave people back and “I guess it’s insurance that
to come, they saw waiting during early voting. “I just don’t really trust the forth resembled the mazes my vote is going to count,”
as a necessary step to ensure “If you look at those lines, system, to say the least,” she used in amusement parks and she said.
Pope names new bishop for Diocese of Springfield
(AP) — A priest known for his “Many of our people have drifted said in a statement. It has been devel-
YouTube series of advice and life from their faith and many of our par- Byrne, 56, a Virginia native who at- oped into a book.
hacks for Catholics was named ishes and schools are struggling in the tended the College of the Holy Cross
by Pope Francis on Wednesday as midst of the pandemic. But some of in Worcester, was ordained in 1994 Byrne replaces Bishop Mitchell Ro-
the new bishop of the Diocese of our greatest challenges come from and was most recently pastor of Our zanski, who was named Archbishop
Springfield. within,” Byrne said at a news confer- Lady of Mercy in Potomac, Mary- of St. Louis in June.
ence. “The shameful history of abuse land. The Diocese of Springfield oversees
The Rev. William Byrne, who most within the church represents a sys- almost 165,000 Catholics in 79 par-
recently served as a priest in Arch- tematic failure to protect our most His YouTube series “Five Things” ishes in the four westernmost coun-
diocese of Washington, D.C., will be vulnerable members, especially our highlights teachings, prayer starters, ties of Massachusetts.
formally installed on Dec. 14. children. It must be acknowledged or spiritual meditations to help peo-
going forward continuously." ple to grow closer to God, the diocese