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                                                                                         world news Diahuebs 15 OctOber 2020

                              Iran virus death toll hits record high, 3rd time in a week

              (AP)  —  For  the  third  to prevent the spread of the  mass deaths, told state TV on
            time  in  a  week,  Iran  on  virus. Kianoush Jahanpour, a  Wednesday that the country’s
            Wednesday  marked  its  Health  Ministry  spokesman,  true death toll is about dou-
            highest  single-day  record  told  state  TV  that  the  trav-  ble the reported figures.
            for new deaths and infec-    el  ban  aims  to  reduce  risks  The  death  tolls  released  by
            tions  from  the  coronavi-  ahead  of  a  religious  holiday  the Health Ministry are based
            rus, with 279 people killed  on  Saturday.  Iran’s  weekend  on those who had tested pos-
            and 4,830 new cases.         is Thursdays and Fridays.    itive, he said. Harirchi added
                                                                      that there are large numbers
            A  Health  Ministry  spokes-  Under  the  plan,  police  will  of  patients  in  hospitals  be-
            woman,  Sima  Sadat  Lari,  stop  vehicles  from  entering  ing  treated  as  COVID-19
            made  the  announcement  as  the five cities if their license  cases but who had not been
            Iran,  with  a  population  of  plates do not match the city  tested, whose tests came out
            more than 83 million, strug-  they're entering. Many Irani-  as  false  negatives  or  whose
            gles with the worst outbreak  ans travel to Mashhad, some  symptoms  are  not  the  same
            in the Middle East. Since the  900  kilometers  (560  miles)  as  those  listed  by  the  World
            first  cases  of  the  virus  were  northeast  of  Tehran,  to  visit  Health  Organization  and
            announced  in  February,  the  the  tomb  of  Imam  Reza,  who are therefore not count-  international travelers. While  around  3,000-4,000  per  day
            country  has  had  more  than  Iran’s holiest Shiite site.  ed in the official numbers.  coming  amid  an  aggressive  from a late summer peak of
            513,000 confirmed cases and  The  coronavirus  has  also                               testing campaign, the upward  5,000.  But  actual  numbers
            over 29,300 deaths.          spread to some of the highest  Also Wednesday, the  United  trend has raised fears that au-  might  be  higher,  doctors  in
                                         levels  of  Iran's  government,  Arab Emirates reported a re-  thorities could reinstate lock-  Baghdad  and  Iraq’s  south
            In  recent  weeks,  Iran  has  which  includes  many  older  cord number of coronavirus  downs in parts of the country  said, as patients showing mild
            seen  daily  death  tolls  spike  men.  Among  those  recently  cases for the second consecu-  that rely heavily on tourism.  to moderate virus symptoms
            to  their  highest-ever  levels,  infected  is  the  head  of  the  tive day, with 1,431 new in-  Meanwhile in Iraq, coronavi-  often stay at home and do not
            sparking  increasing  concern  country’s  atomic  energy  or-  fections. The caseload brings  rus-related  deaths  surpassed  get tested for COVID-19.
            even as government officials  ganization  while  Iran's  vice  the total number in the coun-  10,000  from  among  more
            continue to resist a total lock-  president in charge of budget  try to over 110,000, including  than 347,000 confirmed cas-  “The case numbers are much
            down for fear of cratering the  and  planning  tested  positive  450 fatalities.       es, according to government  higher  than  what  is  known
            economy,  which  has  been  on Sunday.                    Recorded  infections  have  figures  on  Wednesday.  The  because a lot of people, when
            hard-hit by U.S. sanctions.                               soared  again  over  recent  country  has  been  grappling  they show symptoms of CO-
            On  Wednesday,  Iran  an-    Deputy    Health   Minister  weeks,  as  authorities  have  with a surge in cases in recent  VID-19,  they  quarantine
            nounced a travel ban to and  Iraj  Harirchi,  who  had  test-  relaxed  restrictions  and  re-  months,  jumping  two-fold  themselves  in  their  homes
            from  five  major  cities,  in-  ed  positive  for  the  virus  in  opened  schools.  Dubai,  the  since August.    without  making  the  test,”
            cluding the capital of Tehran  March after playing down its  region’s  business  hub,  re-  Daily virus cases have dipped  said Qassem Jawad, a doctor
            and the holy city of Mashhad,  threat and refuting reports of  cently reopened its airport for  some  in  Iraq,  averaging  in Missan, in southern Iraq.

                        Top Russian diplomat skeptical about nuclear pact extension

              (AP)  —  Russia's  top  rov said that Russia can't ac-  on the basis of an ultimatum  Associated  Press  Friday  that  Washington  withdrew  from
            diplomat  voiced  doubt  cept  the  conditions  put  for-  they  put  forward  that  fully  U.S.  and  Russian  negotia-  the  1987  Intermediate-range
            Wednesday  that  Moscow  ward  by  the  United  States  ignores the principles which  tors have agreed in principle  Nuclear  Forces  Treaty  last
            and  Washington  could  for the extension of the New  were  acknowledged  as  the  to  continue  freezing  their  year, the New START is the
            negotiate  an  extension  START  treaty.  “I  personally  basis  for  all  our  agreements  nuclear  warhead  stockpiles  only remaining nuclear arms
            of  their  last  arms  control  don't see the prospect,” Lav-  for decades."           in  a  bid  to  salvage  the  New  control  deal  between  the
            pact still standing, even as  rov  snapped  when  asked  if                            START.  The  person,  who  two countries. Russia has of-
            the  United  States  offered  the extension is possible be-  Lavrov's  pessimistic  view  was not authorized to discuss  fered  its  extension  without
            a more optimistic view.      fore the pact expires in Feb-  contrasted  with  the  state-  the negotiations publicly and  any  conditions,  while  the
                                         ruary. “We will never say that  ments  from  U.S.  diplomats,  spoke  on  condition  of  ano-  Trump  administration  has
            Speaking in an interview with  we will shut the door and cut  who  said  that  Moscow  and  nymity, said it’s not yet clear  pushed for a new arms con-
            several Russian news outlets,  all  contacts.  But  we  explain  Washington  were  close  to  a  if the agreement for a freeze  trol  agreement  that  would
            Foreign Minister Sergey Lav-  that  it's  impossible  to  talk  deal.                  will succeed or translate into  also include China. Moscow
                                                                      “We would welcome the op-    an extension of the pact.    has described that idea as un-
                                                                      portunity  to  complete  an                               feasible, pointing at Beijing’s
                                                                      agreement  based  on  under-  If  it  works,  the  person  said  refusal  to  negotiate  any  deal
                                                                      standings that were achieved  an  agreement  could  be  an-  that  would  reduce  its  much
                                                                      over  the  last  couple  weeks  nounced  before  the  Nov.  3  smaller nuclear arsenal.
                                                                      about what the range of pos-  presidential election with an
                                                                      sibilities look like for an ex-  eye toward extending the ac-  Lavrov  specified  Wednes-
                                                                      tension of New START and  cord  and  eventually  bring-   day  that  Russia  can’t  accept
                                                                      an outcome that benefits the  ing China into it, a longtime  the  U.S.  proposal  to  limit
                                                                      entire  world,  increased  sta-  demand  by  President  Don-  battlefield  nuclear  weapons
                                                                      bility of the most dangerous  ald  Trump's  administration.  alongside  nuclear  warheads
                                                                      weapons in the world,” U.S.  The New START treaty was  that  arm  strategic  missiles
                                                                      Secretary of State Mike Pom-  signed in 2010 by U.S. Presi-  and  bombers  until  the  U.S.
                                                                      peo said Wednesday.          dent Barack Obama and then  agrees to withdraw its tactical
                                                                                                   Russian  President  Dmitry  nuclear  weapons  from  Eu-
                                                                      Pompeo said that “I am hope-  Medvedev.  The  pact  limits  rope.
                                                                      ful that the Russians will find  each country to no more than  He  also  noted  that  Mos-
                                                                      a way to agree to an outcome  1,550 deployed nuclear war-  cow  wouldn't  agree  to  the
                                                                      that, frankly, I think is in their  heads and 700 deployed mis-  U.S.  demand  to  have  intru-
                                                                      best interest and in our best  siles and bombers, and envis-  sive  verification  measures
                                                                      interest,”  voicing  hope  that  ages sweeping on-site inspec-  like those that existed in the
                                                                      China  will  eventually  join  tions to verify compliance.  1990s  when  inspectors  were
                                                                      the talks too. A person famil-                            positioned  at  missile  facto-
                                                                      iar  with  the  talks  told  The  After  both  Moscow  and  ries.
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