Page 11 - aruba-today-20230421
P. 11

                                                                                                           local Friday 21 april 2023

            Gershwin Lee: a headmaster who is more like a coach for his students

            The teacher as well as the student                                                                          (who is not a ‘repeat client’) who
            are people, and before everything,                                                                          approaches  him  because  the
            must be seen as people. That is the                                                                         teacher  kicked  him  out  of  school
            philosophy of Gershwin Lee, head-                                                                           will not get scolded, but will be ap-
            master of the MAVO school, Cole-                                                                            proached by a person who wants
            gio San Antonio.                                                                                            to  know  more  about  the  life  of
                                                                                                                        the  student.  “I  see  what  his  fears,
            Lee  had  just  finished  supervising                                                                       doubts and complexes are, if he is
            a  ‘strafmiddag’  –  afternoon  de-                                                                         afraid.”
            tention – when he spoke with our
            reporter.  A  group  of  students  un-                                                                      The  way  in  which  Gershwin  Lee
            happy  that  they  had  to  spend  a                                                                        deals with people is thus more like
            Friday  afternoon  at  school  is  not                                                                      a coach than a strict disciplinarian.
            exactly and ideal situation, but the                                                                        He  doesn’t  leave  out  that  there
            headmaster  doesn’t  let  any  op-                                                                          are rules to be followed, but in or-
            portunity  go  by  without  connect-                                                                        der  to  demand  adherence,  Lee
            ing with his students. “They feel that                                                                      believes  it  is  essential  to  motivate
            the teacher doesn’t like them, they                                                                         the student as well as the teacher
            told me. Many times it is a teacher                                                                         so  that  both  want  to  work  on  im-
            who gave them a low grade.” And                                                                             provement.
            what  Lee  told  them  was  that  by
            getting lower grades, the children                                                                          It  might  be  part  of  his  personal-
            reinforce  the  bad  impression  that  Everyone has trauma. A child who  cused  on  his  children’s  achieve-  ity, but Gershwin Lee explains that
            the  teacher  might  have  of  them,  gets  screamed  at  by  a  teacher  ments. “My father grew up poor in  from  early  on  he  realized  the  im-
            but  the  negative  consequences  when  he  was  in  first  grade  be-  a big family. A male child of Chi-  portance of a different approach,
            fall on them.                       cause he couldn’t read well will be  nese heritage, who was a victim of  and  he  followed  all  courses  and
                                                left  with  trauma.  The  point  is  how  bullying,  managed  to  overcome  training possible on this area, from
            He knew of which teacher the kids  you deal with trauma.”               and  wanted  the  best  for  his  chil-  Conscious  Discipline  to  yoga,
            were talking, someone who has an  Perhaps the most surprising aspect  dren. He couldn’t believe it himself  which provide techniques to help
            interest  but  follows  a  stricter  line.  is  that  Gershwin  Lee  told  the  stu-  how  much  he  achieved.  No  one  anyone  breathe  in  and  calm
            When  the  headmaster  asked  the  dents that he also experienced a  believed  in  him  when  he  was  a  down.
            kids  why  they  don’t  make  an  ef-  challenging  youth.  His  father,  the  child.”                      The results can be seen, because
            fort,  the  answer  was  that  “I  don’t  late  Atan  Lee  was  an  extremely  The realization that his father’s de-  Colegio  San  Antonio  already  has
            want the teacher to think that I’m  strict  parent  who  didn’t  hesitate  mands  were  the  result  of  trauma  years  on  top  of  the  list  of  schools
            a teacher’s pet”. In that moment,  to use physical discipline and de-   allowed  Gershwin  to  accept  that  with a better percentage of grad-
            Lee  gave  them  a  challenge,  to  manded perfection at school from  the disciplinarian was simply a fa-   uates. But this is not what motivates
            ask the teacher directly if he thinks  his children. Gershwin as the older  ther  who  loved  him  and  wanted  the  headmaster.  “If  you  take  the
            they  have  a  perspective.  “I  told  of three would rebel. His grades in  the best for him.               first exam period from last year, our
            them that they will be surprised by  MAVO  were  nothing  to  be  proud                                     school was the one with the worst
            the answer, because I’m sure that  of,  and  his  rebellion  continued  And these stories, Lee tells them to  results. There was the possibility for
            the  teacher  will  say  that  he  does  until  after  finishing  HBO  (Dutch  the students of Colegio San Anto-  every student to drop their lowest
            believe  in  them,  as  long  as  they  equivalent  to  college).  His  father  nio.  This  however  does  not  mean  grade (an arrangement due to the
            apply themselves.”                  dreamed  of  his  son  receiving  the  that it’s not necessary to recognize  pandemic) and still graduate. But
                                                title ‘drs’, and Lee got all the way  the  difficulty  that  some  students  I told them to still take the second
            After  the  conversation,  Lee  let  to his thesis and then decided not  are  going  through,  because  of-  chance  exam  and  improve  their
            the  kids  watch  the  documentary  to  do  it.  He  informed  his  father,  ten, the attitude and arrogance of  grade.”
            about gymnast Simone Byles, who  who  was  obviously  disappointed,  some students hides the lack of a
            despite having addicts as parents  and  then  moved  to  Spain  where  parent’s love, or the fact that the  The headmaster motivated his stu-
            who  couldn’t  give  attention  to  he obtained his Masters in Business  family  is  poor.  Such  attitudes  are  dents to believe in themselves and
            their  child;  she  was  adopted  by  Administration  with  specialization  reflected in the results, and some-  assured them that they will gradu-
            her grandparents. “The difference  in marketing and public relations.   times parents have a hard time un-  ate. The result of the school in itself
            is  the  mindset.  The  idea  was  for                                  derstanding this. Gershwin applies  was not important for Lee. Rather,
            the children to realize that trauma  The trajectory however made Lee  the  same  human  approach  with  his  objective  was  for  the  students
            doesn’t  need  to  be  an  obstacle.  realize  why  his  father  was  so  fo-  the parents, some of whom some-  to  grow  and  realize  their  poten-
                                                                                    times come to school very angry.    tial and be happy people, an ap-
                                                                                                                        proach that is proven to work.q
                                                                                    From  the  start,  ever  since  he  was
                                                                                    a  teacher,  Gershwin  noticed  that
                                                                                    the  best  way  to  see  the  student,
                                                                                    the parent, or the colleague is first
                                                                                    as a person, holistically. For this rea-
                                                                                    son also it is important for Gershwin
                                                                                    to have personal contact with par-
                                                                                    ents,  to  really  get  to  know  them.
                                                                                    And he asks all of them the same
                                                                                    question: “How was your day yes-
                                                                                    terday? How are you this morning,
                                                                                    what  did  you  have  to  eat?”  This
                                                                                    way of showing interest tears down
                                                                                    walls  and  allows  him  to  come
                                                                                    closer to people, in order to reach
                                                                                    the core of any conflict. A student
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