Page 7 - aruba-today-20230421
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                                                                                                           local Friday 21 april 2023

                    The Bethany Chapel Foundation                                                    Minister Wever presented at

                and Youth Clergy Aruba celebrates                                                     the Economics of Mutuality

                               King’s Day next week                                                                  work shop

                                                                                                   (Oranjestad)—Recently,  in 1986. This is less than the
                                                                                                   Minister  Geoffrey  Wever  economy growth.
                                                                                                   (Economic  Relations)  had
                                                                                                   the honor to open the Eco-   In  terms  of  the  real  value
                                                                                                   nomics  of  Mutuality  work  of  the  economy,  of  the
                                                                                                   shop  at  the  University  of  average quality of life, this
                                                                                                   Aruba,  with  the  participa-  was  2.5  times  bigger  in
                                                                                                   tion of merchants. Compa-    2019  compared  to  1986—
                                                                                                   nies have been under pres-   so  there  are  huge  differ-
                                                                                                   sure to incorporate sustain-  ences. This shows that even
                                                                                                   able  practices.  “To  create  though  the  economy  of
                                                                                                   value” has to be based on  Aruba  is  growing,  the  av-
                                                                                                   benefits to create solutions  erage quality of life for our
                                                                                                   for  human  being  and  the  citizen is still low. Since 2000,
                                                                                                   environment,  and  not  just  the  development  of  the
                                                                                                   for financial benefits.      true  Gross  Domestic  Prod-
             (Oranjestad)—The Bethany Chapel Foun-     “You  Believe”.  In  1986,  he  changes  the                             uct per capita or the qual-
             dation and Youth Clergy Aruba are col-    name to “World Youth Day” in Rome and       The Business Leaders Shape  ity of life remains stagnant.
             laborating  to  organize  activities  for  the  in 1987, the church held their first World   Society Now and in the Fu-
             celebration  of  King’s  Day  on  April  27th.  Youth Day service in Brazil.          ture  work  shop  forms  part  In  light  of  the  need  and
             With these activities, they hope to collect                                           of  a  program  dedicated  urgency  for  a  sustainable
             funding  for  Youth  Clergy  Aruba,  so  that  From that day too, Aruba has been send-  to Economics of Mutuality.  economic  model,  Minister
             they could participate at the global con-  ing delegations of young people to the     Economics  of  Mutuality  is  Geoffrey  Wever  provided
             ference  of  Pope  Francis  in  Portugal  this  service.  This  year, they are  preparing to   an innovation in the field of  information  to  the  partici-
             coming June.                              participate in this event from July 21st to   management  and  invest-   pants  who  have  made  a
                                                       August 8th in Portugal. It is for this reason   ing  to  guide  organizations  “National Action Plan 2023-
             Suzette Kelly-Boekhoudt, who volunteers  that the youth clergy of Aruba has been      in their transition to create a  2025 Aruba's Transition to a
             at  the  Bethany  Chapel  Foundation,  ex-  collecting funds since last year: “We are   bigger value for human be-  Sustainable  and  Inclusive
             plained in a press conference yesterday  talking about a huge sum of money; al-       ings  and  the  environment,  Economic Model”. Recent-
             that  for  King’s  Day,  they  are  organizing  most  5,500  florins  per  person.  The  total   and  even  more  profit.  This  ly, this has been approved
             their “family fair”, which opens at 10am  sum  adds  up  to  approximately  176,000   is  a  “win-win”  situation  for  by the Minister Council and
             and closes at 4pm. This fair is also related  florins. This is why we wanted to ask the   everyone; a mutual benefit  has been presented in Par-
             to the 65th anniversary celebration of the  community of Aruba for their help,” Wink-  for all stakeholders.       liament  on  March  30th  of
             Imeldahof Convent building and the 65th  laar explained.                                                           this year. This has also been
             consecration of the Bethany Chapel.                                                   In  2019,  Aruba’s  economy  published to the public.
             Youth  Clergy  Aruba,  which  consist  of  a  Sidney  Tromp  from  the  Youth  Clergy  of   was  8.3  times  bigger  than
             group  of  young  boys  and  girls  who  are  the Our Lady of Fatima Parish in Dakota   the economy back in 1986,  It  is  important  to  bring  the
             currently  working  very  hard  to  achieve  said that they will be joining Youth Clergy   based  on  measurements  discussion  that  we  can-
             their dream of traveling to Portugal and  Aruba at the conference. He state that      of nominal value. However,  not  keep  developing  our
             to  represent  Aruba  at  the  international  the members of the youth clergy of the   if  we  look  at  the  nominal  economy in the same way
             conference of Pope Francis.               parish will be the Bethany Chapel on April   value  of  the  economy  di-  we  have  been  doing  for
             Coordinator of Youth Clergy Aruba, Regi-  27th due to the fact that they have two     vided  between  each  citi-  the last 32 years of the of-
             nald Winklaar, expressed their happiness  activities planned for this day.            zen—Gross Domestic Prod-     ficial  figures  show  that  the
             to  be  able  to  organize  this  fair  with  the                                     uct per capita, this was 4.5  quality of life of our citizens
             Bethany  Chapel  Foundation  for  collect-  The  first  activity  is  a  walk-a-thon  in  the   times  bigger  in  2019  than  is negatively affectedq
             ing  funds  for  their  trip  to  the  European  Noord neighborhood, starting from 7am
             continent.  This  conference  summons  all  with Zumba. The walk-a-thon begins and
             young people of the world to meet with  ends at the Bethany Chapel. Afterwards,
             Pope Francis: “It is the biggest event of the  the family fair takes place on the chapel
             Catholic Church,” Winklaar expressed.     grounds, where the young boys and girls
             Furthermore, he told a bit of history, say-  of the delegation will be entertaining the
             ing that in 1983, Pope John Paul held a  children  of  the  Aruban  community:  “All
             big service in Rome and was surprised to  families all welcome.”
             see so many young people participating.  On this day, the members of the delega-
             From that day on, the idea for a service  tion will be selling 10-florin tickets that in-
             for young people came into fruition, and  clude traditional games, food and drinks.
             in 1984, the first service took place, called  Entrance is free.q
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