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Friday 21 april 2023
More peril for Trump in pending probes than NY: AP-NORC poll
hasn’t thought much yet
about whom she plans to
support in 2024.
In the federal cases, about
half of Americans — 47%
— believe Trump acted il-
legally in his handling of
classified documents, while
49% say he broke the law in
connection with the Jan. 6
Capitol riot.
About 2 in 10 say they think
he did something unethical
but not illegal in those cas-
es, and close to that many
say they think he did noth-
ing wrong.
The poll makes clear that
Americans’ views of the
investigations are deeply
In the Georgia case, 86% of
Democrats but just 22% of
Republicans say they think
Trump did something ille-
gal. In the New York case,
68% of Democrats and 13%
of Republicans say they
think he broke the law.
Meanwhile, 9 in 10 Demo-
crats but only a quarter of
Republicans say they think
the indictment in the New
Former President Donald Trump sits at the defense table with his legal team in a Manhattan court, April 4, 2023, in New York. York case was justified.
Associated Press Nearly 9 in 10 Republicans
— but only about a third of
Continued from Front NORC poll conducted in motivated. including possibly Trump, Democrats — say they think
January. Trump’s favorabil- They include Gino Lentine, who was recorded asking the charges were politically
The Georgia case, in partic- ity has also held constant: a loyal Trump supporter state election officials to motivated.
ular, concerns even some 34% of U.S. adults overall from Akron, Ohio, who “find 11,780 votes” to help That includes Nicole Saw-
longtime Trump supporters and 68% of Republicans said he doesn’t “give two him win. It is now up to Willis yer, a registered indepen-
“I just feel like he kind of got say they have a favorable hoots” about the case. to decide whether to pur- dent from Middletown,
himself involved in some- opinion of him, similar to “If you’re going to lock sue charges. Pennsylvania, who typi-
thing that he shouldn’t three months ago. up every guy in the world But already in the Georgia cally backs Democrats and
have. I don’t know if it’s Still, Trump, who remains — and every girl — who case, the poll finds 53% say praises President Joe Biden.
necessarily illegal, but just the undisputed front-runner cheated on their spouse they think Trump broke the While she believes Trump
let the votes be the votes,” for the Republican nomina- and paid them off, you’re law. Twelve percent say he has done “a lot of immoral
said Stephanie Trinidad, tion, would face substan- going to have to lock up did something they consid- things” that are worth inves-
a Republican who lives in tial headwinds if he wins the whole country,” said er unethical but not illegal, tigating, she also sees the
Dracut, Massachusetts, the Republican nomina- Lentine, 57. while 17% said he did noth- probes as driven by politics.
and voted for Trump in 2016 tion. About half of Ameri- “In my book, he’s innocent ing wrong. “I think people are sort of
and 2020. cans — 53% — say they will — well, maybe guilty, but Trinidad, 36, said she sees just throwing stuff at him,
The poll offers further evi- definitely not support him in who cares?” he said. “Who the flurry of investigations anything they can,” said
dence that Trump has the general election if he cares if he spent $100,000? Trump faces as a politi- Sawyer, 45, who views the
faced limited political fall- emerges as the GOP nomi- Nobody cares. It’s costing cally motivated distraction investigations as a distrac-
out from the indictment, nee, according to the poll. me $100,000 to put gas in aimed at keeping him from tion from more important
which instead proved a When it comes to the New my car. Come on.” winning the White House issues, like Social Security
massive fundraising boon. York case, the poll found The poll’s New York findings again. But when it comes and health care. Those is-
His campaign has raised 41% say Trump did some- represents a rosier picture to the Georgia case, she sues, she said, are “kind of
more than $15 million since thing illegal. for Trump than in Georgia, said, “I just feel it is a little bit being overshadowed with
news of the indictment Thirty-three percent say where Fulton County Dis- different.” all this drama with Trump.”
broke — much from new they believe he did some- trict Attorney Fani Willis has “Once you start getting Still, Sawyer said that if
donors — and he has rolled thing unethical but not ille- been investigating whether into our voting system and Trump is found guilty, “he
out a list of new endorse- gal. Only a small minority — Trump and his allies illegal- counts, then I start to get a doesn’t deserve to be our
ments. 14% — say he did nothing ly meddled in Georgia’s little wary because that’s lit- president.”
While the poll finds only wrong. 2020 presidential election. erally our right as an Ameri- “I think that kids should be
30% of Americans, includ- A majority of Americans – The foreperson of a spe- can citizen. able to look up to the presi-
ing 55% of Republicans, 57% — say Trump’s indict- cial grand jury convened So once you start to fiddle dent of America and not
say they want Trump to ment in the case was justi- to hear evidence in the with that, it sort of becomes have a whole bunch of
run for president again in fied, the poll shows, but just case said the panel rec- a little bit more of an is- drama overshadowing the
2024, those numbers have as many say they believe ommended that Willis in- sue for me, personally,” real things that need to be
changed little since an AP- the charges were politically dict over a dozen people, she said, adding that she taken care of,” she said.q