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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Friday 21 april 2023
            NATO chief: Ukraine’s ‘rightful place’ is in the alliance

            By LORNE COOK and                                                                                                   available”  a phrase some
            SAMYA KULLAB                                                                                                        see  as  a  threat  to  use  nu-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    clear weapons  in response
            KYIV, Ukraine (AP) — NATO                                                                                           to an attack on its territory if
            chief   Jens    Stoltenberg                                                                                         Ukraine attempts to recap-
            defiantly  declared  Thurs-                                                                                         ture Moscow-occupied ar-
            day that Ukraine’s “rightful                                                                                        eas.
            place”  is  in  the  military  al-                                                                                  NATO  has  no  official  pres-
            liance  and  pledged  more                                                                                          ence  in  Ukraine  and  pro-
            support  for  the  country  on                                                                                      vides  only  nonlethal  sup-
            his first visit to Kyiv since Rus-                                                                                  port to Kyiv, but Stoltenberg
            sia’s  invasion  just  over  a                                                                                      has been the strong voice
            year ago.                                                                                                           of  the  alliance  throughout
            Ukrainian President Volody-                                                                                         the war.
            myr  Zelenskyy  urged  Stol-                                                                                        A  procession  of  interna-
            tenberg,  who  has  been                                                                                            tional  leaders  has  made
            instrumental  in  marshaling                                                                                        the journey to Kyiv over the
            support  from  NATO  mem-                                                                                           last  year,  and  the  former
            bers,  to  push  for  even                                                                                          Norwegian prime minister is
            more from them, including                                                                                           one of the last major West-
            warplanes, artillery and ar-                                                                                        ern figures to do so.
            mored equipment.                                                                                                    NATO,  formed  to  counter
            The Kremlin has given vari-  NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg left, talks during a joint press conference with Ukrainian   the  Soviet  Union,  has  long
            ous  justifications  for  go-  President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in Kyiv, Ukraine, Thursday, April 20, 2023.            feared being dragged into
            ing  to  war,  but  repeated                                                                       Associated Press   a  wide  war  with  nuclear-
            Thursday  that  preventing  ence.  “Ukraine’s  rightful  membership,” he said.         battle tanks by early 2024.  armed  Russia.  But  as  the
            Ukraine  from  joining  NATO  place is in NATO.”          Stoltenberg  said  he  and  He added that he expect-      West has moved from hesi-
            is  still  a  key  goal  of  its  in-  Zelenskyy  said  he  was  Zelenskyy   discussed   a  ed countries to “make new  tantly  providing  helmets
            vasion,  arguing  that  Kyiv’s  grateful for an invitation to  NATO  support  program  for  announcements  of  con-  and uniforms to tanks, war-
            membership in the alliance  a NATO summit in July in Vil-  Ukraine.                    crete  military  support  to  planes and advanced mis-
            would  pose  an  existential  nius, Lithuania, but said his  “This will help you transition  Ukraine”  at  a  meeting  Fri-  sile systems, high-level visits
            threat to Russia.            country needs a roadmap  from Soviet-era equipment  day in Germany.                    have become routine.
            NATO  leaders  said  in  2008  for becoming a member.     and  doctrines  to  NATO  The      fighting   in   recent  Kremlin  spokesman  Dmitry
            that  Ukraine  would  join  “The  time  has  come  for  standards  and  ensure  full  months has become a war  Peskov  said  Thursday  that
            the alliance one day, and  the     (alliance’s)   leaders  interoperability with the al-  of attrition, with neither side  preventing  Ukraine  from
            Stoltenberg  has  repeated  to  define  the  prospects  liance,”  Stoltenberg  said.  able  to  gain  momentum.  joining  NATO  remains  one
            that  promise  throughout  of     Ukraine’s   acquisition  “NATO  stands  with  you  to-  But  Ukraine  has  recently  of  the  goals  of  what  Mos-
            the  war,  though  the  orga-  of  NATO  membership,  to  day,  tomorrow  and  for  as  received    sophisticated  cow  calls  its  “special  mili-
            nization has established no  define  the  algorithm  of  long as it takes.”            weapons  from  its  Western  tary  operation.”  Speaking
            pathway  or  timetable  for  Ukraine’s  movement  to-     He  noted  an  announce-     allies  and  is  expected  to  in  a  conference  call  with
            membership.                  wards  this  goal,  and  to  ment  Thursday  by  Den-     launch  a  counteroffensive  reporters,  Peskov  said  that
            “Let me be clear, Ukraine’s  define  security  guarantees  mark  and  the  Netherlands  in coming weeks.            Ukraine’s  accession  would
            rightful place is in the Euro-  for our state for the period  that  they  plan  to  provide  Russian  President  Vladimir  pose  a  “serious,  significant
            Atlantic  family,”  Stolten-  of such movement  that is,  Ukraine with at least anoth-  Putin has warned that Mos-  threat to our country, to our
            berg  told  a  news  confer-  for the period before NATO  er 14 refurbished Leopard 2  cow  could  use  “all  means  country’s security.” q

            Dutch salvage team set to pump oil off rusting Yemen tanker

            By MIKE CORDER               FSO Safer. A specialist sup-  try  engulfed  for  years  in  kalis  “another  critical  mile-  Spill’  operation  to  transfer
            Associated Press             port  ship,  the  Ndeavor,  is  civil  war,  no  annual  main-  stone of the ‘Stop Red Sea  oil” from the FSO Safer.q
            AMSTERDAM  (AP)  —  A  setting sail Friday to the east  tenance  has  been  carried
            Dutch  salvage  company  African nation of Djibouti to  out on the ship, which is is
            has  reached  agreement  prepare for the mission, the  360 meters (1,181 feet) long
            with  the  United  Nations  company said.                 with 34 storage tanks, since
            to  pump  oil  from  a  rusting  The  announcement  came  2015. In 2020, internal docu-
            tanker off the coast of war-  just over a month after the  ments obtained by The As-
            ravaged Yemen in a move  U.N.  said  it  had  signed  an  sociated Press showed that
            hailed  as  a  “critical  mile-  agreement  to  buy  a  very  seawater  has  entered  Saf-
            stone” in moves to avert a  large  vessel  that  can  hold  er’s  engine  compartment,
            possible  environmental  di-  oil pumped off the Safer.   causing  damage  to  pipes
            saster, its parent company  The  Japanese-made  Safer  and  increasing  the  risk  of
            announced Thursday.          was  built  in  the  1970s  and  sinking.  Rust  has  covered
            Boskalis  said  that  its  Smit  sold to the Yemeni govern-  parts  of  the  tanker  and
            Salvage    subsidiary   has  ment  in  the  1980s  to  store  the inert gas that prevents
            reached  agreement  with  up to 3 million barrels of oil  the  tanks  from  gathering
            the U.N. Development Pro-    pumped from fields in Mar-   inflammable    gases   has
            gram to transfer more than  ib,  a  province  in  eastern  leaked out. UNDP Adminis-   United Nations Development Programme Administrator Achim
            one  million  barrels  of  oil  Yemen.  With  the  impover-  trator Achim Steiner called   Steiner speaks to reporters during a news conference, Thursday,
            from  the  decaying  tanker  ished Arab Peninsula coun-   the  agreement  with  Bos-   March 9, 2023 at U.N. headquarters.     Associated Press
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