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U.S. NEWS Friday 21 april 2023
IRS agent alleges Hunter Biden probe is being mishandled
By FARNOUSH AMIRI tions by Republicans about
Associated Press whether he traded on his
WASHINGTON (AP) — An father’s public service.
IRS special agent is seeking Joe Biden has said he has
whistleblower protection to never spoken to his son
disclose information about about foreign business.
what the agent alleges is There are no indications
mishandling of an investi- that the federal investiga-
gation into President Joe tion involves the president.
Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, Attorney General Merrick
according to a letter sent Garland said in a congres-
to members of Congress. sional hearing last month
Mark Lytle, the attorney for that he won’t interfere with
the IRS whistleblower, wrote the department’s investi-
to lawmakers Wednesday gation.
that his client has informa- He told the Senate Judi-
tion about a “failure to ciary Committee that he
mitigate clear conflicts of has left the matter in the
interest in the ultimate dis- hands of U.S. Attorney Da-
position” of a criminal in- vid Weiss, the top federal
vestigation related to the prosecutor in Delaware,
younger Biden’s taxes and who would be empowered
whether he made a false President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden leave Holy Spirit Catholic Church in Johns Island, to expand his investigation
statement in connection S.C., after attending a Mass on Aug. 13, 2022. outside the state if needed.
with a gun purchase. Associated Press “He has been advised he is
“Despite serious risks of re- The letter states that the erly infecting decisions and Biden’s legal team had no not to be denied anything
taliation, my client is of- supervisory special agent protocols that would nor- immediate comment. A he needs,” Garland said. “I
fering to provide you with previously disclosed the mally be followed by ca- request for comment from have not heard anything
information necessary to information they are seek- reer law enforcement pro- the IRS was not immediate- from that office to suggest
exercise your constitution- ing to share with Congress fessionals in similar circum- ly returned. that they are not able to
al oversight function and internally with the IRS and stances if the subject were Hunter Biden’s taxes and do everything the U.S. At-
wishes to make the disclo- a watchdog for the Justice not politically connected,” foreign business work have torney wants to do.”
sures in a nonpartisan man- Department. Lytle added the lawyer added. been under federal investi- The whistleblower letter, first
ner to the leadership of the that his client is able to “The president respects the gation by a federal grand reported by The Wall Street
relevant committees on contradict sworn testimony rule of law and the inde- jury in Delaware since at Journal, comes as House
both sides of the political to lawmakers “by a senior pendence of the Depart- least 2018. So far no charg- Republicans have opened
aisle,” Lytle said in a letter, political appointee.” That ment of Justice,” White es have been filed. Addi- their own investigations into
obtained by The Associ- appointee is not named. House press secretary Kar- tionally, his membership on nearly every facet of Hunt-
ated Press, that was sent to The special agent also ine Jean-Pierre said during the board of a Ukrainian er Biden’s business deal-
the chairmen and ranking wants to disclose “exam- a briefing Thursday. The energy company and his ings, including examining
members of several House ples of preferential treat- Justice Department de- efforts to strike deals in Chi- foreign payments and oth-
and Senate committees. ment and politics improp- clined to comment. Hunter na have long raised ques- er aspects of his finances.q
U.S. traffic deaths drop slightly in 2022
but still a ‘crisis’
DETROIT (AP) — The num- and everyone has a role 2021 earlier this month,
ber of people killed on to play in reversing the rise NHTSA said speeding and
U.S. roadways decreased that we experienced in impaired or distracted driv-
slightly last year, but gov- recent years,” Transporta- ing are on the rise.
ernment officials said the tion Secretary Pete But- Data showed a 12% in-
42,795 people who died is tigieg, whose department crease in fatal crashes
still a national crisis. includes NHTSA, said in a involving at least one dis-
Estimates by the National statement Thursday. tracted driver, with 3,522
Highway Traffic Safety Ad- The department has ad- people killed. That prompt-
ministration showed that opted a national safe sys- ed the agency to kick off a
the number of fatalities tems strategy in an effort to $5 million advertising cam- Traffic moves along the Interstate 76 highway on March 31,
dropped 0.3% from the reduce the deaths, includ- paign in an effort to keep 2021, in Philadelphia. Associated Press
42,939 killed in 2021. Traffic ing more than $800 million drivers focused on the
deaths declined slightly in in grants to help commu- road. Agency officials said involving alcohol-impaired that the fatality rate per
the fourth quarter, the third nities with projects in high- such cases likely are under- driving were up 14%. 100 million vehicle miles
straight quarterly drop. crash areas, NHTSA said in reported by police. Speeding-related deaths traveled also fell slightly in
But they’re still close to 2021 a statement. The number of pedestrians increased 7.9%, while crash 2022 to 1.35, down from
numbers, which were the Estimates from the agency killed rose 13%, and cyclist deaths involving large 1.37 in 2021. People are
highest in 16 years. generally are close to the fi- fatalities were up 2% for trucks weighing over 10,000 driving more as the coro-
“We continue to face a nal numbers, which for 2022 the year. The number of pounds were up 17%, the navirus pandemic waned,
national crisis of traffic will be released next spring. unbelted passengers killed agency said. with miles traveled increas-
deaths on our roadways, In releasing statistics for rose 8.1%, while fatalities NHTSA said in a statement ing almost 1% over 2021.q