Page 14 - aruba-today-20240416
P. 14

                     Tuesday 16 april 2024
             It’s Tax Day. And your refund may be big this year

            By FATIMA HUSSEIN                                                                                                   can  ease  stress,  frustration
            Associated Press                                                                                                    and make the tax filing pro-
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  On                                                                                             cess easier  and to increase
            this  Tax  Day,  refunds  are                                                                                       scrutiny  on  complex  filers
            looking a bit bigger for tax-                                                                                       where  there’s  risk  of  tax
            payers.                                                                                                             evasion.”
            According to the latest IRS                                                                                         “When we do that,” Werfel
            statistics,  the  average  in-                                                                                      said, “not only do we make
            come tax refund so far this                                                                                         the  tax  system  work  bet-
            season  is  $3,011,  up  $123                                                                                       ter because it’s easier and
            from  last  year.  Two  out  of                                                                                     more  streamlined  to  meet
            three  taxpayers  expect  to                                                                                        your  tax  obligations.  But
            receive a refund.                                                                                                   also we collect more mon-
            The  IRS  is  promoting  the                                                                                        ey for the U.S. Treasury and
            customer  service  improve-                                                                                         lower our deficit. The IRS is a
            ments  the  agency  rolled                                                                                          good investment.”
            out since receiving tens of                                                                                         Major  new  initiatives  in  re-
            billions in new funding dol-                                                                                        cent  months  have  includ-
            lars  through  Democrats’                                                                                           ed an aggressive pursuit of
            Inflation  Reduction  Act.                                                                                          high-wealth  earners  who
            Getting  refunds  out  faster                                                                                       don’t pay their full tax ob-
            to some people in just over                                                                                         ligations,  such  as  people
            a week  is part of the pro-                                                                                         who  improperly  deduct
            motion.  So  far,  the  IRS  has                                                                                    personal  flights  on  corpo-
            delivered  more  than  $200   The exterior of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) building is seen in Washington, on March 22, 2013.  rate jets and those who just
            billion  in  refunds  through                                                                                       don’t file at all.
            early  April,  and  the  latest  meant to quickly normalize  vice they deserve.”       2022.  That  has  saved  tax-  This also is the first tax sea-
            agency numbers show that  a more efficient and effec-     “It’s clear that we’re seeing  payers  1.4  million  hours  of  son  that  the  IRS  has  rolled
            101  million  people  have  tive  IRS  before  congressio-  historic  improvements  in  hold  time  and  the  agen-  out  a  program  called  Di-
            filed returns this tax season.  nal  Republicans  threaten  taxpayer service levels, and  cy  has  answered  3  million  rect File, the government’s
            From  cutting  phone  wait  another round of spending  the  agency  is  rebounding  more  calls  compared  with  free  electronic  tax  return
            times  to  digitizing  more  cuts to the agency. So time  from some very tough and  the same time frame. Also,  filing  system  available  to
            documents  and  improving  is  of  the  essence  for  both  lean  years  during  the  past  the  updated  “Where’s  My  taxpayers in 12 states who
            the  “Where’s  My  Refund”  taxpayers and the agency.     decade,” said IRS Commis-    Refund”  tool  giving  more  have simple W-2 forms and
            tool to show more account  “This  filing  season,  the  IRS  sioner Daniel Werfel.     specific  information  about  claim  a  standard  deduc-
            details  in  plain  language,  has built off past successes  For most people, April 15 is  taxpayers’  refunds  in  plain  tion. If Direct File is success-
            agency  leaders  are  trying  and  reached  new  mile-    the  last  day  to  submit  tax  language was rolled out to  ful  and  scaled  up  for  the
            to bring attention to what’s  stones,”  Treasury  Secretary  returns  or  to  file  an  exten-  31 million views online.  general  public’s  use,  the
            been  done  to  repair  the  Janet  Yellen  said  on  a  Fri-  sion.  The  IRS  says  call  wait  Werfel told The Associated  program  could  drastically
            image of the IRS as an out-  day call with reporters. “It’s  times have been cut down  Press  earlier  this  year  that  change how Americans file
            dated  and  maligned  tax  showing  that  when  it  has  to  three  minutes  this  tax  the agency’s agenda is to  their taxes and how much
            collector.                   the resources it needs, it will  season,  compared  with  deliver  “better  service  for  money  they  spend  com-
            The promotion also in part is  provide  taxpayers  the  ser-  the  average  28  minutes  in  all  Americans  so  that  we  pleting them. q

            The pilots union at American Airlines says it’s seeing more safety

            and maintenance issues

            DALLAS  (AP)  —  The  pilots  issues at the airline, includ-  from  major  maintenance  union  “has  been  tracking  “We  all  understand  that
            union  at  American  Airlines  ing  fewer  routine  aircraft  work. The union also says it  a significant spike in safety-  aviation accidents are the
            says  there  has  been  “a  inspections and shorter test  has seen incidents in which  and  maintenance-related  result  of  a  chain  of  events
            significant  spike”  in  safety  flights  on  planes  returning  tools were left in wheel wells  problems in our operation.”  often a series of errors  and
                                                                      and  items  were  left  in  the  The  union  said  American  catching  just  one  of  those
                                                                      sterile  area  around  planes  has increased the time be-  errors could prevent a trag-
                                                                      parked at airport gates.     tween  routine  inspections  edy,” the union said in the
                                                                      A spokesman said Monday  on planes.                       email.
                                                                      that  union  officials  have  It  also  said  American  has  Dennis  Tajer,  a  pilot  and
                                                                      raised  their  concerns  with  ended   overnight   main-  spokesman  for  the  union,
                                                                      senior  managers  at  the  tenance  checks  unless  a  said the union wants to be
                                                                      airline  and  were  encour-  plane is written up for spe-  involved  earlier  in  the  pro-
                                                                      aged  by  the  company’s  cial  attention  or  due  for  cess of assessing safety risks.
                                                                      response.                    scheduled    maintenance  He said the union spoke re-
                                                                      American,  which  is  based  and now does “abbreviat-     cently with senior manage-
                                                                      in Fort Worth, Texas, did not  ed” test flights on planes re-  ment, “and management’s
                                                                      immediately  comment  on  turning to service after ma-    initial  response  to  our  re-
                                                                      the matter.                  jor maintenance checks or  quest  was  encouraging.
                                                                      The  safety  committee  of  long-term storage.            We fully intend to do every-
                                                                      the Allied Pilots Association  The  union  asked  its  mem-  thing we can to assure that
            The American Airlines logo is stands atop the American Airlines   said  in  an  email  to  mem-  bers to report any safety or  American  maintains  strong
            Center, Dec. 19, 2017, in Dallas.
                                                     Associated Press  bers  Saturday  that  the  maintenance problems.         margins of safety.”q
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