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                     Tuesday 16 april 2024
             Ethiopia’s Sisay Lemma wins Boston Marathon in runaway. Kenya’s

             Hellen Obiri repeats in women’s race

            By JIMMY GOLEN                                                                                                      Sunny  skies  and  minimal
            AP Sports Writer                                                                                                    wind  greeted  the  runners,
            BOSTON (AP) — Sisay Lem-                                                                                            with  temperatures  in  the
            ma  scorched  the  first  half                                                                                      40s  as  they  gathered  in
            of  the  Boston  Marathon                                                                                           Hopkinton rising to 69 as the
            course on Monday, setting                                                                                           stragglers crossed the finish
            a  record  pace  to  build  a                                                                                       line in the afternoon. As the
            lead of more than half of a                                                                                         field  went  through  Natick,
            mile.                                                                                                               the  fourth  of  eight  cities
            Then  the  weather  heated                                                                                          and  towns  on  the  route,
            up,  and  the  34-year-old                                                                                          athletes splashed water on
            Ethiopian slowed down.                                                                                              themselves to cool off.
            After  running  alone  for                                                                                          “We couldn’t ask for a bet-
            most of the morning, Lem-                                                                                           ter  day,”  former  New  Eng-
            ma held on down Boylston                                                                                            land Patriots tight end Rob
            Street  to  finish  in  2  hours,                                                                                   Gronkowski,   the   grand
            6  minutes,  17  seconds  —                                                                                         marshal, said before climb-
            the  10th  fastest  time  in                                                                                        ing into an electric car that
            the  race’s  128-year  his-                                                                                         would carry him along the
            tory.  Lemma  dropped  to                                                                                           course.
            the  pavement  and  rolled                                                                                          “The  city  of  Boston  always
            onto his back, smiling, after                                                                                       comes  out  to  support,
            crossing the finish line.                                                                                           no  matter  the  event.  The
            “Until  halfway  through  I                                                                                         weather  is  perfection,  the
            was running very hard and                                                                                           energy is popping.”
            very  good.  But  after  that                                                                                       The    festivities   began
            it  was  getting  harder  and                                                                                       around 6 a.m., when race
            harder,” said Lemma, who     Boston  Marathon  men’s  division  winner  Sisay  Lemma,  of  Ethiopia,  left,  and  women’s  division   director   Dave   McGilli-
            failed  to  finish  twice  and   winner Hellen Obiri, of Kenya hold up the trophy at the Boston Marathon, Monday, April 15, 2024,   vray  sent  about  30  Mas-
            came in 30th in three previ-  in Boston.                                                                            sachusetts  National  Guard
            ous Boston attempts. “Sev-                                                                         Associated Press   members off. Lt. Col. Paula
            eral  times  I’ve  dropped                                                                                          Reichert Karsten, one of the
            out  of  the  race  before.  last year.                   top  American.  Again,  she  way  to  Heartbreak  Hill.  He  marchers, said she wanted
            But today I won, so I’ve re-  And  he  showed  it  on  the  found  herself  leading  the  spilled  into  the  fence,  flip-  to be part of a “quintessen-
            deemed myself.”              course  Monday,  separat-    race through the 30-kilome-  ping  sideways  onto  his  left  tial Massachusetts event.”
            Hellen  Obiri  defended  her  ing  himself  from  the  pack  ter mark, slapping hands as  wheel, but quickly restored  The  start  line  was  painted
            title,   outkicking   Sharon  in  Ashland  and  opening  a  she  ran  past  the  Wellesley  himself.                to  say  “100  years  in  Hop-
            Lokedi  on  Boylston  Street  lead of more than half of a  College  students  chanting  “It was my fault,” Hug said.  kinton,”   commemorating
            to  finish  in  2:27:37  and  win  mile.                  her name before fading on  “I  had  too  much  weight,  the  1924  move  from  Ash-
            by eight seconds; two-time  Lemma  ran  the  first  half  in  the way out of Heartbreak  too  much  pressure  from  land  to  Hopkinton  to  con-
            Boston  champion  Edna  Ki-  1:00:19    99  seconds  fast-  Hill.                      above  to  my  steering,  so  I  form  to  the  official  Olym-
            plagat  completed  the  Ke-  er  than  Geoffrey  Mutai’s  “I  thought  last  year  was  couldn’t steer.”            pic  Marathon  distance.
            nyan  sweep,  finishing  an-  course  record  pace  in  crazy loud, but this year sur-  Hug finished in 1:15:33, win-  The  announcer  welcomed
            other 36 seconds back.       2011, when his 2:03:02 was  passed  that  completely,”  ning by 5:04 and breaking  the  gathering  crowds  to
            Obiri also won New York last  the fastest marathon in his-  Bates said.                his  previous  course  record  the  “sleepy  little  town  of
            fall and is among the favor-  tory.                       “It was such a nice day for  by 1:33. Britain’s Eden Rain-  Hopkinton, 364 days of the
            ites for the Paris Olympics.   Fellow Ethiopian Mohamed  the spectators. Not so nice  bow-Cooper,  22,  won  the  year.”
            She  is  the  sixth  woman  to  Esa closed the gap through  for the runners; it was pretty  women’s  wheelchair  race  “In Hopkinton, it’s probably
            win back-to-back in Boston  the  last  few  miles,  finishing  hot.”                   in 1:35:11 for her first major  the coolest thing about the
            and  the  first  since  Cath-  second by 41 seconds; two-  CJ Albertson of Fresno, Cal-  marathon victory; she is the  town,”  said  Maggie  Agos-
            erine “the Great” Ndereba  time  defending  champion  ifornia, was the top Ameri-      third-youngest  woman  to  to,  a  16-year-old  resident
            won  four  in  six  years  from  Evans Chebet was third.  can  man  in  seventh,  his  win  the  Boston  wheelchair  who  went  to  the  start  line
            2000 to ‘05.                 Each  winner  collected  a  second top-10 finish.         race.                        with a friend to watch the
            “Defending  the  title  was  gilded  olive  wreath  and  Switzerland’s  Marcel  Hug  The  otherwise  sleepy  New  race.
            not  easy.  Since  Boston  $150,000 from a total prize  righted himself after crash-   England town of Hopkinton  The  annual  race  on  Patri-
            started, it’s only six women.  purse  that  topped  $1  mil-  ing  into  a  barrier  when  he  celebrated  its  100th  anni-  ots’ Day, the state holiday
            So I said, ‘Can I be one of  lion for the first time.     took a turn too fast and still  versary  as  the  starting  line  that  commemorates  the
            them?  If  you  want  to  be  On  a  day  when  sunshine  coasted to a course record  for  the  world’s  oldest  and  start  of  the  Revolutionary
            one  of  them,  you  have  and  temperatures  rising  in  the  men’s  wheelchair  most prestigious marathon,  War,  also  fell  on  One  Bos-
            to  work  extra  hard,’”  she  into the mid-60s left the run-  race.                   sending off a field of 17 for-  ton Day, when the city re-
            said.  “And  I’m  so  happy  ners reaching for water  to  It  was  his  seventh  Boston  mer champions and nearly  members the victims of the
            because  I’m  now  one  of  drink,  and  to  dump  over  win  and  his  14th  straight  30,000  other  runners  on  its  2013  finish  line  bombings.
            them. I’m now in the history  their  heads    Obiri  ran  with  major marathon victory.  way.                       Before the race, bagpipes
            books in Boston.”            an  unusually  large  lead  Hug  already  had  a  four-   Near  the  finish  on  Boylston  accompanied Gov. Maura
            Lemma,  the  2021  London  pack  of  15  through  Brook-  minute  lead  about  18  Street  26.2  miles  (42.2  ki-  Healey,  Boston  Mayor  Mi-
            champion,  arrived  in  Bos-  line before breaking away  miles  in  when  he  reached  lometers)  away,  officials  chelle Wu and members of
            ton with the fastest time in  in the final few miles.     the   landmark    firehouse  observed  the  anniversary  the victims’ families as they
            the field  just the fourth per-  Emma  Bates  of  Boulder,  turn  in  Newton,  where  the  of  the  2013  bombing  that  laid a pair of wreaths at the
            son  ever  to  break  2:02:00  Colorado, finished 12th her  course  heads  onto  Com-  killed  three  and  wounded  sites of the explosions.q
            when  he  won  in  Valencia  second straight year as the  monwealth  Avenue  on  its  hundreds more.
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