Page 30 - bon-dia-aruba-20210112
P. 30

A30     world news
                   Diamars 12 Januari 2021

                             Iran tells SKorea its seized vessel a matter for the courts

                                                                                    confiscated  by  Iran  over  “environ-  U.S. sanctions as the reason for con-
                                                                                    mental  pollution.”  But  he  urged  tinuing to hold the Iranian funds.
                                                                                    South  Korea  to  remove  the  restric-
                                                                                    tions on the Iranian funds, calling the  “I told the South Korean delegation
                                                                                    frozen assets the “biggest barrier" to  that  Iran  does  not  accept  their  pre-
                                                                                    improving relations between the two  texts,"  said  Hemmati,  according  to
                                                                                    nations.                            Iranian  media.  He  said  Iran  has  re-
                                                                                                                        covered resources in other countries,
                                                                                    “We have repeatedly told the Korean  without naming any.
                                                                                    side that politicizing the case would
                                                                                    not  help  resolve  the  case,”  Iranian  Hemmati said he believed the South
                                                                                    Foreign  Ministry  spokesman  Saeed  Korean delegation was determined to
                                                                                    Khatibzadeh said. He said South Ko-  solve the problem.
                                                                                    rean officials could assign an attorney
                                                                                    to  handle  its  case  and  present  evi-  In recent weeks, Hemmati has com-
                                                                                    dence in court.                     plained  that  Iran  was  struggling  to
                                                                                                                        transfer  some  $220  million  held  in
                                                                                    Iran  maintains  the  tanker  and  its  South Korean banks to pay for CO-
                                                                                    20-member  crew  were  stopped  in  VID-19  vaccines  through  COVAX,
            (AP)  —  Iran’s  foreign  minister  case, which is “under review in the le-  the  mouth  of  the  Persian  Gulf  be-  an  international  program  designed
            told a visiting South Korean del-   gal and judicial framework,” he said.  cause of the vessel’s “environmental  to distribute coronavirus vaccines to
            egation  Monday  that the  release                                      pollution" but its owner has rejected  participating countries.
            of  its  vessel  and  crew  seized  by  The South Korean-flagged tanker sei-  the  claim.  The  crew,  including  sail-
            Iranian forces is a matter for the  zure  by  Iran’s  Revolutionary  Guard  ors from Indonesia, Myanmar, South  The  ship  seizure  was  the  latest  in  a
            courts  and  out  of  the  govern-  on Jan. 5 in the crucial Strait of Hor-  Korea  and  Vietnam,  remain  in  cus-  series  of  escalations  in  the  waning
            ment's hands, state media report-   muz  came  as  Iranian  officials  have  tody at the port city of Bandar Abbas  days  of  the  administration  of  Presi-
            ed.                                 been pressing South Korea to release  near the Strait of Hormuz.        dent  Donald  Trump,  who  unilater-
                                                some  $7  billion  in  assets  tied  up  in                             ally withdrew the U.S. from Tehran’s
            The development comes amid an es-   the country’s banks due to American  South  Korean  First  Vice  Foreign  nuclear deal in 2018 and reimposed
            calating financial dispute between the  sanctions.  Iran  was  apparently  seek-  Minister Choi Jong-kun and his del-  sanctions that the agreement had sus-
            countries.                          ing to increase its leverage over Seoul  egation arrived in Tehran on Sunday  pended. Iran has ramped up uranium
                                                ahead  of  South  Korea’s  pre-sched-  to  discuss  the  release  of  the  Korean  enrichment  levels  at  Fordo,  its  key
            The official IRNA news agency quot-  uled regional trip, which included a  vessel and the frozen Iranian assets.  underground  nuclear  facility,  bring-
            ed Mohammad Javad Zarif as saying  stop in Qatar.                                                           ing the country a technical step away
            in a meeting with South Korea's first                                   Iranian central bank chief Abdolnass-  from weapons-grade purity levels of
            vice foreign minister that the Iranian  Zarif on Monday reiterated the gov-  er Hemmati said his country would  90%.
            government cannot intervene in the  ernment’s  claim  that  the  vessel  was  not accept South Korea resorting to

                         Egypt, Germany, France, Jordan meet to revive Mideast talks

            (AP) — Egypt on Monday hosted  coming Biden administration.             build  800  new  settler  homes  in  the  state in the West Bank, Gaza and east
            the foreign ministers of Germany,                                       occupied  West  Bank,  a  move  that  Jerusalem, territories seized by Israel
            France and Jordan to discuss ways  Trump  has  sidelined  the  Palestinian  would  likely  anger  the  Palestinians  in the 1967 war. Israel withdrew from
            to revive peace talks between Is-   Authority,  recognized  Jerusalem  as  and could strain ties with the incom-  Gaza in 2005 but imposed a crippling
            rael and the Palestinians, a week  Israel’s  capital  and  moved  the  U.S.  ing Biden administration.      blockade when the Palestinian mili-
            before President-elect Joe Biden  Embassy  there  from  Tel  Aviv.  His                                     tant group Hamas seized power from
            takes office.                       administration  also  slashed  financial  Palestinian  Foreign  Minister  Riyad  Abbas’ forces in 2007.
                                                assistance for the Palestinians and re-  al-Malki said last month that the Pal-
            In  a  joint  statement,  the  ministers  versed  course  on  the  illegitimacy  of  estinian Authority was ready to coop-  There have been no substantive peace
            called  for  practical  steps  to  launch  Israeli settlements on land claimed by  erate with the Biden administration,  talks  between  Israel  and  the  Pales-
            “credible negotiations” between Isra-  the Palestinians.                and  urged  Israel  to  return  to  talks  tinians  since  Israeli  Prime  Minister
            el and thne Palestinians on achieving                                   based on a two-state solution for the  Benjamin Netanyahu was first elect-
            a Palestinian state with east Jerusalem  Egypt’s  President  Abdel  Fattah  el-  Israeli-Palestinian conflict.  ed more than a decade ago, and the
            as  its  capital  in  territory  Israel  cap-  Sissi  met  with  the  ministers  earlier                    two sides are fiercely divided over the
            tured in the 1967 Mideast war.      Monday, according to his office.    For more than three decades, the Pal-  core issues of the conflict.
                                                                                    estinians have sought an independent
            The ministers said they were ready to  The Egyptian leader said the efforts
            work with the U.S. to facilitate nego-  by  the  four  countries  are  aimed  at
            tiations that would lead to “a compre-  breaking the deadlock in the Middle
            hensive, just and lasting peace in the  East  peace  process,  “taking  into  ac-
            region.”                            count  the  political  changes  on  the
            “There is a willingness to see a close  regional and international stages.” He
            relationship  with  the  United  States  was  apparently  referring  to  Biden’s
            on  the  revival  of  the  peace  process  election and the establishment of ties
            that  will  have  to  be  carried  out  at  with Israel by four Arab countries —
            some point,” France’s Foreign Min-  the  United  Arab  Emirates,  Bahrain,
            ister Jean-Yves Le Drian told a joint  Sudan and Morocco.
            news conference following the meet-
            ing.                                In  the  news  conference,  Le  Drian
                                                urged  Israel  and  the  Palestinians  to
            The  Palestinians  suffered  numerous  commit to a solution to the conflict
            setbacks under the outgoing admin-  and  refrain  from  taking  uniliteral
            istration of President Donald Trump  measures.
            and have complained about what they
            say were pro-Israeli steps from Wash-  There  was  no  immediate  comment
            ington. They have said, however, that  from either Israel or the Palestinians.
            they are ready to work with the in-  Israel on Monday advanced plans to
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