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                                                                                                       sports Diamars 12 Januari 2021

                          The wait is almost over for NHL teams that missed playoffs

            (AP) — Jack Hughes of the New  Jack Eichel of the Sabres spent a lot
            Jersey Devils hadn't had a layoff  time  reflecting  on  how  fast  his  first
            like this since ... ever?           five  years  in  the  NHL  went.  Kyle
                                                Palmieri of the Devils returned to his
            More  than  100  NHL  players  from  family's farming roots and grew a gar-
            New  Jersey,  Buffalo,  Anaheim,  Los  den (he said the carrots needed more
            Angeles,  San  Jose,  Ottawa,  and  De-  patience).
            troit  have  not  played  a  meaningful
            hockey game since the league paused  Other  players  took  up  hobbies  or
            play  in  early  March  because  of  the  pumped  iron,  skated  when  they
            pandemic. Ten long months.          could and simply let their bodies heal
                                                at a leisurely rate. Devils center Tra-
            “I  don’t  think  I’ve  had,  I  guess,  10  vis Zajac, 35, said he felt great a week
            months of no games my whole life,”  into camp.
            said  the  19-year-old  Hughes,  the
            No. 1 overall pick in the 2019 draft.  What's  uncertain  is  how  the  teams
            “So,  obviously,  something  new.  But  coming  back  from  the  hiatus  will
            I mean, games are like riding a bike,  perform. Will they be fresher? A step
            you  could  say.  If  you’re  a  hockey  slow?
            player, it’s something that comes nat-
            urally.”                            “I  think  that’s  the  million-dollar
                                                question  that  everybody’s  searching
            It  has  been  an  eternity  for  Hughes  for,”  said  Sharks  defenseman  Erik
            and the rest in a sport predicated on  Karlsson,  who  joined  the  league  in
            rhythm,  repetition  and  teamwork,  a  2009. “But at the end of the day, we
            boring  stretch  unimaginable  to  ath-  don’t have much of a choice. It’s what                             showing  every  practice  matters  and
            letes  whose  lives  have  followed  a  we’re going to have to do. I think that  There were no preseason games, he  you want to make the team,” Bather-
            schedule that has rarely changed for  we’re  going  to  navigate  through  it  noted, so picking a team will be chal-  son said.
            years.                              the best way that we think we know  lenging.
                                                how.”                                                                   Ducks general manager Bob Murray
            As kids, they played pee-wee hockey                                     “Hopefully we have done our home-   said he is worried about the every-day
            at all hours of the day. When the rink  Sabres defenseman Jake McCabe said  work better than the other  groups,”  challenges with the pandemic spiking
            wasn't  available,  the  pond  was.  The  the last 10 months were like an ex-  McLellan said.               across  North  America.  NHL  teams
            long rides to tournaments, the steady  tended “Groundhog Day,” filled over                                  will  have  taxi  squads  to  call  up  ex-
            drumbeat of practices and workouts.  and  over  with  uncertainty  and  con-  The  Red  Wings  are  eager  to  start.  tra players in case of positive tests or
            Most of all, there were games.      cerns.  There  were  good  times,  too.  They had the worst record by far last  contact tracing.
                                                He and his wife, Gaby, had a baby girl  season  and  general  manager  Steve
            The  games  finally  return  for  every-  in April so they had a chance to watch  Yzerman  didn't  shell  out  a  lot  of  “It’s a real interesting puzzle," Mur-
            one with a compressed 56-game sea-  her grow together.                  money in free agency to bring in top  ray said. "You’ve really got to think,
            son that begins this week. It will be a                                 talent. Detroit coach Jeff Blashill has  and you have to plan, and you have
            fresh start for the 24 teams that made  “She’s  already  eight  months  old,  held high-intensity practices. He also  to be ready for hurdles and curveballs
            the  postseason  when  play  resumed  which  reminds  me  just  how  long  is hoping the three extra days of prac-  every single day. Things are going to
            Aug.  11.  It  will  be  something  more  we’ve  been  in  this  pandemic,”  Mc-  tice for non-playoff teams will help.  be different.”
            than  that  to  the  other  seven  whose  Cabe  said.  “Now  she  finally  gets  to
            players  had  weeks  on  end  without  see  what  her  dad  does  for  work  so  Forward  Drake  Batherson,  who  has  Kings coach Dallas Eakins felt hum-
            hockey.                             that’ll be fun to get back on the ice.  skated in 43 games with the Senators  bled  to  be  back  at  work,  and  at  the
                                                It really is crazy how long it’s been.”  over the past two seasons, worked out  same time lucky.
            Hughes  spent  time  in  Michigan  to                                   for two months in Nova Scotia with a
            work out out with his brothers, Quinn  During the pause, the Kings sent five  group of players that included Sidney  “There are so many people out there
            of the Vancouver Canucks and Luke,  players to Germany and had a couple  Crosby of the Penguins. The 22-year-  who have suffered and who are still
            one  of  the  top  prospects  in  juniors.  of prospects playing in Sweden. With  old arrived for camp in mid-Decem-  suffering,'  Eakins  said.  “We’ve  been
            He spent five days a week in the gym  training camp now open, Kings coach  ber and his approach has been simple.  allowed to come back and follow our
            and focused on eating healthy to add  Todd McLellan said players are mak-                                   passion. Our guys are very sensitive
            14 pounds to his 165-pound frame.   ing progress getting their hands, tim-  “I think you have to come to the rink  to it and we feel a great privilege to be
                                                ing and awareness back.             every day, treating it like a game and  able to come back.”

                           In blow to Wizards, Westbrook out a week with injured leg

            (AP) — Washington Wiz-       Westbrook  is  expected  to  jured  left  leg,  the  latest  end  of  the  week.  Washing-  Bryant  has  a  partially  torn
            ards  point  guard  Russell  sit out a week with an in-   blow  to  a  team  that  en-  ton is scheduled to play five  anterior cruciate ligament in
                                                                      tered  Monday  with  a  2-8  games through next Monday.   his left knee. Bryant is likely
                                                                      record.                                                   to miss the rest of the season.
                                                                                                   Westbrook,  acquired  shortly  He was one of only two play-
                                                                      The Wizards announced be-    before  the  preseason  in  the  ers who started each of Wash-
                                                                      fore  Monday  night’s  game  trade  that  sent  John  Wall  to  ington’s first 10 games.
                                                                      against the Phoenix Suns that  the Houston Rockets, is aver-
                                                                      Westbrook's  left  quadriceps  aging 19.3 points, 11.3 assists  He  was  injured  in  the  first
                                                                      was hurt because of “repeated  and  9.7  rebounds  through  quarter  of  a  128-124  loss  to
                                                                      contact to the area since the  seven  games  with  the  Wiz-  the  visiting  Miami  Heat  on
                                                                      beginning of the season.”    ards,  including  four  triple-  Saturday.
                                                                                                   doubles. He is shooting just
                                                                      The  team  said  the  2016-17  37.8% so far.              That was Washington’s third
                                                                      league  MVP  for  the  Okla-                              consecutive  defeat  overall
                                                                      homa  City  Thunder  and  The  update  on  Westbrook’s  and  dropped  coach  Scott
                                                                      nine-time All-NBA selection  status  comes  a  day  after  the  Brooks’ team to 0-5 at home
                                                                      would be re-evaluated at the  Wizards said center Thomas  this season.
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