Page 11 - AHATA
P. 11

                       Friday 1 March 2024

            Aruba’s Nature is to be Cherished

            ST.  CRUZ  —  The  national  Tern  (Sternula  antillarum)  Papiamento.  This  unusual  forbidden  to  drive  on  the  vehicle. Treasure our island
            park  Arikok  comprises  al-  keeps a strict eye on a very  looking bird forages in shal-  sand dunes in the Northern  to enjoy it like you do: as a
            most 18 % of the island. Its  special event taking place  low  muddy  water  while  part  of  the  island  and  all  tropical  and  natural  para-
            rugged  terrain,  desert-like  below  on  the  beach:  a  sweeping  its  flattened  bill  beaches  in  Aruba  are  for-  dise. We truly appreciate it!
            hills  filled  with  tall  cacti,  majestic Leatherback (Der-  from  side  to  side  to  catch  bidden  for  any  motorized
            breathtaking coastline and  mochelys coriacea) heads  small  fish,  crustaeceans
            protected  local  flora  and  back  to  sea  after  laying  and other aquatic inverte-
            fauna  welcome  you  to  be  her  eggs,  while  another  brates. The Roseate Spoon-
            explored.  There  is  numer-  nest laid 2 months ago by  bill remains an uncommon
            ous wildlife to discover like  the  same  female  hatches.  sight as they are vulnerable
            for  example  the  sea  turtle  A  very  rare  occurrence  to  degradation  of  feeding
            who  lays  his  eggs  on  the  of  daytime  nesting  and  and nesting habitats (Wet-
            park’s  beaches.  There  are  hatching.  Sea  turtles  pre-  lands).  (Source:  arikok  na-
            more  places  on  the  island  fer nesting in the cool and  tional park)
            that  are  a  preserved  area  dark hours of the night. And
            like the Bubali Plas which is  hatchlings  usually  wait  for  The  aforementioned  is  just
            a bird sanctuary.            the cue of cooling surface  a part of what Aruba’s na-
                                         sand before emerging.        ture  has  to  offer.  We  can-
            The  national  park  Arikok                               not stress enough to go, see
            takes you on a memorable  Bubali Magic                    for  yourself.  The  island  has
            journey  of  the  islands  past  This  beautiful  close-up  im-  the  most  beautiful  beach-
            offering unique geological,  age of the pink bird is cour-  es  but  it  is  also  worthwhile
            cultural and historical sites.  tesy  of  Michiel  Overstee-  to go beyond this and get
            These  can  all  be  enjoyed  gen  of  the  Aruba  Birdlife  an idea of our entire island.
            and  explored  either  on  Conservation.  This  impor-    Lately  there  is  a  discussion
            your own or during guided  tant foundation showcases  going on about the effect
            tours. A wide variety of ed-  and  builds  awareness  of  certain  activities  have  on
            ucational  and  informative  Aruba’s birds and other na-  our nature, for example the
            programs and fun activities  tive  flora  and  fauna.  You  ATV vehicles cause a lot of
            is available.                may  have  seen  a  ‘pink  dust,  noise  and  leave  tire
                                         cloud’  lately  at  the  Bubali  tracks. Animals live in these
            Did  you  know  that  four  of  or  Spanish  Lagoon  Wet-  areas  where  the  vehicles
            the  in  total  seven  species  lands areas? It’s most likely  run,  often  with  high  speed
            of  sea  turtle  lay  their  eggs  to  be  Roseate  Spoonbills  and  with  detrimental  con-
            on  Aruba's  beaches?  In  (Ajaia ajaja) or ‘Chucharon  sequences to flora and fau-
            the  national  park,  a  Least  Cora’ as they are known in  na. Motorized vehicles are

            Helpful tips for your stay on Aruba

            (Oranjestad)—When traveling to another coun-    Electrical power                                though, most supermarkets are open from 8am
            try, especially for the first time, it is always better  Aruba generally operates on 110V to 127V sup-  to  9  or  10pm,  Monday  through  Saturday.  On
            to be over-prepared than under-prepared. That  ply voltage and 60Hz. There are also three types  Sundays,  supermarkets  generally  close  earlier;
            is why we have a list of basic—but important—   of outlets used on the island: type A with two flat  mostly around 2pm.
            information that we think may come in handy to  prongs; type B with two flat and one grounding
            Aruba’s visitors.                               prong, and on occasion, type F with two round  Taxis
                                                            prong and two earth clips on the side. Howev-   Prices  for  taxi  fair  are  set  by  the  Department
            Emergency services                              er,  Type  A  is  most  commonly  found  in  homes  of Public Traffic and are based on destination
            Even though most people don’t even want to  and establishments.                                 rather than mileage. Most taxis can take up to
            think about having to contact emergency ser-                                                    five passengers, but this may vary depending
            vices—especially not while on their vacation, it  Drinking water                                on  the  vehicle.  Taxis  are  pretty  much  always
            is  still  important  to  know  what  number  to  dial  The water that flows through the sinks of every  available and you can ever hire one for $50 an
            in case of the unlikely event of an accident or  house,  hotels  and  other  establishments  is  dis-  hour.
            severe incident.                                tilled and perfectly safe to drink. Aruba’s drink-
                                                            ing  water  exceeds  WHO’s  international  stan-  Safety
            Police: 100                                     dards for water quality, so there is no need to  Aruba is one of the safest islands in the Caribbe-
            Police Tipline: 11141                           buy bottled water from the store.               an, and many tourist that visit have often told us
            Ambulance: 911                                                                                  how they feel safe to explore the island or walk
            Fire Dept: 115                                  Supermarket hours                               around at night. However, rare incidents do oc-
            Oranjestad: HOH hospital: +297-527-4000         Supermarket  hours  may  vary  depending  on  curs, so keep yourself and your belongings safe.
            San Nicolas: ImSan: +297-527-8833               where you are staying on the island. Generally
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