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Aruba’s famous
Friday Red Anchor
March 1, 2024
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A r u b a ’ s O N L Y E n g l i s h n e w s p a p e r Page 10
U.S. adults fracture along party lines in support for Ukraine military
funding, AP-NORC poll finds
Associated Press
Russia makes battlefield
advances and Ukrainian
soldiers run short on am-
munition, U.S. adults have
become fractured along
party lines in their support
for sending military aid to
Kyiv, according to a poll
from The Associated Press-
NORC Center for Public Af-
fairs Research.
Democrats are more likely
to say the U.S. government
is spending "too little" on
funding for Ukraine than
they were in November, but
most Republicans remain
convinced it's "too much."
That divide is reflected in
Congress, where the Dem-
ocratic-held Senate — with
help from 22 GOP sena-
tors — passed a $95 billion
package of aid for Ukraine,
Israel and Taiwan ear-
lier this month. But the bill,
which includes roughly $60
billion in military support for
Kyiv, has languished in the
Republican-held House as Ukrainians and their supporters carry a huge Ukrainian flag during a rally at the National Mall near the Lincoln Memorial in Wash-
Speaker Mike Johnson has ington, Saturday, Feb. 24, 2024.
so far refused to bring it up Associated Press
for a vote.
President Joe Biden, along to take up the foreign aid opinions haven’t changed creasing Ukraine aid has The share of Democrats
with top Democrats and package, but Johnson re- significantly since the fall: grown among Democrats. who say the U.S. is spend-
Senate Republican Leader sponded by saying that 55% say the U.S. is spending About 4 in 10 Democrats ing “too much” or “about
Mitch McConnell, passion- Congress "must take care too much on Ukraine aid, say the U.S. is spending the right amount” has also
ately urged the Republican of America's needs first." compared to 59% in No- “too little” on aid to Ukraine dropped over the same
speaker during a White Most Republicans still share vember. in the war against Russia, period.
House meeting this week Johnson’s view, and their Meanwhile, support for in- up from 17% in November. Continued on next page