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                    Tuesday 10 March 2020
            Aruba to Me

            ORANJESTAD  —  Aruba  Today  wel-    give  permission  to  The  Aruba  To-
            comes readers to participate in our  day Newspaper, Caribbean Speed
            newspaper. You can see that in our  Printers  and  any  of  its  affiliated
            Honored  Guest-publications,  spe-   companies  to  use  said  materials,
            cials  like  on  Valentine’s  Day  and  as well as names, likeness, etc. for
            on  other  occasions.  Throughout  promotional purposes without com-
            the year you are always welcome  pensation.
            to send us your vacation picture(s)
            together  with  completing  the  sen-  Last  but  not  least:  check  out  our
            tence: Aruba to me is …….. (Email:  website  and  Facebook  page!
                   Thank  you  for  supporting  our  free
            Please do note: By submitting pho-   newspaper, we strive to make you
            tos, text or any other materials, you  a happy reader every day again.q

                                                                                        Jayne Sullivan from Troy, Maine.

                                                                                        She wrote:
                                                                                        Aruba to me ……... A reminder of God’s grace and the magnificent
                                                                                        beauty of His creation!

                                                                                                                                Eileen  McDonald  from
                                                                                                                                Readville, Massachusetts

                                                                                                                                Aruba  to  me  ……...
                                                                                                                                Heaven  in  the  palm  of
                                                                                                                                your hands!!

                                                                                        Dr Vincent and Angela Castellano from New Jersey USA
              Sue Tedesco Saratoga Springs.
                                                                                        They wrote:
              She wrote:                                                                Aruba to me ……... Sometimes getting up early for you Palapa has
              Aruba to me ……... 20 years of Friendship!
                                                                                        a wonderful reward!!
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