Page 10 - AHATA
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locAl Monday 14 May 2018
Aruba’s Life luxury
approach completion
NOORD – As Aruba’s Life that all your needs are tak-
luxury condominiums ap- en care of in one place,
proach completion in 2018 whether you‘re on a sum-
the project offers afford- mer holiday or escaping
able and spacious home the cold winter months.
ownership in Aruba. For more information or to
make an appointment to
Located in Noord, only 5 preview Aruba’s Life Con- TOLL FREE 1 866 978 61 92
minutes away from Aruba’s dominiums phone the toll + 297 699 29 79
pristine Palm Beach, hot- free number at 1 866 978
test casinos, restaurants 6192 or local number at 297 FOLLOW US ON: @arubaslife
and night clubs. Aruba’s 699-2979. q |
Life offers uniquely de-
signed condominiums with
a variety of condos in sev-
en different combinations
with floor plan variations on
bedrooms, bathrooms and
living spaces to accommo-
date your perfect fit.
Aruba’s Life condos also
include separate storage
units for each condo, se-
cure private parking, op-
tional housekeeping ser-
vices, a fully equipped gym
and beach tennis court.
The poolside restaurant of-
fers delicious cocktails and
tasty treats to enjoy while
relaxing by the pool and
garden area. Or you may
prefer to take advantage
of the daily shuttle service
to and from Aruba Pam
The Rental Management
Service will also assistance
you with renting your con-
do hassle free and gener-
ate profit while you are not
using your property.
You can relax knowing